Was it true that I would never break up when I woke up the next day?

Florine 2022-10-21 10:25:52

With a score of 7.2, I still like this stage-style movie. The first half is very joyful, and the second half is very embarrassing. After watching it, I feel refreshed, and the actors' performances are all good, which is fine.

Key words for myself: self-analysis, friendship, group refraction in personal images, ending...nothing has changed. However, if it were me, I might break up the next day...

After watching "Dear Tenant" and "The Name Engraved in Your Heart", these are Taiwanese literary and artistic films, and then watching "Band Boy" and this American film, the differences in culture and style really make people feel very Interesting, this is the charm and meaning of the movie, let us see different colors.

In fact, I quite like this stylized scene on the stage, which allows me to focus more on the characters and the story, and has a sense of prying reality.

"Band Boys" is about a birthday party where a straight man accidentally broke in, breaking the seemingly joyous party belonging to six gay friends and driving the party crazy. The first third is really joyful, unburdened and relaxed. Every stalk is almost laughing at me. The atmosphere in the back becomes more and more tense. Mike is like taking gunpowder. The only purpose is to destroy, but I feel pretty cool after reading it.

You will see that every glamorous appearance that is carefully taken care of is a protective layer of fragile self-esteem; taking off the coat, everyone has their own scars that cannot be recovered.

Mike, holding unemployment benefits, uses luxury goods to maintain his self-esteem; he hates being gay, but he always pretends to be happy; he admires Donald, but he wants to behave indifferently; he wants to be something that everyone likes. My friend revealed that he is actually a sad and pitiful person who bases his self-esteem on others and ridicules others for failure. I hurt others and myself, but I only dare to use alcohol as an excuse to deceive myself with Mass. Mike's aggressive performance due to anxiety and tension left the second half of the movie in a state of extreme discomfort and embarrassment. I really wanted to beat him several times!

Lovers deeply in love with each other, but because of the different concepts of life and love, and often suspicion and quarrel, the couple almost fell from the edge of collapse, but fortunately the long rope of Yue Lao tied a knot on them. They remind me a little bit of the lover in "Borrowed Time". I think this kind of love that requires constant patience, retreat, and self-torture will not last long after all, but I actually underestimated the power of love.

我最喜欢的埃默里,真的是一个小可爱,刚刚被人揍完,回过头就帮人家说话撑腰,而他的故事是他最刻骨铭心的爱,一场永远不会得到回应的单恋, So straight men are really fire pits. I really want to have a girlfriend like Emery~ Although Mike laughed at Emery for being ugly, people who don't like him must be blind!

Bernard, always a little cautious, unconfident black gay, ignorant of a sexual affair in youth, for one person may be a lifetime of beauty and hope, for another person may be just a joke, this It's reality. One day, we will come out.

Harold, the late birthday star on PARTY, although he has unhealed injuries, although he always needs to use makeup to cover himself, he needs to use "HIGH" to paralyze himself, but he is the one who lives the most understanding, perhaps righteous Because of this, after Mike attacked him so mercilessly, after Mike ruined his birthday PARTY like a monster crossing the border, he could still tell Mike: call you tomorrow. This sentence.

Donald, our favorite peacock, this characterization should be the most unsuccessful. There are not a few lines, and he is always alone quietly. Maybe he is the person that GAY people dream of existence, so he doesn’t You need to say too much, do too much, just let everyone think for themselves, you see that his career is a little bit. . . Cough.

In fact, I quite like the Midnight Cowboy, who is just stupid, especially the last words he and Harold said when they got home, which was a bit heartbreaking.

Finally, it is Mike's classmate Alan. What happened to him is one of the unsolved mysteries of this movie, but it is certainly not because of the deep cabinet. (Another unsolved mystery is what is written in the frame that Mike gave Harold?) It is because of his arrival that brought disaster to this PARTY, but that can’t be regarded as his fault, he is just one It's just a small fuse.

I haven't seen the original version, let alone the stage play, so there is no harm if there is no comparison! Overall, I still like it.

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The Boys in the Band quotes

  • [while calling Hank on the other line]

    Larry: It's for you, Hank!

  • Michael: There's a nothing quite like feeling sorry for yourself.

    Donald: Nothing in the world.