Trembling deep cabinet

Gaetano 2022-09-22 08:49:16

Mickey is the main theme, there is a birthday star who doesn't know what he is doing, a deep cabinet with red eyes, a group of like-minded friends, and basic love. After watching it, I still didn’t explain why Alan called Mickey. I guessed gently, whether the whole show is what Alan is doing in the movie, everyone blushing and heartbeat are doing something courageously doing, calling someone he loves. Tell him that he loves him.

I was crushed by a lesbian for three years in high school. It can’t be said to be a crush, because all aspects are quite obvious. After I knew it, I deliberately reduced contact. Thinking about it now, after graduation, she remembers my fixed phone number, and she called my home when she was in college. After two phone calls, after graduating for many years, she contacted me on QQ. The last time she contacted me, she was about to get married. I confessed that I was a straight daughter through and through. After me, she was probably really interested in me, and even surpassed the interest of boys in me. I have never met a man who would never forget me like this.

I know that kind of deepness and kind of attachment. Although I refuse to accept it, Alan probably did the same to Mickey. He called Mickey three times in a row. When he was fragile, his face was pale and desperate to see him. A tall and decent middle-aged man, he regrets and repeats. , In the end, he had to suddenly show up. Apart from deep love, I couldn't find any other reasonable explanation.

Everyone is being themselves. Apart from feeling ashamed of not being loved back, they all accept themselves comfortably and find partners like themselves. There are gangs that help and love each other in an organized way. Except for those who are not loved, love back. The same is true for heterosexuality. If this matter is placed in a heterosexuality plot, it seems to become ordinary, but if the person I love does not love me, or does not love him more than me, I will be lost. Probably confessing to someone who doesn't love you is fundamentally embarrassing.

Alan seemed to have the words to say to Mickey, because of Mickey's persuasion, I am afraid that Alan already knew that he did not love his answer, and the heart that was about to be held out, shiveringly retracted.

Only Mickey didn't notice it, and her boyfriend noticed it on weekends, only he called him Mickey.

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The Boys in the Band quotes

  • [while calling Hank on the other line]

    Larry: It's for you, Hank!

  • Michael: There's a nothing quite like feeling sorry for yourself.

    Donald: Nothing in the world.