Black but reasonable

Laurence 2022-01-20 08:01:10

It's a simple and absurd story, but it's worth remembering. Worthy of being an Oscar nominated work.

Pretending to be a pastor is said to be very common in Poland, but the director’s creation from a juvenile delinquent on parole to become the spiritual leader of hundreds of villagers. Of course, there are discussions about the transformation of people, such as the effect of clothing and circumstances on people's character and behavior; there are also ironies about the church, such as the decent pastor who is addicted to alcohol and the fake gangster has a sense of justice; there is also the truth about the truth. Impermanence, such as the real cause of the car accident and the version everyone is willing to believe and cannot believe. The protagonist finally returned to the juvenile control office that never saw a way out. It was very black but very reasonable. I think my mother and daughter should have been aware of his identity a long time ago. Everyone being deceived probably also reflects that this repressive, closed, seemingly peaceful, pious, honest but indifferent and distorted town already needs too much spiritual guidance.

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Corpus Christi quotes

  • Priest: I made my confession, but confession solves nothing.

  • Daniel: Silence can also be a prayer.