Difficult detachment

Keven 2022-09-23 01:52:15

I like British movies more and more. The simple, direct and meticulous depiction of the inner feelings and transformation process of the characters is quite real. Watching the movie feels like observing myself or the people and things around me.

Everyone has their own unique rhythm of life, and they combine to form a rather messy social rhythm. When people are trapped in the external rhythm imposed by the society and forget their own unique rhythm of life, they will be passively lost in the never ending. In the pain and struggle.

The only way to be free is to go beyond all those external rhythms, return to your own rhythm of life, and stick to this belief to become the invulnerable and true self.

The movie itself is not good-looking, because it needs resonance, the resonance of the heart.

"Rhythm Group", let me give it 8 points.

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Extended Reading

The Rhythm Section quotes

  • B: Kaif was the target... everyone else was collateral damage they needed to show that Reformers could be got to anywhere

  • [first lines]

    Stephanie Patrick: [narrating] Think of your heart as the drums; your breathing as the bass.