"Midway Air and Sea Battle" movie script

Reanna 2022-09-07 12:17:54

"Midway Air and Sea Battle" movie script

Text/Donald Sanford

Translated by: Wang Shoucheng

The first air strike against Tokyo by an aviation squadron led by Colonel Dolittle.

Credits for credits.

Outside the Geisha Pavilion

A group of low-rise and exquisite houses, with a spacious and beautiful garden in front of the house, and a street in front of the garden. The sun is shining bright, and the garden is full of flowers. Suddenly, a black car used by senior cadres of the Imperial Navy broke in. The car braked sharply in front of the garden, making a harsh braking sound. The young lieutenant colonel Watanabe Neji jumped out of the car and went straight to the gate of the Geisha Hall. After entering the door, walk quickly forward along the trail in the garden.

Superimposed subtitles: Hiroshima, April 18, 1942

Watanabe's rapid footsteps alarmed an elderly servant woman, who hurriedly came to the door and called out the proprietress loudly. Watanabe talks with the proprietress. The proprietress refused to let Watanabe into the house. Watanabe squeezed the proprietress and forced her way into the house.

Long corridor

At the end of the promenade is a delicate moon cave door with an inner garden inside. Watanabe walked to the moon cave gate. In the room by the promenade, several beautiful geishas curiously poked their heads out of their rooms. The lady boss hurried past Watanabe and shouted angrily: "Lieutenant Colonel!"

Watanabe heard the whispers and laughter of the geishas coming from behind. He looked back, his expression embarrassed. Then he said to the proprietress in a low and firm tone: "Please report to Admiral Yamamoto that the enemy bombed Tokyo."

The lady boss was stunned.

Watanabe: "Quick!"

The proprietress entered the inner garden. Watanabe was at a loss under the prying eyes of the geishas. The proprietress soon appeared at the door again and asked Watanabe to come in.

In the garden

In the exquisite inner garden, Admiral Fifty-Six Yamamoto is listening to the famous geisha Kikuji playing the three strings.

When Watanabe approached, Yamamoto, wearing a kimono, stood up, still holding a tea bowl unconsciously.

Yamamoto looked serious. Watanabe bowed to him.

Yamamoto: "When is it?"

Watanabe: "Ten minutes ago, General. Yokohama, Kawasaki, and Yokosuka were also bombed. Southern cities are said to have been bombed."

Yamamoto was dumbfounded, and there was no time to ask, and Watanabe had guessed what Yamamoto was most concerned about.

Watanabe:'His Majesty the Emperor is safe, General. I have personally spoken to the palace on the phone, and your Majesty is not frightened. "

Yamamoto: "How about the loss?"

Watanabe: "Tokyo is very slight, other cities have not reported it yet, and it may not be too heavy."

Yamamoto seemed to be relieved, but his expression was still very serious.

Yamamoto: "What method did the Americans use? Watanabe, how did they cross our police line?"

Watanabe: "They used a B-25 long-range bomber, which took off from an aircraft carrier and entered at a low flight. We only discovered it after entering the city."

Yamamoto whispered and bitterly: "Tokyo was blown up!..."

Watanabe hesitated and said: "General, I know you care about your majesty's safety, but..."

Yamamoto: "Just talk about it, Lieutenant Colonel."

Watanabe: "This air strike is not a bad thing."

Yamamoto showed a slight anger when he heard it, and stared at Watanabe.

Watanabe: "The Americans did a great thing for us. They confirmed that you are right. Our homeland is not solid. In the future, the General Staff will never come to hold us back. They will definitely Agree with your'MI Action'!"

Outside the small warehouse

Subtitle: Pearl Harbor, Naval Combat Intelligence Department

A Marine Corps lieutenant is checking the ID of Colonel Fermat Garth.

Lieutenant: Did you hear that, Colonel? Dolittle bombed Tokyo. This is the first victory I should congratulate since December 7..."

Garth interrupted him: "I have an urgent matter, Lieutenant."

The lieutenant saluted and signaled the guard to let the colonel in.

Underground Information Room

The intelligence room is very large, with dozens of soldiers squeezed into it. The person in charge here is Lieutenant Colonel Ben Mallory.

Mallory: "Okay, Colonel Garth! I thought there was a lower-level intelligence officer! I didn't think it was you, an Air Force hero, so lucky!"

Garth: "It's terrible, Ben! Admiral Nimitz sent me to understand a few important issues."

Mallory: "Why are you so listless, Matt? I thought Dolittle's airstrikes would make you all happy to have a big dance on the street!"

Garth: "That's not the case. It is very likely that there will be a retaliatory attack. Our fleet is paralyzed again, and we need too much time! Admiral Nimitz believes that the Japanese will act immediately. The question is where they will choose. ."

Mallory handed Garth a list.

Mallory: "This is a list of the Japanese fleet. We suspect that the ships on the list are planning to take amphibious operations south of Labule. The target may be Port Moresby..."

Mallory pointed to the area on the big map.

Mallory: "We think the Coral Sea is their next goal... But it seems that they are still using other brains, and we still can't figure it out..."

Garth: "What we need are facts, not guesses!"

Mallory: "Matt, deciphering is not straightforward. It's just a little bit here and a little bit there..."

Garth also became irritable: "Then what exactly do you know?"

Mallory: "The staff officers under Yamamoto's radio communications are getting more and more frequent."

Garth was disappointed: "That's it?"

Mallory: "Maybe it's important. At least, I don't think... things are not great."

Garth stared at Mallory quietly, making a decision.

Garth: "I'll bring back the list of fleets that may be heading to the Coral Sea."

With a happy look on Mallory's face, he gave him the list.

Garth: "Ben, can I ask a private matter?"

Mallory: "Of course you can."

Garth: "It's too sloppy here... When did your subordinates take a bath?"

Mallory stroked his chin, unable to answer for a long while.

