Star Wars Gaiden: Attack of the Zombies, a "children's comedy" exclusively for adults

Leopoldo 2022-06-06 16:26:34

A long, long time ago, on a planet named Earth, there was a guitarist in a down-and-out rock band named Dave. One day, he and his nephew Felix, who likes to play with tractor toys (and also likes the big villain Darth Vader in the COS Star Wars) and suffers from food allergies, witnessed the woman he wanted to pursue having sex with others. Disheartened, he met Felix’s teacher Caroline. She was a black music-loving black man, and Dave had a good impression of her. In order to pursue Caroline, Dave accompanied Felix on an outing in the kindergarten. Unexpectedly, the zombie experiment in the military base near the destination made a serious mistake, and the zombie escaped from the base...

Teddy McGonagall, a well-known TV host, also came there to record the show. He is a selfish, mean, and greedy person who is afraid of death. At first he was unwilling to cooperate with Dave and Caroline. He was forced to cooperate when he was almost swallowed up by zombies. He tried to take everyone away, but failed...

The children caught in this accident, with the help of adults, gradually passed through the difficulties. In the end, Felix exploded into his potential. He broke through the siege of zombies and found the scenic tour bus (actually a tractor). The children sat on the tour bus, and left with singing and laughter. At this moment, the reinforcements of the army and the parents of the children finally arrived...

Zombie films, this type of horror film invented by American filmmakers and popular in the United States, Italy, Britain and other countries, have long been known to the public and have become one of the representatives of European and American film culture. Today, there are still many filmmakers shooting zombie films. What's interesting is that more and more filmmakers choose to add comedy elements to zombie films. From "Zombie Shaun" to "Zombieland" series, to Norway's "Snow of Death" series and Jim Jamush's "Zombies Are Not Dead", one after another zombie-themed comedy horizontal Born out of emptiness, it continues to bring vitality to the already routine zombie films.

This "Little Monster" co-produced by the United Kingdom, Australia, and the United States is also a comedy with a zombie theme. It is not a big production, nor is it simply made into a zombie movie with joy. The two styles of adult humor and children's comedy constantly collide and blend in the film. The film is full of lines and paragraphs that are not suitable for children. , Even the film itself laughs at this point, the children in the film always mock the adults' swearing behavior. However, the film tells the audience time and time again that the main characters of the story are ordinary people and children, and the childish dreams and quite true warmth are everywhere in the film. In addition, the film cleverly inserts English nursery rhymes, pop songs, star wars and other elements into it, and even mentions the veteran actor Al Pacino.

"Little Monster" may be one of the best-watched European and American comedy movies this year. After all, it is quite rare that bear, comedy, horror, music, warmth, fantasy, spoof and shit are on the same stage so harmoniously. Compared with the more obvious irony of "Zombies Are Not Dead", the seemingly niche "Little Monsters" is actually more popular and more acceptable to the audience, because the film's intention and theme after omitting the zombie elements are both pleasing and flattering. Sometimes compared to pure heavy flavors, impure freshness is better.

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Little Monsters quotes

  • Max: What's happening?

    Teddy McGiggle: We're all gonna die.

    Vivienne: Are we gonna die Miss Caroline?

    Miss Caroline: No. It's part of the game. The zombies are not real.

    Teddy McGiggle: Like fuck they're not!

  • Teddy McGiggle: I fucking hate those little Kiddlywinks. Fucking the shit out of their moms was the only thing that made it better, until it didn't.

    Teddy McGiggle: You realize that you're only doing it because you're dead inside. And it's the only thing that keeps you from killing yourself.