The plot is more realistic

Deon 2022-05-05 06:01:02

As a female spy movie, although the action is not as exciting as "Cold City", the plot is not as gorgeous as "Cardinals", and it does not have the sense of humor of "Terminal", but it is more realistic. ——Because in reality, no woman can beat a man with a ball under his crotch, and it is even more unlikely that a woman can knock a man over with one punch and kick. ——The filming of this film focuses on reality, such as the first appearance The task, if it weren’t for Lehman’s asthma, the heroine would have died long ago; for Reza, although Reza was hit by a knife in the leg, she was still hugged and unable to take off. If it weren’t for the help of the other woman, the heroine would definitely It was blown out...

Eight months ago, Stephanie died of an air crash with her parents, sister and brother. She was still a student and she suffered mental setbacks and became a prostitute. But a reporter came to tell her that the air crash was not an accident, but was caused by someone deliberately planting a bomb, and said that terrorists are still swaggering through the streets of London...

After learning about it, Stephanie dialed the phone number left by reporter Proctor and came to the reporter's house... The reporter told Stephanie that the terrorist who bombed the plane was named Muhammad Reza, and the intelligence was from MI6. What a friend told him; due to various complicated political reasons, the government could not arrest the murderer after finding out...

Stephanie took advantage of the reporter Proctor’s outing to have a meeting and stole some money and information about the murderer, as well as the residence information of Proctor’s informant code B, and bought a pistol to prepare for revenge... But she was reckless and stared at the murderer. When staring, not only did he dare not shoot revenge, but he also stolen the backpack with Proctor’s identity information... As a result, Proctor was assassinated by terrorists...

Stephanie locates B's location based on her mobile phone and drove to somewhere in the Scottish Highlands...At first, B closed her hut to completely quit her drug addiction, and then took her to strengthen her physical fitness and special combat skills...

B told Stephanie that Reza was just an errand boy, and that the terrorist attack was planned by a radical Islamic preacher, who was nicknamed U17; the only clue to U17 was to go through Reza, but Reza was scared because of Stephanie. The disappearance must be eliminated; Abdullah was assassinated against the U17 policy. Therefore, Abdullah's father funded Proctor to find the murderer...

B made Stephanie pseudonym Petra...Because Petra killed B’s wife, B took revenge and killed her; but she was secretly hired by the CIA to kill U17, so MI6 in order to give the CIA an explanation, B Expelled...

B told Stephanie that according to intelligence, Reza is now preparing explosive devices for U17, and there must be a new attack. Stephanie goes to Madrid, finds Mark Serra who has worked for the CIA, and asks him about U17 information... It was obtained from Abdullah’s father who lives in the UK...

I found Serra in Madrid and asked about Lehman’s Tangier, where Lehman is now living in Morocco... So, the scene came to the beginning of the film... But Stephanie assassinated for the first time, holding a gun at Lehman’s mother-in-law, who was suffering from severe asthma. Haw was violently beaten by Lehman and almost died. When Lehman had a relapse of asthma, he recovered a life. Then, he evacuated again, and did not assassinate the bodyguard who entered the house without paying attention. He was chased and killed all the way, almost lost. Life……

Back in Madrid, Serra hired Stephanie to go to New York to assassinate Gillette, a financier...

B told Stephanie that Gillay might have funded U17 and let her take over this task... Because Gillay’s residence was heavily guarded and guns could not be carried in, but the penthouse was specially used for prostitutes, so Stephanie disguised as a prostitute to assassinate. Ji Lai...but this time Stephanie had another accident. She was soft and didn't cut Ji Lai's throat to kill; but B had already prepared and installed a time bomb in her car in advance...

When Stephanie was in the same bed at Sierra’s residence, B (Boyd) called and said that U17 hired Sierra to find a killer to kill Gilley. The next target of U17 was Stephanie and him...Stephanie told Sierra Later, Serra said that U17 is Reza and will go to Marseille next month...

Before doing Reza, Reza tells Serra's true identity...

Stephanie believes that what Reza said is true, Sierra is U17, kill Sierra...

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Extended Reading

The Rhythm Section quotes

  • B: Kaif was the target... everyone else was collateral damage they needed to show that Reformers could be got to anywhere

  • [first lines]

    Stephanie Patrick: [narrating] Think of your heart as the drums; your breathing as the bass.