Mallory turned around and asked his assistant Raechi: "Is there a new telecom from Yamamoto intercepted?"

Laete: "Here is a copy. They mentioned'AF' for the first time. I don't know what it is referring to."

Mallory: "'AF'..."

Pearl Harbor, Pacific Fleet Headquarters

An officer's car drove up.

Tom Garth got out of the car and walked to the door of this building.

Garth saw Lieutenant Tom Garth hurriedly crossing the road, his face expressing inner joy.

Garth: "Tom! When did you arrive? I'm so happy, God!"

Tom: "Last night."

Garth: "Why don't you write to me in advance?"

Tom replied: "I was assigned to Lujing."

Garth: "Okay! We can finally see each other often."

Garth grabbed Tom by the shoulder and saw him from head to toe.

Garth: "You look good, Tom. That's good!"

Tom: "You are not bad too, Dad!"

Garth: "You are finally no longer a fat boy!"

Tom: "That's been a few years."

Garth: "To Lujing, which squadron is it?"

Tom: "VF-8."

Garth: "Really? Not bad. Your commander used to be my wingman pilot, of course as early as at the San Diego Military Academy...His name is Carl Gissop."

Tom: "Can we find a place to talk?"

Tom's attitude could not help making Garth put away a smile.

Okinawa Island Style Hotel

The restaurant is small and not very clean, and most of the customers are locals.

Matt Garth entered the restaurant with his son, and the proprietress welcomed them warmly. A beautiful waitress led them to a table.

Tom: "Well, today is a good day... Let's have a glass of Collins!"

Garth: "I called on the day you graduated. It was from Guam through a special wireless circuit."

Tom: "I was told. It's a pity that I didn't receive your call."

The waitress brought the wine, and the two clinked glasses to drink.

Garth: "There are a lot of things to talk about. When will you report in?"

Tom: "Eight o'clock."

Garth checked his watch. "Well, boy. You talk first."

Tom hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I am in love with a Japanese girl, I want to marry her."

Garth stared at his son and couldn't answer.

Tom: "I want your support."

Garth: "I can be sure that you are in trouble."

Tom: "She's here-Honolulu-was arrested."

Garth: "I don't understand this! You were trained in San Diego and you are in love with a Japanese girl in Honolulu?"

Tom: "I met her in San Diego. She is an assistant professor at the University of San Diego."

Garth: "She was arrested here?"

Tom: "Her parents live here. She came to ask for their consent. The FBI had doubts about her parents, so she was also arrested."

Garth: "Of course it will!"

Tom: "Haruko was born in America. Her loyalty is the same as ours! (Pauses) As soon as I got here, I went to the so-called'detention camp' and she refused to see me."

Garth: "Why?"

Tom: "I don't know. But, I know she and her parents will be sent back to the United States soon."

Garth didn't answer.

Tom: "Why don't you speak? It's because I want to marry a Japanese girl, right?"

Garth: "Yes, it is! But it is not the reason you think. Tom, do you remember that I served in Hong Kong for four years? If I didn't love your mother that way, I would have done it for those Asian girls. She abandoned...Don't put me in the racist hat. But, I have to say, your timing is really bad."

Tom smiled and said, "Then you mean you are willing to help me! Are you!"

Garth: "If it can be done!"

Tom: "Dad, frankly, I believed you would help from the beginning."

Garth: "I'll look at the FBI files. What's her name?"

Tom handed him a note.

Tom: "Sakura Haruko. I have written it on paper!"

Garth: "However, you have to promise me first that you should not act hastily until I know the situation. Okay?"

Tom: "Okay, it's a deal."

Garth took off his glasses. Tom saw the scar on his right hand.

Tom: "You haven't talked about you yet... the injury to Pearl Harbor?"

Garth moved his fingers and nodded again: "It was hit by the Japanese shrapnel...It was not made of scrap steel that we supported them. I really can't figure it out, but I was hit by the mudguard of a Chevrolet in my country. Hurt, isn't it? Okay, let’s have lunch, how about it?"

Tom: "I'm starving."

Battleship Yamato

Several giant battleships, cruisers, destroyers... are moored in the harbor.

Overprint subtitles: Port of Hiroshima. Yamato, the flagship of the Japanese Navy's combined fleet with Yamamoto 56 as the commander

War Command Room on the Ship

Yamamoto’s generals gathered on both sides of a giant Pacific battle map. Several eye-catching characters "MI Action" are printed on the plot. There are two arrows below the words "MI Operation", indicating MI's targets. The pale arrow points in the direction of the Aleutian Islands. The dark red arrow points to a large circle, including Midway Island. Inside the circle is written: "Target AF".

Lieutenant General Kondo's face was stern and slightly sad. He held a thin stick in his hand and gestured back and forth on the battle plot.

Kondo: "My personal opinion is that this action is not only unnecessary, but also without hope of success."

Yamamoto was silent on this outspoken objection. Watanabe looked shocked. On the other side of the plot are Major General Ugaki Tana, Lieutenant General Hosaka Shioshiro, Lieutenant General Shōun Tadaichi, and Major General Yamaguchi Domon.

Watanabe: "Your Excellency Lieutenant General Kondo,'Operation MI' was proposed by our most intelligent strategist."

Kondo said coldly: "We all admire Colonel Kuroshima's knowledge and abilities, Lieutenant Colonel Watanabe. But this time he was stunned."

Watanabe looked towards Yamamoto.

Yamamoto took a sip of tea quietly.

Watanabe to Kondo: "Could you please talk about it in detail, General?"

Kondo: "Before I commanded the amphibious force to land on Midway, it would be unthinkable if the enemy's airfield and artillery positions were not suppressed."

Watanabe: "Didn't General Xiangyun just said that his carrier-based aircraft can wipe out the defenses of Midway Island in one fell swoop?"

