Yellow storm and small and fresh, can't wait to watch the second season!

Piper 2022-09-14 05:35:05

Sometimes, I really don't understand why there is a series like "Fifty Shades of Gray and Black".

Except for eroticism, anti-human "sexual abuse" to the audience, and seductive heroes and heroines, there is no other connotation at all.

Having said that, existence is reasonable.

More importantly, movies come from life.

Only when such anti-human behavior exists in reality can it be made into a movie.

However, this series of movies is only for pediatrics.

The real big move is in Netflix's new drama "Binding" this year .

This is a comedy that focuses on a small number of people with special hobbies and satisfies the curiosity of the broad audience.

On the surface, it may be a bit heavy.

But in fact, it is very small and fresh.

We all know that American dramas have a strict classification system.

And this "Binding" can't even talk about "R Grade".

However, the popularization of such anti-human behaviors is clear, and the arrangements are clear.

Before entering the topic, first of all popularize a concept, what is "BDSM" ?

Only four letters can represent 6 words——

B/D: bondage & discipline

D/S: dominance & submission (dominance and submission)

S/M: sadism & masochism (sadism and masochism)

And all these series of words are inseparable from an important role——

Queen (queen).

The heroine Tiff is a "professional queen" who works in an underground club.

Her job is to give orders to customers, satisfy their various hobbies, and get happiness.

Faced with all kinds of weird customers, Tiff needs an assistant and bodyguard to help her deal with matters large and small.

So, her friend Pete, the actor in the play appeared.

emmmmm... Although his way of appearance is a bit curious, it does not delay the development of the small career of the hero and heroine.

Originally, Pete, whose thinking was fairly normal, couldn't accept this kind of obscure "action" from the bottom of his heart.

But there were two big "poorness" on his head, and he had to compromise because of his livelihood.

The customers faced by the hero and heroine have all kinds of strange habits .

Customer A , his hobby is to wear penguin doll clothes .

As long as the other party also wears the same penguin costume, dangling in front of him.

Or a fight can make him feel happy.

Later, Pete learned that the customer could only experience the joy of life in this way since watching "Diary of the Emperor Penguin".

Customer B is a middle-class couple.

Husband likes others to itch him. Not only can he experience happiness, but he can also relieve his work pressure.

So the wife helped her husband find the hero and heroine.

At the same time, in the process of talking with Pete, the wife gradually got rid of her defenses and found her true self.

It turns out that in real life, I have a slight habit of hitting people...

Finally, with the help of Tiff, the couple finally reached a consensus and the family that was on the verge of breaking up was restored.

Looking at it from another angle, although the heroes and heroines are doing things that are a bit unsuitable, in fact, they are helping customers to meet their strange psychological needs while also helping customers bravely face their true self .

It can even be said that the male and female protagonists are their "psychological guides . "

But the fact that we all know is that psychotherapists usually cannot cure their own heart diseases.

The heroine Tiff is like that.

Although she looks free and easy, in fact she faces the same predicament.

She is studying for a master's degree in psychology. The real dream is to become a psychotherapist.

For this reason, she had to work-study and became the "Queen" in her spare time.

But she didn't approve of this job in her heart, and she also didn't approve of herself.

The stigma carried by this business has led to constraints in her life.

Rather than saying that her job is to bind others, it is better to say that she also binds her own life.

She refuses people thousands of miles away because she doesn't know how to open her heart to strangers;

She always talks about "feminism" because she wants to use it as an excuse to alienate the opposite sex;

She was so cold because she didn't want to admit that she was the queen who led her life outside of work.

So even if she meets the person she likes, she will stop...

But the "Queen" is not a dark job, neither betraying the flesh, nor really hurting others.

Instead, she is helping others.

Listen to the most secret needs of the guests, and help them find their long-repressed self.

Suppressing one's negative emotions for a long time may distort one's mind.

In the lighter case, you will get depression, and in the severe case, it will seriously threaten your life.

So it looks full of violent behavior, but it is a different type of psychotherapy -

I am eager to get rid of gender stereotypes, and I am eager to release my unidentified true self.

And the male protagonist Pete is also a "marginal figure" who is not to be seen in reality.

He dreamed of becoming a talk show actor, but because of his introverted personality, he didn't even dare to go on stage.

Can't make money, can't pay rent.

Shyness ruined his dreams and life.

In the beginning, he joined SM Club for money.

Later, in the process of torture, he began to take the initiative.

Trained the skills necessary for a talk show actor.

Did you find it?

Both Pete and Tiff finally found themselves in constant attempts.

Just like the title- Bonding .

The rest of the letters are red, only the "i" is white.

It was in this special service that Tiff and Pete found themselves suppressed by trauma and fear.

It also allows customers to face their real desires bravely.

Kill two birds with one stone.

More importantly, although the theme of this drama is the unspeakable topic of "sex", in fact, what you see is the tortuous growth process of the people in the drama .

If you want to live better, you must dare to remove that layer of disguise.

Face your true desires in a more appropriate way.

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