Spoof kingly!

Sid 2022-10-16 07:03:19

The whole film is filled with a strong spoof atmosphere, which makes people can't help but laugh.
1. The beautiful girls wearing mini skirts and high heels walking like a lotus leaf in the wind are actually members of the national security agency.
2. The leader of the terrorist organization that caused the CIA's headaches was also a young and beautiful girl.
3. This underworld leader, the beauty with a huge figure and a face is actually a lesbian.
4. It turned out to be a lesbian date when the giants that made the supervisory agencies think unsuccessfully met.
5. People in the surveillance department are better at swinging than using electronic products.
6. Every time someone who snatches money goes, he will scatter diamonds (they followed her, but I didn’t catch her to hang diamonds for a long time~)
7. The love between good and evil characters is no longer the vulgarity of a man and a woman. The routine, but one woman after another.
8. For the sake of love, the villain writes essays for the decent, and the topic is still about himself.
9. Insufficient ability but got the title of Miss Full Score is because her liar skills have been tested to be perfect, and she can't even think of an excuse for breaking up.
10. There is no bloodshed and no sacrifices, the result of the struggle between the evil black and the white is that everyone washes it out together.
There are many interesting shots, so I won’t write them one by one. In short, this film is too funny. You can’t watch it with a serious mind. This is not 007. It will only appear in onion movie reports. We have to go through it. In essence, looking at the phenomenon, this world is still a spoof king!

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D.E.B.S. quotes

  • Janet: [watching Amy and Lucy flirt] Correct me if I'm wrong, but your friend seems to be hitting on my friend.

    Scud: You're not wrong

    Janet: Yeah, but my friends, not into that.

    Scud: [under breath] Right.

  • Lucy: Look, let's just pretend that we're in Barcelona, and you're in art school, and I'm renting sailboats to tourists, and no one's a super hero and no one's a villain, we're just us.

    [Amy looks at her smitten, and kisses her]