Kondo: "The range of the enemy's land bomber is at least four hundred miles longer than Lieutenant General Xiangyun's carrier-based aircraft. Before he could launch an attack, his aircraft carrier was bombed."

Xiangyun: "Did my aircraft carrier ever be bombed during the attack on Pearl Harbor? It was much more dangerous than now! Where did the bomber come from?"

Kondo: "One time and another time, General Xiangyun! It is one thing to carry out a surprise attack with a task force... But now, to attack Midway Island and the Aleutian Islands, there are two hundred warships and one hundred thousand officers and soldiers. It is another one. What's going on."

Yamamoto put down his teacup and turned to Vice Admiral Hossuan.

Yamamoto: "What do you think of the commander of the northern line, Lieutenant General Xi Xuan? Do you have any concerns about eating the little things in the Aleutian Islands?"

Xixuan: "No, General. However, for such a large-scale and complex operation, I want to think about it again. Besides, our'Operation Coral Sea' will be launched in a few hours."

Yamamoto: "We have enough strength to do both."

Major General Yamaguchi: "I basically agree with the opinions of Lieutenant General Kondo and Lieutenant General Hosaka, General. I suggest that after the'Coral Sea Operation' the long-term considerations be taken."

Yamamoto looked unhappy, and then eased slightly: "That's good. However, I am convinced that our victory can only be achieved through a large-scale and lightning attack... in order to destroy the morale of the U.S. military, before they can mobilize Before the rise of industrial power, they were asked to come and beg for peace, and this kind of attack could choose Midway Island—attack immediately!"

Yamamoto got up and left, followed by Watanabe and others. Only Kondo and Hossuan are left.

Kondo: "It's ridiculous! Yamamoto Dream also worried about the safety of the so-called emperor. Just because of the sudden airstrike by Dolittle, he had to take such rash and meaningless actions."

Seaplane Base at Pearl Harbor

A seaplane glide down and landed in the harbor.

Garth was standing next to Admiral Nimitz's car with a sad expression on his face. He carried a briefcase under his ribs.

The seaplane hadn't come to a complete stop, the hatch had opened, and it had fallen down the stairs. Admiral Nimitz hurriedly disembarked and walked quickly to the car that picked him up after getting ashore.

Garth looked at Mallory who arrived panting.

Garth: "Can't you really ease your business? I already have a general headache here!" He patted his briefcase.

Mallory: "My business is an urgent business!"

Garth: "By the way, your estimate of the Coral Sea is absolutely correct. The Japanese did attack there."

Mallory: "We got beaten?"

Before Garth could answer, Nimitz came to them.

Garth: "Hello, General. You are welcome back to the base. How was the journey?"

Nimitz: "It's far and bumpy...Has Fletcher sent a report from the Coral Sea?"

Garth: "It's sent, General. It's in my briefcase."

Nimitz got into the car and the door closed.

Garth said to Mallory, "Sit in the front seat, Ben! I'll let you report back." The two got into the car separately.

Although Nimitz was exhausted, he didn't show it at all.

Garth took out a report from his briefcase and handed it to Nimitz.

Garth: "General Fletcher's preliminary report. We lost the Lexington."

Nimitz was taken aback. He scanned the report and asked urgently: "Then what about our results?"

Garth picked up another report: "Sunk a light mothership, one of the most advanced, and there are some small ships." After a while, "It looks like we have a tie, General."

Nimitz: "One-for-one, we don't have the capital, Matt. They have a three-to-one advantage. Now, we have lost the Lexington, and the Saratoga is under repair... we only have big The Hornat, Enterprise, and Yorktown are three ships to deal with Yamamoto’s next attack."

Garth: "General, the Yorktown was hit hard in the Coral Sea battle. This is a supplementary report from General Fletcher."

Nimitz was indeed shocked now. He took the supplementary report in Garth's hand and read it carefully. The air was terribly quiet. At this point, Mallory gestured to Garth.

Garth: "General, Lieutenant Colonel Mallory said...There is an emergency to report."

The tired Nimitz raised his head and looked at Mallory.

Mallory: "It's about what'Target AF' means, General."

Nimitz glanced at Garth questioningly.

Garth: "The wiretap station of Lieutenant Colonel Mallory heard a lot of radio communications between Yamamoto and his general commander."

Mallory: "The traffic is getting bigger and bigger, General."

Garth: "He often hears'Target AF' and'Target AO'."

Mallory: "'AO' is still a mystery until now, General. It may be an illusion. However, I think we can conclude that'Target AF' refers to Midway Island."

Nimitz glanced at Garth quickly.

Mallory: "At one point we were really puzzled. Later, my subordinates intercepted a telegram. In March, a Japanese reconnaissance plane sent a telegram to their base. The pilot said that he was flying near'AF'. We plotted every route he could fly, and we found that he could only fly close to Midway Island."

Garth complained: "Ben, you..."

Mallory: "I know it's not enough indeed..."

Nimitz: "Not sure enough? It's too unsure!"

Mallory: "But I figured out a way to prove it. For example: You let Midway Island send a false message, General, send it in plain English. It's said that the fresh water reservoir on Midway Island is broken..."

Nimitz listened and read the telegram that Mallory handed him.

Mallory: "It must be sent in clear code, and the Japanese must be intercepted verbatim."

Nimitz's face became brighter little by little. He handed the telegram draft to Garth.

Nimitz: "Add this message to Midway Island's daily briefing, and I will shoot it tonight."

Midway Island, Naval Communications Office

A large room. There are high-power transmitters and rows of tickers in the house, and people are busy working. Corporal Dubrowski, the radio soldier, was examining a draft of a telegram handed to him by the sergeant chief.

Dubrowski: "Sergeant Major! What happened, who fainted? Isn't the fresh water pond good? I just came from there!"

Sergeant Major: "According to it!"

Dubrowski shrugged.

