Men like simple women

Esta 2022-01-16 08:02:28

The stereotypes of middle-class families and the indifference of intellectual couples are an important theme in Western movies.
Bergman, Antonioni, and Woody Allen are experts in such movies. In this film, William Hurt, known as the last nobleman of the United States, once again plays a middle-aged man in crisis with his usual melancholy and wandering, who is always weak and needs the warmth of a woman. Katherine Turner is the representative of a typical elegant and intellectual American woman. It is such a seemingly perfect couple that is no match for the secular but determined and passionate dog trainer played by Gina Davis. And Gina has always been the spokesperson of strong women, and won the Golden Image Award for this film.

After I watched the movie, I once again confirmed my belief that men like simple women.
Men of any class cannot resist - some are because of fear, a simple, passionate, straightforward and optimistic woman.
In the wrong thinking of most of our women, it seems that men like Xiaoniairen or lilac-like melancholy women, or elegant intellectual women, this is an illusion.
Of course, on the surface, they always pretend to admire or use these kinds of women as the criteria for choosing a wife, but deep down, what they long for is always that kind of warm and simple woman.

I once went to a wedding, and I found that all men were attracted by a female guest in her 40s rather than a bride. In fact, she was just an ordinary tall woman, a cheerful, enthusiastic, and almost vulgar office clerk. I think she is of low taste and coquettish like a half-aged milf, so she can't look down on her, but the eyes of men are all locked by her, she is the queen of the night. I have been puzzled by how men like women like this. Even if those men will not marry them home, I can conclude that they will not refuse to develop a closer personal relationship with her.
Is it because they feel that they are going to collapse, too fake, and want to release it?

Maybe it's because I read too many literature and art books, young intellectual women are very poisoned, and desperately portray themselves as dignified and elegant ladies even if they are not Grace Kelly. It is best to add a little melancholic temperament, right? Isn't it touching?
Yes, but it may not work. If you are smart and pitiful every day, and always ask you to guess what I want today, use the obscure way of confusion, and be over-reserved, then the man will be scared away by you. Of course, if you carry it every day The elegant posture of Jacqueline or Audrey will bore him over time. So you know why Kennedy and Mel Feller are looking for a so-called tacky woman while guarding such a big beauty. Hugh Grant actually went to find an old and ugly prostitute, right?
Men's tastes are extremely changeable, don't think of them too noble, they are not as evil as you think, their taste is not good, and they are afraid of trouble.
Therefore, Socrates’ wife is a shrew, and Dr. Johnson’s wife is a red-haired widow who can only cook. These two men can be regarded as wise men among men, but their choice is two words, simple.

Marx had a maid mistress, Engels’ girlfriend was an Irish female worker, and Rousseau and Heine’s lovers were ignorant women, how?

Simple, bold, and a woman who dared to say that I want can always get a man in one fell swoop. I remembered how Father Sergey was so abstinent that he was almost a saint, but was subdued by an innocent girl. There is no shortage of such things in life. People are afraid of trouble, especially the middle-aged man, tired of responsibility and running around, and the stereotype and depression of the middle class wearing a mask, so he has to vent, indulge, and escape from women in a simple way. Fear of aging and death. Men are more vulnerable than women and cannot tolerate pain.

So I think a woman's appearance is not the most important thing, it's character. If you have an optimistic and positive attitude, you can make men feel you can rely on, at least not so tired, that is a valuable asset. Don't you want to rely on him! You have to be like a mother and a prostitute!

So, keep it simple, intellectual women, even if they are pretends.

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The Accidental Tourist quotes

  • Muriel Pritchett: If I could go anywhere, I'd go to Paris. It sounds so romantic.

    Macon: Paris - is terrible. Everybody's impolite.

    Muriel Pritchett: Take me with you next time. I could show you the good parts.

    Macon: I have a very limited expense account. I never even took my wife! My wife?

    Muriel Pritchett: I was only teasing. Did you think I meant it?

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    Charles Leary: It's a problem with this family - directions.