The job of a broker is to make yourself unemployed.

Davonte 2022-01-11 08:02:55

"Danny Rose"

"Danny Rose" tells the story of a comedy star and his agent. Woody plays the enthusiastic comedy agent Danny Rose in the movie. He lives with the down-and-out comedy stars, takes care of them, and arranges their work. But when these comedy stars became popular, they often replaced the agent who helped them in the first place.

Woody himself did the same. When filming "Fools in Prison", he also referred to the producer's ideas, but as his confidence grew, he no longer relied on their opinions. "Jack Rollins often said that the sad thing about the profession of a broker is that the more successful his job, the less his clients need him. At first, the client was as overwhelmed as a newborn chicken. But as he grows stronger, gains a reputation, and keeps asking for jobs , when he gets richer in experience and becomes more confident in art, he no longer needs an agent. The job of an agent is to make himself unemployed . In the showbiz, the agent is Dismissal is a very common thing." —Woody Allen

If you pay attention, you will find that Woody's movies are very short. (Appendix movie time table at the end of the article) Woody believes that this is related to the director's natural circadian rhythm. Everyone feels the rhythm of things differently. "For me, 1 hour and 40 minutes is already very long. Once that time is exceeded, I have nothing to say. The director's work reflects his rhythm and metabolism." The whole story of "Danny Rose" is very brief. Only 84 minutes, a little over an hour to finish the whole story. The movie is small, smart, and very smooth. The scene starts from a restaurant, and a group of comedians at the dinner tell the story of the legendary comedy star agent Danny Rose. The atmosphere is pleasant and relaxed, just like every interesting story we talked about at the dinner table. "Danny Rose" is a short, interesting and complete movie. It's a pity that Woody has resolutely followed the path of feature films and no longer shoots those exciting nonsense comedies in movies. At this time, Woody is more eager for a complete story. He does not want to use intermittent nonsensical comedy paragraphs to destroy the fluency of the story. This is worth noting.

Woody's first director's work "A Fool in Prison" Duration: 85 minutes

Woody's second director's work "Banana" Duration: 82 minutes

Woody's third director's work "The Book of Sex" Duration: 88 minutes

Woody's 4th director's work "Fools in Science City" Duration: 89 minutes

Woody's fifth director's work "Love and Death" Duration: 85 minutes

Woody's sixth director's work "Annie Hall" Duration: 93 minutes

Woody's seventh director's work "Deep In My Heart" Duration: 93 minutes

Woody's 8th director's work "Manhattan" Duration: 96 minutes

Woody's 9th director's "Stardust Recall" Duration: 89 minutes

Woody's 10th director's "Midsummer Night Sex Comedy" Duration: 88 minutes

Woody's 11th director's work "The Legend of West Lie" Duration: 79 minutes

Woody's 12th director's work "Danny Rose" Duration: 84 minutes

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Extended Reading

Broadway Danny Rose quotes

  • Danny Rose: [to the husband of a woman who hasn't woken up by Danny Rose's hypnotist act] I promise you, if your wife never wakes up again, I promise you I will take you to any restaurant of your choice.

  • Danny Rose: I think about you in the long run. That's what I'm sayin'. You're - you're the kinda guy that will always make a beautiful dollar in this business. You know what I mean? You're what I call a perennial. You - you get better lookin' as you get older.

    Lou Canova: That's true. When I'm out there singin', I can feel the women mentally undressing me. It's true!