"Conquer Heaven. 1492"

Jess 2022-10-27 09:26:14

This is an epic film shot by Scott in 1992, which describes the story of Columbus's discovery of the New World in America. It is also the story of a Spanish filming in the United States where a British director hired a French star to play an Italian role. (It's not easy to compose this sentence!)

The first thing I feel is the ears. The theme song was composed by the Greek composer Vangelis. The epic spirit of the film is reproduced. The deep drums, the male chorus, the tactful violin, and the magnificent synthesizer, all of these form a breathtaking sound that brings us back to five hundred years ago. It seems to be a longing for the new world, it is also like the conquering of difficulties and obstacles, and it is more like the baptism of success and the pursuit of ideals. Gives people an extremely shocking appeal, inspiring and tearing. I seriously suggest that everyone listen to it, the language is difficult to describe. A few years ago, the TV series "Soldier Assault" and the Taiwanese TV series "An Inch of Mountains and Rivers and One Inch of Blood" both used the main theme of this song.

Spain in 1492 was its most glorious period. The Spanish army regained Grenada, which had been dominated by the Moors for hundreds of years. The dawn of the Renaissance has slightly illuminated the dark Middle Ages. People's minds that have been imprisoned for nearly a thousand years are slowly awakening. The church wants to spread the faith, the royal family wants to expand abroad, and the merchants want foreign trade. Countless desires are stimulating people to find a new world. The great Columbus came into being on this turbulent land.

Columbus was an idealist. He was full of longing for the new world. He believed that there was a new land waiting for him on the other side of the ocean, and he was full of passion for that mysterious land. In order to realize his ideals, he cleverly used the needs of all kinds of people. He told the church to spread the will of God, told the royal family that Spain could become a world empire because of this, and told businessmen that the roofs there were made of gold. of. Tell the crew that we can get there in seven weeks. Finally obtained approval from all quarters, the Queen also funded his voyage.

Unlike everyone else, Columbus's only pursuit is discovery and exploration. The most glorious moment in his life was when the fog on the sea disappeared, a piece of land that had never been set foot in the sun appeared, palm trees swaying whirling, and birds singing in the forest. All the dreams of Columbus were realized at this moment. He tearfully announced: "In the name of God, in the name of the King of Spain, with the power I have been given, I declare that I own this land and named it San Salvador."

This moment is also remembered by history.

In fact, by this time, Columbus had achieved his ideals and completed his mission. But the sad thing is that reality also requires him to continue, to become governor, to interact with the Indians, to quell the internal anxiety and rebellion one after another. He was really powerless about this. A priest who was about to leave said to Columbus: "No one needs a new world, only you." Yes. People do not need this new world from the bottom of their hearts, but only to realize their greed. This is also the fundamental reason why Columbus faced various failures in the second half of his life. No one could understand the greatness of Columbus.

In the film, Columbus has a conversation with the royal agent Sandor.

Sandho: "You are just a dreamer."

Columbus: "Look there, what do you see?"

Sandho: "I saw castles, palaces, minarets, I saw civilization."

Columbus: "All these are created by someone like me. No matter how long you can live, one thing between you and me will never change. I did it, you didn't."

He tells the difference between great men and mediocre men. Do people still remember the Queen of Spain today? Do you remember Sanderwood? Remember the high bishop? They have long since turned into dust with history. Immortal is Columbus and his great discoveries.

The discovery of the Americas began the colonial era. Colonization has brought huge benefits and wealth to the overlord, accompanied by cruel plunder and killing. Inadvertently, civilization and prosperity were brought to the colonial zone. But is this really what the indigenous people need? The film depicts a native Indian who, after experiencing these, resolutely took off the clothes given to him by the colonists, rejected the "civilization" that he once admired, took up a bow and arrow, and returned to his companions. The metaphor here is obvious. Even today, people are still arguing about the gains and losses of colonialism. But this has nothing to do with Columbus. Columbus at that time could not predict what happened later. Nor can it harm his greatness in the slightest.

Columbus is played by the famous French movie star Gerard Depardieu. We have no way of knowing whether he is like Columbus, let alone whether Columbus has his big nose. But Geral did exactly that. In order to reproduce the real scene five hundred years ago, in addition to the reality of the scenery and costumes, his movements are as close to life as possible, and he does not deliberately reveal an elegant posture. At the moment he set foot on the New World, he was tired, ragged, staggered, his tearful face, and trembling lips were really touching.

It is difficult for biopics to show characters in their lives. They are either loose or one-sided. To discover such a great cause as New World, it is difficult to contain such a huge amount of information in a two-hour movie. It is even more impossible to truthfully tell what happened five hundred years ago. The skill of the director and screenwriter is reflected in the choice of events. And elaborately describe it to reflect the spirit of the entire film. If it is not exacting, this film is still very good.

My score: 7.5.

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Extended Reading

1492: Conquest of Paradise quotes

  • Columbus: Paradise and hell both can be earthly.

  • Sanchez: [Columbus stops Sanchez after he leaves an audience with the Queen. Sanchez looks at him, disgusted] You're a dreamer.

    Columbus: [shooting a glance out of a window] Tell me, what do you see?

    Sanchez: [pausing to look] I see rooftops, I see palaces, I see towers, I see spires that reach... to the sky! I see civilisation!

    Columbus: All of them built by people like me.

    [Sanchez doesn't respond - shocked]

    Columbus: No matter how long you live, Sanchez, there is something that will never change between us. I did it. You didn't.