A passing film, a good routine

Lesly 2022-11-10 04:58:04

It is a plain jump scare. It tells you directly that there are monsters here. It is also a traditional horror film routine. The people around you die one by one. The hero is lonely and misunderstood by his relatives. In the end, the mystery is solved and the relatives are rescued. The ending Leave a suspense.

However, from start to finish, it did a pretty good job. At least it has a much better look and feel than "The Lost Family" (the soul is afraid of failure, there is no ups and downs). I watched these two films in one afternoon, and it turned out that the excellence is all set off by my peers.

The plot is relatively smooth, the big rhythm is not procrastinated, and the horror atmosphere is also normal. Although there are still some bugs, it is still a passing film.


The father’s parents divorced. He came to the place where his father worked to help, and met the hostess who was also working here.

The hostess of the house next door drove back to pick up a deer. She was brave enough to break her stomach, but the car overturned.

A monster came out of the deer's belly late at night, entered the mistress's house, and ate the baby and the mistress one after another. The next day the youngest son noticed his mother's weirdness and hid in the male lead's house.

The monster in the hostess's skin came to the host's house to find his son. The child couldn't get out of the house. The host went home. He heard his father's voice and hurried out, telling his father and mother about the weirdness before going to bed.

The next day, the child who was supposed to be in class didn't come, and the host panicked. He went to the neighbor's house and knocked on the door. The host said that he had no children. There was a weird triangle mark under the carpet.

The host began to monitor the house next door and discovered what the hostess had hidden in the cellar. He hinted to the host, but the host was bewitched by the hostess's words and became a human puppet.

The middle plot is forgotten. Daddy's new girlfriend is possessed and discovered by the male protagonist (the flowers and plants around the ghost will wither), the male protagonist injures the opponent and is caught by the police.

The newcomer Pi Xiang and Daddy's relationship with Daddy was rejected. He rushed to save his son. He went to the cellar next door after his son's instructions. He didn't find any weirdness, but he saw the neighbour's host enter the house weirdly. He followed up and found that the house was dead. Up.

Daddy was stabbed in the waist by the new girlfriend behind him, the male lead came, they stumbled and fled back into the car, and the neighbor's house was surrounded by fire.

The male protagonist suddenly remembered that he had a younger brother (several hints) that had been captured, so he was forgotten. He hurriedly went to the cave with the hostess and saved the younger brother and sister of the hostess.

Finally he will leave here and go back to his mother's house. Kissed goodbye to the hostess, and was pinned a flower by the hostess. After getting in the car, he found that the flowers were plastic and the hostess had been possessed.

The film ends with the dignified smiling face of the heroine.

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