Saint or liar

Garland 2022-01-20 08:01:10

(Text/Yang Shiyang)

One piece of clothing changes a person’s identity, and one identity reshapes a person’s spirit. This is the story told in "The Eucharist". Don't be fooled by this name. What this movie talks about has nothing to do with the religious affairs that people imagine. It's just borrowing the priesthood to tell the story of a young man's reincarnation. From a certain point of view, it is the reverse version of "Counterfeit Captain". The famous "Counterfeit Captain" tells the story of a desperate soldier who accidentally picked up an officer’s uniform and felt a little bit of changes in his surrounding attitude. From a cowardly boy to a brutal soldier, "The Eucharist of Christ" is the opposite. It is about a boy who committed crimes from a juvenile prison and accidentally put on the clothes of a priest, saving himself and saving others. course.

While serving his sentence, Daniel had to pray under the leadership of a priest every day. The priest was witty and kind. He wanted to go to the seminary for a while, but he could not be favored by God, who had a lot of history. After parole, he was arranged by the priest to work in a sawmill, but when passing by a church, his joke claiming to be a priest was accidentally taken seriously. The priest who caught up with this church was very old and he really started to act as an agent. The duties of the priest.

This kind of film is the most typical "acting", the so-called inaccuracies, fake dramas are really done. Everyone knows that this play will eventually be exposed. In the process, it is necessary to make the play solid to make people follow along with fear. The story of "The Eucharist" is step by step. On the one hand, it moves forward, allowing the male protagonist to slowly release himself in temptation and build self-confidence. On the other hand, he digs deeper. The cruel car accident in the history of that small town with many deaths and injuries has been impossible for many years. The injury of the touch, and Daniel, as an intruder, as a priest, in the name of forgiveness, actually solved all this, let the truth surface, let the emotions reverse, he liberated the people who were sealed by hatred, and liberated them. People who are sealed by grief. At the same time, he himself was approaching the ending that would eventually reverse.

This kind of story has a unique charm, its foundation is located in reality, but it has an innate allegorical color from the beginning. Viewers all know that the skin will change a person, but they all want to see how and to what extent it can be changed, seeing human nature being distorted, alienated, and falling into the abyss, and the human heart is sublimated again and again. Cleansed and reborn, we watched them enthusiastically, and at the same time, we were interrogating ourselves in secret, if we were to change into such a suit—Nazi military uniforms or priestly robes, would we become demons and whether we could Become a Buddha on the spot? What force turned everything around? Is it the compliments, fears, and beards of the people around that expose the worst part of a person? Is it the respect, reverence and trust of all people that influence a heart of stone? In terms of change, what proportion of the temptation of the outside world, and the internal drive is a heavy weight? That suit is just a metaphor, a metaphor of infinite power, the possibility of rebirth, and trust, love and salvation. When faced with the sudden infinite power, can we control ourselves? When we encounter the salvation of love, can we reach out and let ourselves be saved? Can you save others? At least Daniel in "The Eucharist" caught the moment of light. He seemed to have never trusted that set of words about salvation in prison, but in this mischievous day, he saved others and saved. Lost myself. In the first half of his life, there has never been a moment when he faced himself and others honestly so sincerely, but the foundation of his sincerity was based on lies. Is this a scam? From a moral perspective, is he a saint or a liar?

Both "Christian Eucharist" and "Counterfeit Captain" are pretending to be misplaced in their identities, telling the change of human nature, the former for good and the latter for evil. In reality, we may be looking forward to witnessing similar stories to the former, but most of what we encounter is the deformation of the latter. Those who are proud to trample on the rights of others with chicken feathers as arrows in extraordinary times are not all of them. Are "fake captains" one by one? How many "Communists of Christ" can we see again?

Daniel still cannot escape the fate of being dismantled, but perhaps more people are looking forward to letting him go on like this. After all, he has completed the transformation, but in the end he returned to the dirty land and can only continue. Fight and fight until the flesh is bloody. The priest's experience was like a dream. There is good and evil in the human heart, and salvation and depravity are no more than a fine line between them. What motivates the good, and what consolidates the evil? You can see it clearly.

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Corpus Christi quotes

  • Priest: I made my confession, but confession solves nothing.

  • Daniel: Silence can also be a prayer.