"Little Monsters": Stay with the people you like, sing and fight zombies

Teagan 2022-12-10 06:53:35

"Little Monster" was screened at the Sundance Film Festival (Sundance Film Festival is the "Sundance Film Festival", specially set up for independent filmmakers), directed by Abel Forsyth, telling the story of the protagonist Dave accompanying his nephew in kindergarten A series of exciting and ridiculous stories that happened during the event.

The director has great ambitions. The opening chapter quickly explained Dave’s life dilemma with a sharp editing, and set a brisk tone for the story. The introduction of Teacher Caroline through his nephew Felix also laid the groundwork for the plot of the subsequent fight against zombies. , Although the zombies in this film belong to the type of speed thief with a slow IQ of zero, the biting, blood spray, and internal organs that should be in the zombie film have not fallen. The blood and violence make the film limit soar to R level.

In stark contrast is the game lies made by Teacher Caroline, which brings joy to children instead of panic. She uses music to warm every child's childhood.

Although the plot is full of slots, this kind of movie is not a zombie movie in the ordinary sense. If you want to watch the cruel apocalypse, "The Walking Dead" will satisfy you, and you want to watch science fiction special effects, and "Resident Evil". The G point of "Monster" lies in the sincere feelings between people.

Directors and screenwriters did not simply use blood and violence as gimmicks and selling points. They are trying to tell a good story.

1. A terrible life

Dave is a street singer, but few people care about it.

The girlfriends Sara and Dave, who have been together for nine years, often quarrel about trivial things, regardless of occasion: in the car, supermarket, gatherings of friends, and at home.

It seemed to others that Dave was a man who failed to achieve nothing, and in the eyes of his girlfriend Sarah, he was as worthless as his broken singing.

One evening after a quarrel with Sarah, Dave flees, standing on the street solo songs but still no one appreciates. Depressed, he ran to his sister's house and fell asleep. When he woke up, he decided to propose marriage. The way to retain this relationship, by the way, bring Felix, let his little nephew dressed up as Darth Vader, hoping to add romance to his marriage proposal, but when he returned to the residence and opened the door, he found that he was green: Sarah was rolling the sheets with a man...

This is probably the last "straw" that crushes him.

"Being with someone is very different from being with and supporting someone. I hope that one day you are mature enough to understand this."

Therefore, when the derailment has become plausible and justified, then the relationship has also come to an end.

Second, she is like a ray of light

The appearance of Caroline, the teacher of Felix's nephew, awakened the hormones in Dave's body.

After experiencing the great ups and downs of feelings, Caroline's unique self-confidence and charm seemed to shine on Dave's heart. He tried his best to please Caroline, tried his best, and even turned on the kneeling and licking mode.

Caroline is friendly and kind, and treats every student in the class patiently and sincerely.

Although the plot is routine, the beginning of laughter will always make people feel comfortable.

Especially on the camping trip, Dave sat in the back of the car with a helpless look, listening to the children singing, the look of irresistibility made people laugh.

3. Sudden disaster

Dave's original plan was to take advantage of the camping opportunity to become Caroline's boyfriend.

But he didn't expect that before he had time to launch the offensive, the camp changed its style in seconds-a wave of zombies broke out at a nearby US military base, and more and more people were infected with the virus and attacked them.

When Dave and Caroline reacted, the other adults in the camp were all infected.

In the face of zombies, they are not only unarmed, but also protect a dozen weak and helpless children around them.

Therefore, the following plot is not difficult to imagine. It is about how the two protagonists can break out of combat effectiveness and save themselves and their children's lives from the zombies.

However, the difference from ordinary zombie movies is that the characters in the movie know the existence of zombie movies, and there is no need to entangle the source of the virus and morals. The experience gained from playing zombie games is the best headshot. Score, make the film full of comedy style.

Fourth, may the force be with you

The director should be a die-hard "Star Wars fan", whether it is Felix dressed in black in the film, or a clear tribute like "May the Force be with you", they all express the director's innermost heart or that. A teenager who can rush the air "biubiu" with a toy gun.

Therefore, Felix rushed into the zombie group at a critical moment, accompanied by a series of slow motions, and a passionate soundtrack, showing that it is no longer simple heroism to save the world, but childishness and fearlessness. They will shine in the predicament. Lead people to break through the siege, so don't give up easily.

Of course, the film is only an idealized expression. The literary and artistic work itself is also a creative vehicle that entrusts the author's beautiful vision. For example, Tom Sawyer obtained the treasure of pirates with the help of Mark Twain and became a rich man ("The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" "Is a novel published by American novelist Mark Twain in 1876). In the film, the difficulty of the copy is reduced to a minimum: the zombies not only run slowly, but also have low intelligence (mainly manifested in that they can't climb fences, fences, or crawl on the ground). Therefore, Felix can smoothly run out of the zombie group, drove on the tractor, and rescued his uncle.

5. Music can also save the world

In fact, when all the children got on the sightseeing car neatly, and in the slow "burst" of the tractor, Teacher Caroline sang and interacted with them, this zombie film has become a real scenic sightseeing film. , And a lot of zombies trailing behind have an inexplicable sense of joy.

Originally, the appearance of zombies was very scary, but the children still talked and laughed without panicking at all. This was due to the white lie of Teacher Caroline: She told the children that these zombies were unexpected surprises prepared for the camping site. Everyone needs to avoid them like playing "Eagle and Catch a Chicken".

It's easy to think of the father's "lie" and protection of the child in "Life is Beautiful".

And the reason Caroline desperately wanted to protect the innocence of the children is because when she encountered the trough of life, the simple and sincere trust of the children gave her the courage to live, and since then, she has devoted herself wholeheartedly to it. In the work of preschool education, she did not want the zombie outbreak to leave a shadow on the children's childhood, so she tried her best to "explain" everything in front of her with games.

In the end, they reached the safe zone and the zombies were wiped out by the army.

Children are still children, and their innocence is guarded by the teacher.

On the whole, "Little Monster" is a standard R-rated popcorn movie. The plot is not only simple and clear, but also simple and crude. But the theme of the film is still ingenious: it explores the value of life and has educational significance, which makes people who have watched the film can't help thinking.

1. The innocence of every child is a piece of white paper, which needs to be carefully taken care of. Otherwise, when there are wrinkles, defects and stains, the drawn life picture scroll will inevitably have defects.

2. In the face of disasters, there is a way to survive by helping each other, otherwise it will be a dead end.

3. You must be with the people you like to happily sing and beat the zombies, otherwise it will not be as simple as being put on a green hat.

{Original: [ "Little Monster": Be with the people you like, sing to live and beat the zombies ]

Wonderful trailer: [ [Teaching of Monster Fighting Outside School] Comedy + Thriller, Little Monster Trailer ]}

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Little Monsters quotes

  • Max: What's happening?

    Teddy McGiggle: We're all gonna die.

    Vivienne: Are we gonna die Miss Caroline?

    Miss Caroline: No. It's part of the game. The zombies are not real.

    Teddy McGiggle: Like fuck they're not!

  • Teddy McGiggle: I fucking hate those little Kiddlywinks. Fucking the shit out of their moms was the only thing that made it better, until it didn't.

    Teddy McGiggle: You realize that you're only doing it because you're dead inside. And it's the only thing that keeps you from killing yourself.