Japanese Army Radio Communication Station

After the Japanese radio receiver overtook Dubrowski's telegram, he recorded the telegram word by word and translated it into Japanese.

A young captain stood behind the operator. After the message was written, he took it in his hand to examine it, and then handed it to a second lieutenant.

Captain: "Translate this message into a code and send it to the Fleet Headquarters."

Underground Intelligence Service

Haruko's photo. In the photo, Haruko is wearing a graduation gown—a square cap and a black robe. This photo was taken by Garth from the FBI archives. There are also several life photos, including one of Haruko wearing a bathing suit and holding a beauty contest trophy. Haruko is very beautiful. Garth is waiting for Mallory to decipher the Japanese army's message.

In the bedroom

Admiral Nimitz was awakened by the ringing of the telephone.

Garth: "They are on the bait, General! Mallory just deciphered a telegram sent from Guayarin to Yamamoto Headquarters. The telegram said'Something happened to the AF Tamsui Pond'.'AF' must be Midway Island. ."

Nimitz picked up the small clock next to the bed at 3:10 in the middle of the night.

Nimitz: "I'm coming to my office to report at five o'clock, Matt, I want to call a meeting of all senior officers."

Garth: "Yes, General."

Aircraft assembly and repair factory workshop

In the workshop, many workers are busy working. Several senior military officers from Garth's factory are patrolling everywhere.

Tom looked around and walked to his father.

Garth saw his son, walked up to him, and said to the officers, "Excuse me, I have something."

The two raised their throats to speak.

Garth: "I have to get you out of bed, because...Only in this way can I talk to you in these few days..."

Tom: "Have you got the files?"

Garth took Haruko's file from his briefcase and handed it to Tom, sympathetically: "I've seen it."

Tom did not respond and began to read the file. After seeing it, I was shocked.

Tom: "For God's sake! It's nothing more than the situation!"

Garth: "Do you know that she participated in a Japanese patriotic organization?"

Tom: "Yes. I saw some documents in her house, they were just promotional materials."

Garth: "The Attorney General thinks it is subversive. The FBI thinks she is here suddenly for no reason. You probably won't have any objections?"

Tom: "Of course I have objections! And there must be a way to deal with them!"

Garth: "You can't do that! Let me take care of this."

Tom stared at his father as if he had seen him for the first time.

Jia Siping said calmly, "You are here to ask me for help, don't you? Do you really want me to help you?"

Tom: "I have no other choice."

Operational Plotting

Four admirals, Kondo, Yamaguchi, Hosaka, and Xiangyun are on the side of the battle plot. Yamamoto, Ugaki, and Kurojima are on the other side.

Yamamoto: "I guess the battle will unfold in this situation—"

Yamamoto nodded to Colonel Kuroshima, and Kuroshima picked up the indicator stick.

Black Island: "Lieutenant General Xi Xuan's Northern Fleet will be here-the Aleutian Islands-to carry out a feint attack..."

Yamamoto interrupted, "In order to divert Nimitz's attention from our main attack direction."

Hei Dao: "He will not know the truth until 24 hours later-Lieutenant General Xiangyun’s carrier-based aircraft attacked Midway Island and destroyed the American aircraft and coastal artillery positions."

Yamamoto: "At this time your offensive troops are in action, Lieutenant General Kondo."

Kondo still looked disapproving.

Black Island: "Nimitz will definitely be forced to react. He will definitely order his remaining fleet-including aircraft carriers to fight."

Watanabe took out a file folder and pulled out photos of Helsey from it.

Watanabe: "The commander of his aircraft carrier fleet will definitely be Lieutenant General Haiersai."

Kuroshima: "I have studied his tactics and his personality. He is brave and strong-willed... not afraid to take risks. We also use this power to deal with him."

Watanabe: "It will take forty-eight hours for the Haiersai task force to reach Midway Island. By then, Lieutenant General Soyun, you must have defeated the defenders of Midway Island, and you are waiting for him there."

Yamamoto: "You are at an advantage. You have at least a two-to-one carrier power. There are four to five to one cover ships."

Lieutenant General Xi Xuan: "But, General, we have lost a lot of veterans with combat experience in the Coral Sea. We need experienced pilots very much."

Kondo hurriedly echoed Xi Xuan's objection: "77 planes are still needed! The Shaofu has sunk! The Qiaogu has been hit hard again!"

Heijima: "But the Battle of the Coral Sea also caused the enemy to lose a lot of pilots and two aircraft carriers. The balance of power is still as usual, which is very beneficial to our side."

Lieutenant General Xiangyun: "Is this the basis for this combat plan-when we attacked, the U.S. fleet was still defending the Hawaiian Headquarters?"

Black Island: "Nimitz is already paralyzed. He can only parry, unable to fight back. He must leave the rest of his force in Hawaii to defend his Pacific Command."

Yamaguchi said to Yamamoto: "I agree with Lieutenant General Xiangyun, General. We must investigate clearly where the enemy's fleet is. I suggest sending two water reconnaissance planes from Guajalin base on the 29th. The French Friego Shoal, then the submarine refueled midway and flew to Pearl Harbor on the 30th. They were ordered to detect whether the US fleet was indeed there..."

Kurijima said spontaneously: "This is indeed a good measure. Let's call it'Action K'. Does the general mean anything else?"

Yamaguchi shook his head, but Xiangyun stepped in again.

Xiangyun: "We will definitely achieve a huge victory, if Nimitz and Halesai both act according to your plan..."

After hearing Xiangyun's irony, the generals looked at each other.

Yamamoto stood up, and the others hurriedly stood up.

Yamamoto spoke in a calm posture, but his tone was very firm but not aggressive.

Yamamoto: "'Operation MI' must be done according to the established policy. If anyone feels that the task assigned to him is contrary to his conscience, he can completely refuse to accept it without worrying about any doubt about his loyalty."

