Very classic Adventure, Thriller genre film, fluent, fast-paced.
Impossible tasks are accomplished with a team of top-notch minds and skills, a seamless and flawless plan, an opponent who is always one step late, is always fooled, and inspiration that will always come up in desperation. .
There are two special points in the film:
The first is the interpretation of "Passions": "Unnecessary. Unessential. But it means everything." It is the purest devotion and perseverance to things without all distractions, rules and constraints.
The second is a way of thinking: "Don't overthink, keep it si-mple." Sometimes the secret of life from desperation is contained in the most concise and essential principles. At the beginning of all things, from the avenue to simplicity, evolving to complexity, and to the end of complexity, it is the time to return to simplicity.
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