I'll die if I get addicted

Darion 2022-01-18 08:01:21

The beginning of the film is like the first half of the "Madman Pierrot". The 19-year-old Halle and the 17-year-old Monica meet and love each other. Then the two abandon their family and work, and leave the city in a small boat. The world wanders the coastline. They sing, dance, bask in the sun, read books, cook, steal food and have sex. Life is heavy for them and they don’t want to mention it.

The shots at this time are beautiful, there are no more dialogues, no more characters, they just need a simple world, as long as two people are carefree. The waves separated from both sides, and the naked Monica turned her head away, as if an angel glanced back.

In fact, this kind of life is like a dream, and they all know that they will wake up after all. Halle hopes to go back and study hard and find a good job to give Monica a better life. Although Monica has been reluctant to go back, she also finds a deadline for this kind of life, that is, to finish the summer. . In any case, she wants to make this summer her freest memory.

The reality came after all, Monica was pregnant, and the two left the boat and returned to the world. They get married, and then children are born. Marriage is always a watershed, because life before and after marriage has begun to change completely, especially when there is a child. Halle kept working outside to support her family, while the free and easy-going Monica gradually lost control of her crying children all day and the heavy family burden. They began to quarrel and start accusing each other, but they still love each other.

Monica, who was dissatisfied with the dull life, went to find her past gangster friends and started to fool around with Harley on her back, but even at this time, she still loves Harley. When the gangster teased her nose with a cigarette, she suddenly turned her head and was stunned. Looking at the camera lens, motionless, everything around her gradually dimmed, only her, only her eyes, and only the tears slowly overflowing from her eyes. Although what she was doing was sorry for Harley, how could she not love Harley, then why would she forget that summer and the sea.

In the end, Halley, who came back from a business trip, saw this scene. He stumbled out of the room, leaned on the car, and lit a cigarette trembling slightly. The camera also focused on his eyes, desperate, desperate. When the man left, he rushed in. They started arguing again and questioned each other again. Monica tried to use sex to maintain the broken relationship, but Halle refused her. Monica just changed her clothes quietly, then left, and never came back.

Halle held their children and walked quietly on the empty street. For the first time, his back wrapped in a trench coat became old and lonely.

Six years later, Truffaut paid tribute to "Summer Monica" in his famous work "Four Hundred Strikes": Antoine and his friends sneaked into the cinema and escaped halfway through the sight. , And then took the sheep to tear off Monica's poster and seized it for himself. At this time the movie was going to one hour, one minute and fifty-three seconds.

When the film was shot, Bergman was in love with the starring Haley, and when Haley looked back at the camera lens, perhaps Bergman behind the monitor did not expect that she would stare so hard, she It seems that I also saw their last in this story. And Bergman can't bear such a stare. He may not hear Haley's crying silently in his heart countless times: Bergman, Bergman, Bergman, Bergman...

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Summer with Monika quotes

  • Monika Eriksson: I'm soaking wet, but I'll freeze if I take my coat off.

    Harry Lund: The sleeping bag's warm.

    Monika Eriksson: [takes her coat off] I don't want to wrinkle my skirt.

    [takes her skirt off]

    Monika Eriksson: Take off your pants so you don't ruin the creases. What nice long legs you have. Come here.

  • Försäljare hos Forsbergs: Finally decided to show up?

    Harry Lund: I didn't hear my alarm. Dad's sick, so I'm alone.

    Försäljare hos Forsbergs: Out with hussies, no doubt. That slut at the greengrocer's.

    Harry Lund: Mind your own business!