Although Kondo and one or two others seemed tempted by this, none of them accepted Yamamoto's suggestion. Yamamoto was deeply moved by their firm support.

Yamamoto: "Thank you for your loyalty."

Nimitz Office

Nimitz and a junior officer stood in front of a large map of the Pacific Ocean. The scattered fleet locations are marked on the map.

Lower-ranking officer: "The Enterprise and Hornat can go to port at sunset, General. The other ships of General Halesai can arrive at dawn. The worst is Yorktown, she may be more damaged than we have done. It is much more serious than imagined."

Nimitz: "When can the Yorktown enter the dock for maintenance?"

Lower-ranking officer: "Maybe on the 17th, but it depends on whether its oil spill trajectory will be spotted by an enemy submarine and pursued. Lieutenant General Fletcher has just sent a telegram with a maintenance list."

The junior officer handed the long list to Nimitz.

Nimitz glanced at it and ordered: "Give it to the chief of the dock. Tell him I want him to do his best to summon all the maintenance personnel that can be called, ready to board the Yorktown at any time."

Another staff officer entered.

Staff officer: "The sniper from Washington has just landed, General. Be here in thirty minutes."

Nimitz: "Report the situation to him... Go and get Colonel Garth."

Staff officer: "General, let's deal with him together."

Nimitz: "No. He came to criticize me."

Pacific Command, before combat plotting

The young, bookish Winton Medoxer was carefully looking at the battle plot. Nimitz and several senior lieutenants entered the room. Medox looked up, smiling.

Staff: "Admiral, this is Lieutenant Colonel Winton Medox."

Medox: "It's very nice to meet you, General."

Nimitz: "Thank you, Lieutenant Colonel."

Medox: "General, you will definitely know what the General Staff thinks about this so-called invasion of Midway Island!"

Nimitz: "Yes, they think this is a trick of the enemy."

Medox: "The enemy has exhausted all their scheming to falsify."

Nimitz: "Go on."

Medox picked up a stack of intercepted telegrams and said, "General, is it possible that the enemy forces deliberately gave you this information to cover up their true goals?"

Nimitz: "It's possible."

Medoc: "So, General, how can you still insist..."

Nimitz: "Because according to my judgment, this information is true. I am sure that Yamamoto's target is Midway Island!" His tone was very firm, and there was no room for argument.

Medox: "General, I'm here to convey to you that the Naval Staff is very concerned about ensuring the safety of the west coast of the continental United States and the Hawaiian Islands. That is to say..."

Nimitz: "I fully know that if I am wrong, the west coast and Hawaii will open up. I also fully know that the first thing is to make the homeland safe. But if we can defeat the enemy by surprise, we can make the enemy. Retreating three thousand miles... will prevent the enemy from acting rashly until we appear in their homeland."

Medox: "But General, isn't there such a clause in the military academy's art of war-the decision must be based on the actions the enemy will take, not on the actions that may be taken."

Nimitz interrupted: "Lieutenant Colonel, did you mean that Washington ordered me to fend off the enemy only on the base or on the west coast?"

Medoc: "No, General. I was just ordered to come and consult with you..."

Nimitz turned to a staff officer and said, "Colonel, issue an order for the fleet to fully resist the invasion. Target Midway Island. Issue it immediately."

Staff: "Yes, sir."

At this moment, Garth stepped forward and whispered to Nimitz.

Nimitz nodded and said to Medox, "Please wait, Lieutenant Colonel." Then he walked out of the room, and Garth followed him.

After walking out of the room, Garth handed Nimitz a telegram and said, "I guess you don't want to read this telegram indoors, General!"

Nimitz read the message.

Garth: "It may not be that serious, General."

Nimitz: "Matt, Bill Hersey is very reluctant to go to the hospital. You know that. If he decides to go to the hospital, then the situation is not only serious, it may be critical."

Nimitz walked to the window and looked out.

Nimitz: "After the Pearl Harbor incident, Haiersai did a better job of improving the morale of the troops than any officer...now we have lost him...just when he was most needed..."

Garth: "General, is the order to mobilize the fleet still issued?"

Nimitz thought about it: "Fat! Target Midway Island."

Hiroshima Harbor

The Japanese fleet sailed out of the harbor.

The fishermen waved goodbye and yelled: "Long live--".

Akagi bridge

The bridge was filled with enthusiasm. All officers and soldiers, including Captain Daijiro Aoki, are full of confidence, and they all hold the belief that they will win.

Lieutenant General Xiangyun entered the bridge with his chief of staff, Major General Saga.

Lieutenant General Xiangyun: "Why isn't Lieutenant Colonel Gentian?"

Colonel Aoki: "He's in the sick bay, General. He has the flu."

Xiangyun: "This operation can't be done without the best air force commander."

Aoki touched: "General, we have another sick number, Lieutenant Colonel Futta. He got appendicitis this morning."

Xiangyun walked to the port side and looked at the sea. The illnesses of Gentian and Fuchita cast a shadow on his face.

Xiangyun: "The leader of the raid on Pearl Harbor, Fuchita, was unable to attend duty, and Genda who arranged the raid... also fell ill. It's really unlucky, Saga! Unlucky!"

French Friego Shoal

A seaplane supply boat is faintly moored in the lagoon.

Inside the submarine I-123, in the command tower

Ono looked at the supply ship in the periscope with a serious face. Standing next to him was Captain Ming Tian, ​​a submarine officer on duty, holding maps of various ships of the Allied Powers.

Ueno: "It's a US military seaplane supply ship."

Ming Tian: "It can be sent to the bottom of the sea in three minutes."

Ueno shook his head: "No, they will have time to send a telegram to the police."

Ming Tian: "Then we will knock off its antenna after we float up!"

Ueno: "No, even pistols are not allowed! Our mission is to refuel the two reconnaissance planes flying to Pearl Harbor. We can't do anything else!" He said regretfully, "Let it spend the night here. . I will drive away early tomorrow morning."

