How good you say that should be

Kenyon 2022-01-16 08:02:36

I remember that it should be 1997. It was the first time that I went to the video room to watch "Evil Evil West Poison" with my two cousins.
As a result, I didn't understand it.

In 2004, one day, in the afternoon at work, I looked at the movie I just downloaded.
Before I finished watching this time, I shed tears in my seat on the spot. Fortunately, I had my seat back to the window. No one saw my red eyes.

At that time, I began to understand the helplessness and sadness in this movie. What you can’t get, what you can’t let go, what you can’t go back, what you can’t forget, or, if you’re confused, I hope you can’t remember the pain and are drunk all day long...

Wang Kar-wai is too cruel. The most painful things in the world come together. This movie is basically a standard model for the desperate and hopeless lives of modern people.

Why do I remember to say this, because of a revelation broadcast by Miss Xiaoyu. It turns out that there are really places in this world that sell "Drunken Life and Dream of Death", and not only do they sell it, but also people buy it.

Memories roll back to 2005.
The sturdy Korean man who used to chase me went to Shanghai. That summer, he always took a bus and walked for a few minutes. He came to the door of the unit at two or three o'clock in the afternoon to sell me a cute and find someone to bring it in. Several flavours took turns until I told him that I liked the taste of chocolate the most. If it was a quarrel, he would buy fruit, and then the text message told me which should be eaten.
Although it's a good meal every time, I basically don't move.
So Jiajia always liked him coming, or she liked us quarreling better.
When the summer was almost over, he had to leave for Shanghai for his registered permanent residence.
I think no matter how hard I try, I still can't do what he hopes.
He is tired, I am tired too. So I used a few lines from this movie to say goodbye to him in space.

"Everyone will go through this stage, and when they see a mountain, they want to know what is behind the mountain. I really want to tell him that maybe after going over the mountain, you will find nothing special."
"Everyone sticks to their beliefs. In the eyes of others, it may be a waste of time, but in her opinion, it is very important."
"I have heard people say that when you can no longer have it, the only thing you can do, Just let yourself not forget."

At that time, I didn't know if he understood. Because I deleted all the last space. But this word about "drunken life, dream of death" and the movie story behind this word are deeply in my heart. In the movie, Maggie Cheung said to Leung Ka-fai to Leslie Cheung who was far away: "...There is a kind of wine called "Drunk Life Dreaming Death... After drinking, you can forget many things... ........................The biggest worry of people is that they have a good memory...If you can forget everything...every day It's a new good it should be, you say. "A

sturdy man married, a typical Taurus. He said that he did not match his appearance at home. I know, I remember the look when he sent me away in the car. I knew he was in love at home at that

time . Ashes of time, it was me. blessing of.

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Ashes of Time quotes

  • The Woman: Why didn't you let him know I live here?

    Huang Yao-shi: You didn't ask me to.

    The Woman: [sobbing] You are too honest!

  • Blind Swordsman: My doctor said I will go completely blind when I reach 30.

    Ou-yang Feng: So how old are you?

    Blind Swordsman: Almost 30.