Through the waves of the past and the present

Lucie 2022-01-16 08:02:36

It was an afternoon in the autumn of 1994. I was bored and walked into the movie theater. Today's video news was written on the small blackboard at the ticket window: "Evil and West Poison". There were only more than 10 people in the 1,200-seat cinema that day. Most of them were couples. I was the only one in the row. Many years later, I can still clearly recall the scene at that moment, the lights dimmed, the music rang, the drums burst, a beam of light pierced the darkness, and the purple-gold waves of the sea reflected on the screen now, there was no shore, no There are no rocks, no clouds, no sky, no sails and boats. Only the ocean waves, never ending.
Then came the face of Dongxiexidu.
That was the first time I was tempted by the sea. The sea on the screen was shimmering, magnificent and desolate, and the music hit the heart like waves of tides. I was in a dilapidated cinema in a small town surrounded by mountains and suddenly wanted to see the sea.
On the day Ouyang Feng returned to Baituo Mountain, the almanac read: The stagehorse moves, the fire pushes the gold, and the west is great.
A few years later, I left that city. I walked southwest and came to the beach.
In fact, I wanted to cross the sea, but I didn’t know why I lived there. Over ten years.
In fact, the beach is pretty good. Although you can't afford a house in Yihai, you have the opportunity to face the sea. In front of me is the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea, and to the south is the East China Sea. Legend has it that there is a peach blossom island in the East China Sea. A beautiful girl and her surly father live on the island. At first I thought it was true.
For two years I used to run on the coastal road, sometimes a group of people, sometimes a few people, and then only myself. As I ran, I counted the lampposts on the side of the road. From Fujiazhuang to Yan'noling, the number was 52 when I went, 53 when I came back, or the other way around. The total number is not clear. From winter to spring, I saw the hills on the coast turn from brown to green, and clusters of winter jasmine, azalea, peach, apricot, and sophora japonica were in full bloom on the mountain. When running, I sweat a lot, and some of my thoughts flow out, and I feel refreshed. The sea level is sometimes near and sometimes far away.
The first time I walked Binhai Road with me was a girl. She liked to find faults and laugh at me. She smiled with crooked eyes. Yin Susu said to Zhang Wuji, when you grow up, you must beware of women deceiving you, the better-looking women will deceive others. She lied to Zhang Cuishan, and finally took her own life. I think there are so many scammers in this world. No matter how you watch out, you will always be deceived. They are either here or there. Then, it is better to find a good-looking woman. If you are deceived by a good-looking woman, you won’t be able to talk about it. It's embarrassing. Therefore, for so many years, I have always fallen in love with good-looking women, and slowly discovered that when a woman lied to others, I actually lied to myself first.
For a while, I recorded the original sound of the movie on a tape and played it repeatedly in the rented cabin, listening to Ouyang Feng saying: When I have nothing to do, I will look at Baituo Mountain. I clearly remember that there was a woman waiting for me over there. …Actually, "Drunk in the Dream" is just a joke she made to me. The more you want to know if you have forgotten, the more clearly you remember. I once heard people say that when you can no longer have it, the only thing you can do is to make yourself not forget.
That was a long time ago. I heard that the ultimate version of "Evil East and West Poison" was about to be released. This time I probably didn't see it on the big screen, so Lala thought of some past events. The "Flower Out of the Qingzhang" that I was watching mentioned a koan "How is the Buddha coming from the West?", the monk Zhaozhou replied, cypress seeds in front of the court. Among all kinds of weird answers, this one is my favorite. The author said, in fact, the meaning of the answer is not important. There is no past mind, some are only remembering in the present mind, and there is no future mind, and some are just delusions in the present mind. Only now is the heart. There is no heart in the past, so how can there be the intention of the Buddha in the past?
I remember that there is very little water in "Evil East and West Poison", and the most are deserts, Gobi, loess, and peach blossoms. I just don't know why, I think-ten years ago, and ten years later, I still feel that there are waves of the sea in every frame of it.
This is my heart now.

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Ashes of Time quotes

  • The Woman: Why didn't you let him know I live here?

    Huang Yao-shi: You didn't ask me to.

    The Woman: [sobbing] You are too honest!

  • Blind Swordsman: My doctor said I will go completely blind when I reach 30.

    Ou-yang Feng: So how old are you?

    Blind Swordsman: Almost 30.