On how the protagonist's halo retreats (home).

Tamia 2022-08-19 23:53:57

In 2019, the horror movie " The Wretched | The Wretched"

A brief introduction to the plot of the forest goblin · · · · · ·

A provocative teenage boy, struggling with his parents about to divorce, confronts a thousand-year-old witch who is living under the skin and posing as the woman next door

Is this synopsis machine translated? I thought it was quite clear, so I introduced it. . I don't think I understand at all.

In fact, this movie feels a bit like "A Hole in the Ground". It is also a 2019 movie, Irish. So this movie feels less fresh to me~ and the release time will be late in the first half of the year~

Part of the plot design is still quite atmospheric~ It's a little scary, it can still be said~

The last two reversals felt far-fetched, although the story is justified. . But it always feels wrong. . It's a bit uncomfortable~

But the performances of the actors are also very good~ I also complained about Netflix in the movie~ (cover your face)

However, the combination of family elements and forgetting is very meaningful and thought-provoking~~ Maybe the director has some ideas, but it is not as clear as the expression~

The girl at the beginning is a bit pity~~

What a cute dog~~It's a pity~~ This little look...

It's straightforward. . . give a like!

It's very interesting here. . (Ass praise~) (Funny~)

Seems to be an original monster?

Let me tell you that having these abilities is simply against the sky~

There is no doubt that he is a little expert~~, the neurosis in the eyes of others~

I always feel that forgetting is not blindness (covering the face), this depiction is a bit far-fetched~

The villain will not eat the person the protagonist wants to save. .

The ending is also a bit far-fetched. .


Overall, it’s okay~ It’s better if the plot is more rigorous~ but there is nothing new~

----------I am the dividing line of the tree spirit ------------

Recommendation index: ★★☆ (5/10 points), on how the protagonist's halo retreats (home).

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