Courage and Helplessness-"Monica"

Lonzo 2022-01-18 08:01:21

Before watching "Monica", I took out the long dusted "Four Hundred Blows" and put it in the DVD player. This is a CD released by FOXLORBER to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the release of "400 Blows". Fast forward all the way, and finally found the legendary passage: Antoine and his little partner sneaked into the cinema, and escaped halfway when they saw it, then took the sheep and tore off Monica’s poster and claimed it for themselves. . At this time the movie was going to one hour, one minute and fifty-three seconds. Truffaut
pays tribute to Monica six years ago, and 42 years later, Cai Mingliang made Xiaokang stare at the scene of Antoine stealing milk on the TV screen with tears. The interlocking links are like a gluttonous snake that wants to eat its own tail. Baiyun Canggu, what time can't wash away is the courage and helplessness of young people, and the eternal frustration and pain of young people's mind when encountering the cold reality.

He is 19 years old and she is 17 years old. His mother left him forever when he was 8 years old, leaving him and his father to depend on each other; she has a group of younger brothers and sisters and a drunk dad waiting for her to take care of her. His daily job is to pack and transport all kinds of glassware and be scolded by the boss; and she is responsible for getting the boss to touch his butt. He and her, a pair of strangers in the floating world; together, he and her are equal to the whole world. Since the cold Stockholm can't tolerate these little lovers, then go out to sea in this lazy summer sun.

Monica is actually an innocent little beast, you can tell from her wild eyes and the messy hair that seems to never be straight. She shouldn't be constrained by social systems and rules. Whenever you think of the scene where she was naked and stupidly jumping into the sea with her fleshy buttocks, you can't help but have this kind of illusion. No matter what she did wrong, she should be forgiven and pityed, because she doesn't belong. This filthy world.

What made this seemingly mundane story impress Truffau and thousands of fans, including me. In fact, for me, there is only one answer, because the person who tells the story is Ingmar Bergman. If there is more to say, it is because of Henriette Anderson.

There is no other director who can integrate the strengths of others for his own use better than Bergman. In the interview, he admitted that the naturalistic shooting method of "Monica" was influenced by Marcel Carnet. Represents French poetic realism. Compared with his other early works, Monica really showed the unhurriedness of a master director for the first time. He is no longer eager to express, preferring to let the camera speak completely, sometimes just watching with cold eyes. He no longer alienated the audience, and began to involve the audience in the fate of the characters. So there are no flashbacks and dreams, and the water is as clear as the water. After "Port of Eros", "Monica" once again put the brushstrokes above the care for the people at the bottom, striving to get rid of the shackles but at the same time be at a loss for the future.

Monica, as the first great character portrayed by Bergman, she is aware of life and pain, but she uses romantic fantasies to cover it up. She is lively and cute, like a small deer, longing for freedom, but she is selfish and vain, unable to bear the responsibilities of an adult. The old man continued his thinking about the fragile marriage relationship. Unlike other directors who are rich in romanticism, he did not shy away from reality. After all, the harmonious romance of sailing in summer has to give way to the icy daily routine.
Monica's actor Harriet Anderson, her appearance indicates that Bergman's queen cast has officially surfaced. In the process of cooperating with her husband, Hollier played a number of unparalleled roles, including Karin through the dark glass, Agnes who shouted and whispered and so on. Bergman recalled: "She moved her gaze from her opponent directly to the camera. At that moment, for the first time in the history of film, there was a form of performance that did not shyly engage with the audience."

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Summer with Monika quotes

  • Monika Eriksson: I'm soaking wet, but I'll freeze if I take my coat off.

    Harry Lund: The sleeping bag's warm.

    Monika Eriksson: [takes her coat off] I don't want to wrinkle my skirt.

    [takes her skirt off]

    Monika Eriksson: Take off your pants so you don't ruin the creases. What nice long legs you have. Come here.

  • Försäljare hos Forsbergs: Finally decided to show up?

    Harry Lund: I didn't hear my alarm. Dad's sick, so I'm alone.

    Försäljare hos Forsbergs: Out with hussies, no doubt. That slut at the greengrocer's.

    Harry Lund: Mind your own business!