Sure enough, it's just a coat with a letter circle, and it's the one that doesn't fit well

Israel 2022-09-23 05:25:37

Ten minutes per episode, ninety minutes after seven episodes is enough for a normal movie. However, the film produced by Netflix has always had a touching reputation. It is not enough to make this theme into a movie because of lack of self-confidence. In addition, the main scenes of the show are relatively concentrated. If the opening and ending songs are cut off one by one, the first half is I am afraid that it will suffocate people. If I edit it again, it may not be what I see now. If it is broadcast in the form of a drama, there is playful music at the end of the film as a buffer, and each episode focuses on a small climax. It is a smart and safe method to continuously output for a limited period of time throughout the season.

There were comments upstairs that the show was "American chicken soup dressed in a letter circle", which was quite accurate. And this "letter circle outerwear" is still not quite the one that fits the body. I'll talk about it below, but the chicken soup part is indeed remarkable.

Essentially, it is a story about friendship and eliminating gender gaps, supplemented by the special personality of the hero and the heroine, and the ambiguity of the lovers above AUO. The drama tension is enough; then the hero and heroine will grow up with the plot and no longer have a relationship with themselves. Special professions are ashamed to speak out, and finally they bravely speak out to gain external recognition and self-identification; some small details also reflect the awareness of gender equality, focusing on women and gays' struggle against sexual patriarchy (translated as "sexual patriarchy"?).

E01 "Old Friends Change New Names"

Mainly speaking, Pete was taken into the circle as an assistant by Tiff. Tiff's first task for Pete is to protect himself from customers who cross the border, using a knife when necessary. But the final episode of the season proved that Tiff can do it himself with a knife and stabbing a person in the thigh, suggesting that Tiff only needs the care of friends when he finds Pete who has not been in contact for many years.

At the beginning, Pete came to the door of the cellar. A customer wearing a peaked cap subconsciously covered his face and left. That person should be Fred, echoing the end of Fred's approval of Pete's service (after all, Pete was born in a smile, which would harm people). After leaving the cellar, No longer dodge, but boldly talk to Pete and indicate that he can play holy water on himself next time.

E02 "Pete Shy"

The title of this episode is a pun. One means that Pete is shy and still dare not come on stage to perform Dongdu laugh. In addition, Pete and pee are homophonic. Pee shy means someone can't urinate when standing next to them. (This episode of Josh’s birthday song therapy is effective. Hey Hey).

Pete didn't dare to perform on stage, but in front of Tiff there were a lot of words; just as Tiff didn't dare to use his own perspective on role playing based on personal experience (teacher), but only dared to talk to Pete. This episode of Tiff talks about the significance of being a tuning teacher. His views on role-playing are actually more self-consistent than the essay speech in episode 6.

E03 "The Black History That Can't Be Escaped"

Although the fat elder sister speaks awkwardly, the hero and heroine still hurt her, thinking of the unbearable past. This episode reveals the relationship between the two, which has a flashback in the season finale. It also reveals that Tiff, as a tuning teacher, helps people get rid of the knots but can't resolve the embarrassing situation of their own knots and can not heal themselves. It was precisely when Tiff didn't awaken his self-consciousness and used his body as a tool that he was given the opportunity to be taken advantage of by the scumbags, which also paved the way for the sixth episode of his thesis speech.

E04 "Move the Truth"

The housewife Daphne was developed by Pete with the queen attribute, which shows that Pete himself is also growing up in the field of mentoring teachers, although the original purpose is to take advantage of the opportunity and just bad money.

Echoing the title is Tiff's dissatisfaction with salty and wet beasts, Pete's yearning for Josh, and Doug's favor with Tiff. These three-line motives are all put into practice.

E05 "Dating Two Lines"

At the beginning, Pete angrily tied Tiff and laughed and said goodbye to Rolph, echoing in the second episode, Tiff tied Pete and angrily scolded Rolph.

It's a bit miserable for Rolph to interfere with Tiff's private life and be driven away. Although Xian Shi Jiao Beast's behavior is despicable, his understanding of the disadvantages of role-playing in the second episode is still okay. This episode is indeed fulfilled in the relationship between Tiff and Rolph.

The two-line editing of the theme song in the middle part is very contagious. This episode is also a highlight set by Doug.

The lion tamer in this episode also has a lot to come. It is Tansy Tan Dora, who is known as the "Elizabeth Taylor of the dancer world", and the lion tamer is her masterpiece.

E06 "Penguin"

It directly echoes the penguin man at the beginning. The deep meaning is that people’s impression of penguins is deviated from the real penguin. When extended to the plot, it means that the hero and heroine have broken the outside world’s solid cognition of the alphabet circle, and bravely stepped on stage to express their true self. . The catwalk where Tiff wore a red jacket was full of offensiveness, but although the subsequent paper speeches were high-gloss performances, they were actually a bit awkward and the most controversial.

This episode of Pete's evolution is completed, and he won the title of Master Carter.

E07 Season Finale "Escape into the Forest"

It was Pete who ran away from the reception with Tiff, and now it is Tiff who ran away from the house of the man in suit with Pete. Back then, it was separate things, but now it's a journey together. Running hand in hand in this episode can be regarded as Tiff's return to Pete, and it is more reliable than reporting back to him. The house of the man in the suit symbolizes the social prison of the sexual patriarchy, while Tiaozi's view of the teacher as a seller is alluding to the prejudice of the real society towards the letter circle.

