Although there is dissatisfaction, it will not change anything

Ettie 2022-10-11 11:19:47

A declining small town, an interesting video, a veteran farmer, angrily denounced the Republican mayor for his unfair handling of immigration issues. The video seemed unintentionally seen by Gary, one of the leaders of the Democratic campaign advisory team. Gary felt that this was a good opportunity to insert a nail in the heart of the Republican Party, so he personally went to persuade the farmer to participate in the market as a Democratic candidate. Long campaign.

When Gary came to the town to start the process of subverting the Republican rule, enjoying the pleasure of killing a chicken with a sledge-knife, Faith, one of the leaders of the Republican campaign advisory team, an old opponent and lover, also came to the town. So the two soldiers came to cover the water and the earth, and they had a great time fighting. The town that used to be lifeless and uninterested has become lively because of the arrival of the two-party campaign teams with tit-for-tat positions.

In the end, the results of the polling day came out. Neither Gary nor Faith got the victory they wanted. It was the residents of the whole town who won. It turns out that the video was made by the people of the small town deliberately to attract Gary’s attention in order to save their declining homes. Relying on Gary, they attracted the Democratic Party’s Faith and team, and finally raised a huge amount of campaign funds for the town. Will be used to improve the conditions of the town and revitalize the economy. In the end, Money lived happily ever after...

As we all know, in the land of American imperialism, where there are people, there are two parties. The dike of a thousand miles collapsed in an ant nest, from the entire country, to every state, and to every city. The two parties must fight every inch of land in almost every place. The campaign to attract public support for this kind of thing has long since been transformed from a purely political act to an economic activity with a complete industrial chain. Sponsorship, hiring research and analysis teams, advertising and public opinion building, campaign packaging, etc., all require a huge amount of money. Funds to support.

The simple town residents think: if so much money is used to do some practical things, such as renewing the life of the town’s middle school, building an activity center for the elderly, transforming the abandoned military base, and developing the town’s economy, it should be more efficient and practical Meaning.

So, he planned the story of the film.

The film uses American political light comedy to satirize the common daily tears between the two parties, such as self-praising in the process, bottomless smearing of opponents, various absurd and nonsensical sponsors and so on. In the end, the harmonious victory of the residents of the small town catered to people's boredom with this seemingly meaningless bipartisan struggle.

So, let's make a somewhat boring assumption.

You can directly tell these simple residents in the town that you will no longer need to elect the mayor in the future. The government will designate a good mayor and invest the original budget for the election activities to continue the life of the town’s middle school. , The construction of the elderly activity center, the transformation of abandoned military bases, the development of the small town economy and other practical things have come up. So, how will these lovely residents react?

Will they be grateful to Dai Deshan Hu Long live from now on developing the economy and building a better society?

NO! You will find people of various skin colors, various classes, and various political stances. They will raise AR15 and M4A1 together, shouting "Fight for Freedom", and go on and on until they send all the "non-elected" governors go to hell. .

This is the American choice.

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Irresistible quotes

  • Diana Hastings: [knocks, door opens, sighs] Hi.

    Mayor Braun: Come on in.

    Diana Hastings: Thank you. I'm so sorry. I... I'm pulling the plug.

    Mayor Braun: Hey, hey.

    Diana Hastings: I mean, we have the money we need. We have more than we would need. And this would... destroy your brother.

    [inhales deeply]

    Diana Hastings: And I'm just so sorry.

    Mayor Braun: Hey. You have nothing to be sorry for. You saved us, Diana.

    Diana Hastings: [looks down] Mm-hmm.

    Mayor Braun: This place was done. Just another town in the middle of nowhere, going nowhere. And everyone agreed... yours was the best idea we had. Unless you want to go back to the two Mikes' idea of... ostrich meat farms. Diana, you moving back here, caring so much... I mean, this whole thing...


    Mayor Braun: Well, I just know how proud of you your dad is and how proud your mom would be. And how grateful every single one of us are for what you've done and everything you've given. It's working.

    Diana Hastings: Okay.


    Diana Hastings: What do we do about Gary?

    Mayor Braun: Whatever Gary thinks he's got, why don't we just give him something better?

  • Gary Zimmer: So you used me.

    Diana Hastings: We used you? You guys only show up here once every four years, and only then 'cause it's a swing state. And then, when it's over, you're gone. But we're still here with all the same problems we had before, just waiting around for you to come back and make the same empty promises as last time. We used the system. You make millions of dollars funneling tens of millions of dollars into this election economy. All we did is take a cut.

    Gary Zimmer: Hmm. Well... I guess I just... I thought that maybe you and I had a little something.

    Diana Hastings: [scoffs] I'm 28. I mean...


    Diana Hastings: in what world would this... be okay?

    Gary Zimmer: D.C. and L.A., parts of New York, Miami, maybe Dallas.

    Gary Zimmer: Mm.


    Gary Zimmer: Look... it wasn't personal.

    Gary Zimmer: Mm.

    Diana Hastings: It was math.

    Gary Zimmer: Math.

    Diana Hastings: But this system, the way we elect people, it's terrifying. And exhausting. And I think it's driving us all insane.