What's going on in 2020, will the heads of the pandemic be awkward?

Nicolette 2022-10-05 20:14:09

What happened this year? Isn’t it just an epidemic? Not only does the economy mess up, but how come movies are all bad movies?

Is it not easy to keep my head isolated for too long? Can a story of a werewolf make a movie with great fanfare?

Werewolves, sheriffs, beauties, every normal one.

The sheriff is like crazy, hitting this and scolding that, expelling this and dismissing that? Do you think the police station really belongs to your family, and the whole mania?

The beauties, too, have really carried forward the American spirit of not being afraid of death from the epidemic, and serial killers are not afraid, one by one, silly to die?

On the other hand, this werewolf felt mentally ill, but he could kill people without being mentally ill. What was so special about him as a mentally ill killer, he finally didn't figure it out.

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Extended Reading

The Wolf of Snow Hollow quotes

  • Sheriff Hadley: Oh my god! What is this 11 new emails on this thing this morning.. Jesus Christ, this is worse than my birthday...

  • Sheriff Hadley: You're gonna have a hard time getting my generation off the stage. Willie Nelson's still doing concerts!

    John Marshall: Yeah, I mean, to be fair, Dad, Willie Nelson is a guitar player and he's not doing a lot of heavy police work.