This drama is essentially a comedy, and it cannot be regarded as a popular science show on the alphabet circle. Don’t take it too seriously, otherwise you will find a lot of grooves. For example, Pete was just a noob at first, and he was brought into the circle by Tiff without knowing anything. On the night of the formal training of Fred, although Tiff mentioned Fred's favorite projects, the verbal humiliation project was only proposed by Fred on a temporary basis, and Pete refused to humiliate Fred at first. But in the absence of further communication, Tiff gets angry with Pete, saying that it respects the "boundary"? Pete didn't know beforehand about being taken by the rock musk deer and the holy water project in the second episode, but he still had to do it after knowing it. Tiff's saying was "If you tell you in advance, you will refuse." WTF? What about the good SSC principle? The SSC principle refers to safety, sane, and informed consent. What Tiff did to Pete in the first and second episodes is obviously contrary to the point of "informed consent". It is just a plot to kill. It aims to endorse the script node of "making Pete brave"; as for "safety" He was also suspicious of "sanity". After all, he was patronizing a quarrel, and he didn't even notice that Fred got out of bed and was almost strangled to death.

If the first two episodes were deliberately unprofessional for the purpose of highlighting comedy effects, it is fair enough, but in the fifth episode, Tiff abandoning Rolph is very irresponsible. Although it’s the relationship between Party A and Party B, collecting money for work, but Rolph went to his heart and crossed the "boundary" to interfere with his real life. Tiff is a teacher of the adjustment and he is also a graduate student in psychology. Even if he is angry, isn't it Should be a little empathetic, to smooth out Rolph, so as to resolve his heart knot? It can make Rolph wake up sooner, but also avoid leaving a mess for himself. It feels that Rolph is the most miserable in the whole series. So in the last episode, before the man in the suit was revealed, he pretended to praise Tiff as "the best tone teacher in this area" and laughed out loud.

The development of Andrew and Daphne, the "vanilla couple" ("vanilla" to the alphabet circle corresponds to "Muggle" to the wizarding world) is also a slot, and the final "compromise" is casual enough. Andrew likes to be tickled and didn't say he likes to be beaten. Daphne likes to beat people but can't stand it. Could his so-called "compromise" mean that Andrew suffers domestic violence after he gets better? If you want to be cool, you must be beaten. Are you afraid of forming conditioned reflex aversion? In the future, if you do not speak well, you will be single-sidedly domestically abused?

Then there is the thesis speech of Tiff Episode 6. Before entering the stage, he was aggressive like a catwalk, but when he officially opened the lecture, he said that he did the Dom because of trauma, and then cried slightly, but the classmates in the audience felt that they were holding back their laughter, which was embarrassing. Attack, Bai was blind and entered the arena so aggressively. However, the way to heal the trauma is not elaborated. Combined with its trauma, Tiff becomes a dom not so much as a way to ease the pressure of the client, but more like a subversive attitude towards the sexual patriarchy. In fact, movies and televisions with the theme of the alphabet circle are the most resistant to this trauma/shadow path. It is easy to send a wrong message that people with alphabet complexes are not mentally healthy. Are you not happy that someone is born with this kind of interest? Is this kind of approach a stigmatization of the letter circle?

In fact, after the show was broadcast, although the screenwriter also claimed that Pete's story line was adapted based on his own experience at the time, he still couldn't stand the strong criticism from the female dom group. Most of the professional female doms accused the dramatists of not having conducted in-depth research on the alphabet circle, and only relied on half-understood symbolic cognition to convey the mistakes and stereotypes about the circle to the audience, trying to act as an enlightenment voice to introduce this subculture into the mainstream, but The lack of rigorous spirit and correct mentality has worsened the stigma that the circle has suffered. In the face of doubt, the drama party adopted simple and rude methods of controlling comments and limiting current on Twitter.

What was more impressive was that a female dom asked why Tiff's collar had an iron ring. Because most of the iron rings at the throat of the collar are used for traction ropes or chains, this type of collar is only worn if it is sub or M. I feel that the screenwriters do lack research on relevant groups, or disdain to research, just piling up elements out of a curiosity mentality, and peddling private goods in the context of a specious story. The core of private goods is to criticize sexual patriarchy through the friendship between the hero and the heroine. The drenched beasts and the men in suits are all incarnations of this system. It can be said that they are more thoughtful. But the screenwriter spent too much effort to pile up the alphabet circle symbols that he didn't understand, and he only clicked on the small details of the private goods that he was going to carry (mixed toilets, Doug's T-shirts, Tiff's golden sentences). ), so the script is also mediocre.

I didn’t want to write a long review, because the script is not particularly brilliant, but I am fascinated by the sometimes glamorous and sometimes playful heroine. It is worth adding a star for her. I watched this drama intermittently four times, and I feel sorry for not writing something. So many times; the female dom who questioned the collar mentioned above also questioned why Tiff's outfit didn't fit. In fact, Zoe Levin was fat and good-looking before. Maybe she accidentally lost her upper circumference when she was losing weight. The protagonist is also good. It feels too miserable for such a beautiful person to be tossed by the screenwriters; the transgender po on social accounts is dressed up as coquettish, but the show is pure and pure. Except for the two heroes and heroines, I like Doug the most. Honestly and sincerely, the young actor will hesitate to look around after the failure and the small details that are overwhelmingly happy after the success. Although he looks honest, the more he looks more attractive.

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