Inside the detention camp

Garth and a young ensign came through the empty and gloomy warehouse.

Second Lieutenant: "Colonel, these people have stayed. The FBI will question them. However, they will be sent back to China next week."

The ensign stopped in front of a closed door and reached out and knocked on it. "329" was written on the door in crude handwriting.

Garth: "Thank you, Lieutenant. I will go back myself, you don't need to accompany me." The Lieutenant left.

The door finally opened, and it was the door opened by Haruko Sakura. Haruko was still as beautiful as in the photo, but she was thinner. She wore a western-style clothing, which made her look slim and beautiful. When she saw Garth, she bowed and smiled slightly: "Please come in."

Garth: "Thank you."

Haruko: "These are my parents-Tetsuro Sakura and Sada Sakura, this is Colonel Garth, Tom's father."

Garth: "Hello!"

Haruko: "You must want to talk to me alone, Colonel? My parents understand it."

Garth: "Ah... yes, yes. Please..."

Garth left the hut. Haruko closed the door.

Gareth Haruko walked slowly in the empty warehouse.

Jingzi: "If you are rude, I apologize to you. It is good for you to meet my parents. You can judge for yourself whether they will pose any threat to the security of the country."

Garth: "I never thought of that. I'm afraid it's the current situation, Miss Sakura."

Haruko: "That means I shouldn't complain about Luo!"

Garth: "I didn't say that..."

Haruko: "It's ridiculous. I'm a US citizen! Are we different from German-Americans or Italian-Americans?"

Garth couldn't help being in awe when she saw her holding back her tears angrily.

Garth: "I looked at your file in the FBI..."

Haruko: "Just ask what you want!"

Garth: "Those who participated in the patriotic organization..."

Haruko: "When I was born, my father signed up for me. In order to respect him, I never quit, but I never participated in activities."

Garth: "So, what about the newspaper found in your parents' house?"

Haruko: "The Prairie News? It was published by Wyoming. My father had a deep affection for Japan, but even he felt that the Prairie News was nothing more than propaganda."

Garth: "Then why should he subscribe to it?"

Haruko: "Because he grew up in the tradition of'rice balls'."

Garth: "Rice balls?"

Haruko: "In the 16th century, a poor child born in poverty was finally made a general because of his contributions. The nobleman in power was afraid and hated later, so he rewarded him with some rice balls. He knew it was poisonous, but out of gratitude. Finally swallowed the rice ball. My father also thanked the publisher of "Prairie News"."

Garth: "The last question."

Haruko: "Please."

Garth: "Tom said that you came to Honolulu to ask your parents to give you permission to marry Tom."

Jingzi: "That's it."

Garth: "Then why not just tell the FBI?"

Jingzi: "I don't want to involve Tom."

Garth: "Then why don't you want to see Tom? He loves you. This is incomprehensible."

Jingzi: "Because my parents disagree with me marrying a foreigner."

Garth could no longer speak.

Jingzi: "Please tell Tom for me."

Garth: "No. It's better not to let him know that we have met. He is stationed at Lujing Air Force Base, so let him come to you with a letter, Haruko."

Garth's proposal clearly embarrassed Haruko. The two were relatively speechless.

Naval Hospital Ward

Vice Admiral William F. Helsey leaned on the hospital bed, his face and skin covered with calamine lotion.

Nimitz came to visit him.

Hale Sai: "This damn itch, I'm going crazy!"

Nimitz: "Bill, I don't have much time. Fletcher's Yorktown is being overhauled in the dock, and there are many things waiting for me to make a decision! I'm here to ask you to recommend someone who can replace you!"

Haiersai was straightforward: "Ray Sperrons!"

Nimitz was surprised.

Haile Sai: "Yes, I know, he is much less senior than other commanders, and he has never been on an aircraft carrier. However, he knows mothership tactics."

Nimitz did not answer.

Haiersai continued: "...you asked me to recommend it."

Nimitz pretended to be a dissatisfied Yoko: "Give the Enterprise and Hornat to a cruiser captain, and I can imagine how Washington will react. Especially under the current circumstances."

Haiersai: "Remember you once said to me like this-when you become a commander, you should command."

Inside the Nimitz office

Nimitz sat down at the desk.

Lieutenant General Fletcher came in.

Nimitz: "I'm going to send you out to sea again, Jack. In seventy-two hours... it's a first-level combat."

Fletcher: "Seventy-two hours! It will take at least three weeks for Yorktown to enter the war!"

Nimitz: "I have ordered Sperrons to take over from Haiersai. He will set off the Enterprise and Hornat to sea tomorrow. You will leave in forty-eight hours."

Fletcher: "Ray Sperrons? He's just a cruiser captain!"

Nimitz: "But he understands aircraft carrier tactics."

Fletcher: "He is not a pilot."

Nimitz: "Yes, of course he can't learn to fly overnight."

In the hospital, in the Haiersai ward

Haiersai was lying on the bed, he was looking out the dock from the window with a telescope in his hand, and called for a nurse.

The door opens. Haiersai was turning around and yelling, and saw Major General Speron Jin coming into the room alone.

Haiersai: "Ray!"

Sperrons: "Bill!"

Haersey: "I was about to ask the head nurse to cut down the tree in front of the window. It blocked my view and prevented me from seeing the shipyard."

Sperrons: "Bill, I am very grateful to you for recommending me to take charge of you. However, I want to ask you a question-are you itching in your head?"

Haiersai smiled: "Don't underestimate yourself. The ability to command a large number of cruisers and destroyers to accompany my aircraft carrier fleet from one end of the Pacific Ocean to the other end is capable of carrying this burden."

Sperrons worried: "I'm different from you, Bill."

