Dancing in a place full of sin and sorrow

Beth 2022-01-20 08:01:10

When I walked out of the cinema, I wanted to cry, but I didn't seem to feel sad again. It seems that everything is unreasonable, but it seems very reasonable. It seems that there is a very powerful force saying that he is Ksiądz Tomasz, not Daniel. He smokes, drugs, alcohol, fights, tattoos, dances, sex, and hip-hop, but he really has a divine power. His silence and words make people fall into contemplation. He didn't come to this small town to save the world, but he It is really changing the world. I don’t believe in any religion. I don’t think religion can solve all problems. Religion can even cause many problems. We are not saints, and the painful feeling and the loss of the evil that we love are both embarrassing and uncomfortable. Finally, some people atone for their sins, and some forgive. Dance in a world full of sin and sorrow. There is no answer to movies, and so is life. I walked out of the movie theater and took out my mobile phone. The first random song was Ave Maria. A man dressed as a priest walked by. I can't even distinguish many words related to religion mentioned in the movie. But if all the feelings are expressed, it will be enough.

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Corpus Christi quotes

  • Priest: I made my confession, but confession solves nothing.

  • Daniel: Silence can also be a prayer.