#麦格芬迷# The 11th issue of "The Witness with a Guilty Conscience" Recommended Star: Two-star Keywords: Straightforward; Gossip; Reality Hitchcock looks like that kind of bad fat, he knows the most insomnia I like crazy thinking, and I deliberately made up such a story, which makes people think about it. The rope in my hand can hardly be more straightforward, but the more the audience loves to watch such works, you are not surprised. The owner of a supermarket is very enthusiastic. There is a couple living upstairs. The handsome man has various lace scandals, so he often fights with women. Everyone has a heart of gossip.
On the one hand, people say that they don’t care about other people’s homes, but on the other hand they can’t help but figure out what happened to other people’s homes. When something hasn't happened, guess the unnecessarily things. And when something really happened, the enthusiastic crowd became even more excited, playing a detective game, and when someone came to investigate, they couldn't help but step in and analyze it.
People like to play life, but if they think too much, they tend to think that what they think is reality. There may be such things happening in reality, but don’t think things too lightly for yourself. Reality is often more complicated and one-sided. Knowledge is only bad for you, not good.
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