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Jarrod 2022-10-29 06:48:16

In fact, I know the book too well.

An artist is like what he said, "No valuable art is created in happiness." "Ambition, narcissism, sexuality, anger, these are the driving forces of artistic creation."

Rather than saying that he "don't know what's wrong with him", it's better to say that he doesn't want to "normally communicate" with people around him. He was an asshole deliberately, and he sorrows for himself in his heart while not coming out

"I don't know what's wrong with me"

"I'm a bastard, of course I know... Of course I know"


This "sorrow of the family" allows him to create better works.

It sounds cruel, but it might be. Because I also did something like this once... For decades, I let myself indulge in the grief of not being able to love the one I love. When I have a very happy life, I bought drunk and watched a desperate movie at night, crying and enjoying it. The pain and joy of grief, and then a lot of words... But in fact we are still good friends who are still in touch, and I have nothing unusual when we get along...

So I have no doubt or forgiveness for the fact that the father is a bastard, but of course the ending of the movie must be the son’s reconciliation.

Hard and unbuckle one star but

Film photography plus one star! I love silver salt particles!

The films at the end of the film are so beautiful!

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Kodachrome quotes

  • Ben: You like your women damaged?

    Matt Ryder: No, you like to damage yours.

  • Ben: Every star in the sexual galaxy is lined up. You couldn't seal the deal? What do you need, landing lights between her legs?

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