do not know what will happen
I just know that this is just the beginning
the I of Think i Lost IT
Let Me Come across you know IF IT
Let Me know the let the I IF IT A Fall Along the Back Road Somewhere
Money CAN 't replace it
No memory can erase it
And I know I am never gonna find another one to compare
Give me some love to fill me up
Give me some time, give me some stuff
Give me a sing
Give me some kind of reason
Are you heavy enough to make me stay?
I feel like I might blow away
I thought I was in heaven
But I was only dreaming
I think I lost it
Let me know if you come across it
Let me know if I let it fall along a back road somewhere
Money can't replace it
No memory can erase it
And I know I am never gonna find another one to compare
I just wanna live the life I please
I don't want no enemies
I don't want nothing if I have to fake it
Never take nothing don't belong to me
Everything's paid for,Nothing's free
If I give my heart, Will you promise not to break it?
I think I lost it
Let me know if you come across it
Let me know if I let it fall a the Back Road Somewhere Along
Money not the replace IT CAN
No Memory the ERASE IT CAN
And the I know the I AM Never gonna to the Compare the Find Another One
look at these luxury backing group, the process of making this film feel some super interesting.
In the film, the heroine wants to open up Roberts, and likes her true reaction in the confusion.
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