Stupid King Jeput!

Curtis 2022-12-29 10:52:42

Aladdin's opponent is weak and has a low IQ. EQ is also low. Always underestimate the enemy for the sake of history's evaluation of oneself. When my wife rescued herself from Aladdin, she had to say goodbye to Aladdin! Can you be more stupid?

I didn't have integrity three times in a row, why do I still believe in Aladdin? ! Scum...

With such an emperor, why worry about not perishing the city? Sometimes life saving is much smarter than talking about integrity with an unethical opponent?

The queen is still very beautiful, but so what? My husband is a scum...

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Padmaavat quotes

  • Maharawal Ratan Singh: What is your name?

    Padmavati: Every leaf here knows my name.

  • Sultan Alauddin Khilji: We Khiljis saw a dream together, that one day our flag will soar all over the world.