Haersai: "The only thing I can say to you is: do what you think you should do—not what you think I will do. Go out to sea, find Yamamoto, and beat him. That's all! "

Nimitz Office

Nimitz: "Their fleet departs here. We know the first leg of the voyage. But we don't know how they will diverge, where they will meet, or where they will attack. I guess... they will be on Midway. The attack from the west. Of course, I don’t have the correct intelligence to confirm this. To see that they are definitely not playing tricks..."

Sperrons and Fletcher agreed with this view.

Nimitz asked Sperrons: "What kind of tactics will you adopt?"

Splons did not hesitate: "I put my mothership here-northeast of Midway Island, waiting for Xiangyun's mothership to arrive."

Nimitz: "Why not go to the northwest? Why not attack head-on?"

Sperrons: "Because Washington has the slightest possibility to be right."

Nimitz displeased: "Do you think their target will really be Hawaii or the West Coast?"

Sperrons: "No, General. I just made my ambush position to stop him, if he moves east. Or, if it really is Midway, I can carry out an ambush." ​​His answer made Nimitz very satisfied. Fletcher also nodded in agreement.

Nimitz: "Very well, Jack. When the two of you meet, you are in charge of overall command."

Fletcher was a little baffled.

Nimitz: "Yorktown will be repaired in 72 hours. (Pauses) I don’t need to emphasize Yamamoto’s overall advantage over us. I can only say that your three motherships and their escorts are ours. All power to defend the West Coast. Okay, how do we call... your meeting point?"

A young captain: "Will it be called'Lucky Point', General?"

Nimitz stared at the young officer: "It looks like a word in prayer, Captain. But it's very accurate."

Pearl Harbor Strait

The destroyers of the Sixteenth Task Force were anchored together and sailed through the strait to the sea in a single row. The tanker followed, the cruiser followed, and finally the two aircraft carriers Enterprise and Hornat.

Subtitles, Pearl Harbor, May 28

Enterprise Bridge

Lieutenant General Sperron looked at the two aircraft carriers he commanded for the first time.

Nimitz’s voice-over: “When performing this task, you should use the principle of assured risk. That is, you should avoid exposing yourself, unless you are sure to inflict severe damage on the dominant enemy.”

Honolulu, on the grounds of the detention camp

The Marines stood guard, surrounded by barbed wire. At the other end of the venue, Haruko and Tom Garth were talking.

Tom: "I just don't believe it. Can't you still be the master? You don't have to ignore your parents' opinions at all. What is it for, Haruko?"

Haruko: "Our future will not be good. Tom!"

Tom: "I guessed you would say that!"

Jingzi: "My dear, we really don't have a future. When can we meet? I don't know when this war will end."

Tom: "War cannot stop people from falling in love, cannot stop people from hope, cannot stop people from marrying."

Tears rolled in Haruko's eyes, and her heart was broken. Tom gently drew her closer and embraced her.

Haruko remained silent, struggling against her will.

Tom caressed her cheek, Jingzi finally cried in Tang Mu's arms, but cried happily.

Tom: "I want to rescue you. I don't know what to do now, but I must do it. I swear to you."

Inside the club, bar

Carl Gissop’s Air Force Officer and a group of senior Air Force officers were drinking at one end of the bar. He saw Garth walk in.

Jessop: "Hey, Matt! I'm so glad to see you didn't throw away your bad habits!"

Garth grinned: "I know you took over my position, Carl. How did my kid behave?"

Githop: "Very well, Matt. He is good."

Githop lowered his throat and moved forward, very kindly: "What do you think of the girl Tom has made?"

Garth: "How did you know?"

Githop: "He told everyone in the squadron about this."

Garth: "I met her... she is a very good girl."

Jessop: "Everything is fine, except for the Japanese. People often say,'The East is the East after all, and the West is the West after all.' ."

Garth: "I have to go, Carl. You probably heard that I was asked to go to sea on the Yorktown. Please take care of the kid!"

Githop: "This is all on me, Matt!"

Inside the French Friego Shoal

The US military seaplane supply ship is still moored in the lagoon.

Major Ueno peeped in the periscope for a long time.

Ueno: "Still squatting still like a lazy pig, and there is one nearby."

Ming Tian: "It seems that they must be beaten. It has been two hours since our seaplane left Guajalin. We can never watch our plane fall into their arms."

Ueno: "Okay. Restore radio contact! Ask Gua Jialin for instructions."

Engine Room of the Yorktown

Nimitz, Garth, Fletcher and the head of the dock Gillette are inspecting.

Gillette: "There are three boilers that have not been overhauled, and it will take two days to complete."

Nimitz: "I hope you can finish it by six tomorrow."

Nimitz stopped by the gangway, turned to Fletcher, and said, "I apologize for your boiler problem, Jack. But you must leave the port before 7 o'clock tomorrow, otherwise you won’t be able to talk to Midway Island before Yamamoto attacks Midway. Splons rendezvous."

Fletcher: "Okay."

Nimitz: "Good luck to you and catch the enemy."

Fletcher: "Thank you."

Nimitz: "Wish you too, Matt. I hope you come back here soon."

Garth: "Yes." Salute to Nimitz who is leaving.

Shipyard, under the gangway

Tom and the other pilots lined up to show his transfer order to the Japanese officer on duty.

Garth spotted Tom as he watched Nimitz leave. He walked down the gangway quickly and walked towards Tom.

Tom saw his father and smiled unnaturally.

Tom: "Thank you for taking the time to see me off, Dad!"

Garth: "It will take a month for your squadron to qualify! What are you doing here with them?"

Tom: "What do you ask me, Dad?"

Garth: "Show me the order! When did you get it?"

Tom: "Just before you have time to pack your luggage! You shouldn't be really surprised, are you? Maybe it's because your old friend Jissop hasn't had time to transfer me to the coal ship, right?"

Garth: "Tom, I don't know yet..."

Tom: "You don't know! You obviously wanted me to qualify! Didn't you say not to act rashly? You want me not to interfere with Haruko's being sent to jail! That's what Jisop did!"

Garth: "It has nothing to do with me... absolutely nothing!"

Tom: "I have to get on the boat to report, Dad."

Tom saluted his father stiffly and walked to the officer on duty.

Office of Naval Intelligence Service

Harley Pearson in the uniform of a major general, the Director of Naval Intelligence at the Pacific Fleet Headquarters, is clearing up documents.

Garth almost rushed into the room. The adjutant closed the door.

Pearson stretched out his hand: "Hello, Matt."

Garth: "Harley, for the first time since we graduated from Annapolis Naval Academy, I want you to do me a favor."

Pearson: "Why, Matt? Come on."

Garth: "I borrowed a file of alien elements."

Pearson was surprised: "How did you get it?"

Garth: "Please don't check, Halle." After a while, "Harley, I ask you to investigate this for yourself. Their family will be sent back to China next week. If they are innocent-- I am sure of this, and I want you to stop the repatriation."

Pearson: "You are out of order, Matt! This is not under your jurisdiction. Who are these people?"

Garth: "Maybe one day, that girl will become my daughter-in-law."

Pearson pretended not to have heard it: "This is for personal purposes, forcing the superior to take improper measures."

Garth: "Improper measures? I read the files and checked repeatedly. The threat these people pose to our country's security is not much greater than the dog you keep at home!"

Pearson: "You are about to become an aircraft carrier commander. I got the news from Washington. Do you want to sacrifice it?"

Garth: "If I don't help, I will lose my son. Really, I will lose his...I will lose his forever."

Pearson refused to listen to him: "Because if I report your request, it will enter your file."

Garth: "If it's my own business, I won't come to you. I'm begging you!"

Pearson reluctantly: "Well, I will investigate."

Inside the command tower of I-123 submarine

The Ueno correction was observed in the periscope.

Ming Tian came with the telegram in his hand.

Ming Tian: "A call from the Guajalin base asks us to evacuate and not to be exposed. The reconnaissance plane has returned."

Ueno couldn't believe it: "What we can do is to refuel the aircraft in the sea further south."

Akita: "Probably there is no time. I guess,'Action K'has been cancelled."

Yamamoto 56 battleship in front of the battle map

Black Island is looking at the picture. Yamamoto and Watanabe hurried in.

Kuroshima handed the message to Yamamoto: "I just received a telegram from Tokyo. The seaplane mission to Pearl Harbor has been cancelled."

Yamamoto read the message, expressing anxiously: "Cancel? Why?"

Heijima: "There is a problem that has been discovered, which may make the enemy alert and enter the alert!"

Watanabe: "Xiangyun should be notified immediately. He may think that'Operation K'is going on as usual and the US military's motherships are all anchored in Pearl Harbor!"

Hei Dao: "Our latest intelligence says so."

Yamamoto was even more annoyed: "What's the latest information, Colonel? Did our submarine spot the U.S. fleet twenty hours ago?"

Black Island: "No, sir. But. There is no logical reason for the U.S. military to take the risk to drive the aircraft carrier out of Pearl Harbor, protected by local long-range bombers. And we cannot use radio under any circumstances to prevent the enemy from discovering ours. Location. Sudden attacks are the main factor in our success...just like Pearl Harbor."

Yamamoto shook his head helplessly, then turned and left.

Pearl Harbor Pacific Fleet Headquarters

Nimitz was watching a staff officer put a transparent box over the waters around Midway Island.

Staff officer: "This is the best way, sir. Twenty-two PBY reconnaissance planes are used, and each plane searches within an 8-degree range of 700 miles. This way, everything can be monitored within 180 degrees to the west. The direction is dynamic, and it can also cover our aircraft carrier northeast of Midway Island."

Nimitz researched for a while and said, "Do it now."

Zhongyu Island, before dawn

Young pilots boarded the PBY aircraft parked at the airport one after another. Among them are Reed, Eddie, Kees, and Sieman.

The PBY aircraft taxied to the runway and ascended into the air.

The airport pulled up the barbed wire and built up sandbags. The bulldozer piled up sand dunes on the seashore.

In the cockpit of PBY-5 reconnaissance aircraft

Captain Eddie and his co-pilot, Lieutenant Al Cohen, both held binoculars and patrolled the ocean below. Eddie put down his binoculars and rubbed his stinging eyes.

Pacific Fleet Headquarters

Nimitz was alone in the room, looking worriedly at the battle plot while sipping coffee.

The adjutant entered, holding the search report in his hand.

Adjutant: "Nothing was found."

Nimitz said to himself: "Did we ignore defensive measures..."

Adjutant: "Tanks, sandbags, barbed wire, torpedo boats, and anti-aircraft guns have been allocated."

Nimitz: "It's not good to look forward to the enemy coming to attack me..."

Adjutant: "Is Washington getting pressure again, General?"

Nimitz: "There is no news at all. Frankly speaking, I hope they have turned upside down."

Inside the bridge of the USS Akagi

Lieutenant General Xiangyun looked out of the stormy glass window, his expression anxious.

Xiangyun said to the Chief of Staff Major General Saga: "In five hours, Lieutenant General Xi Xuan will launch an attack on the Aleutian Islands, but we are still struggling towards Midway Island in this unfortunate storm."

Saga: "Anyway, we will not carry out the first air strike until 36 hours later. The weather forecast says it will be clear by then."

Xiangyun: "No radio communication is allowed. Major General Saga, I have been wondering what exactly did Operation K detect in Pearl Harbor. Is the US fleet still there?"

Saga: "Since Admiral Yamamoto has not sent any news, we can assume that the enemy mother fleet must still be near Pearl Harbor."

Flight deck of USS Yorktown

Garth was looking at the sea, and Tom came forward with a member of the Marine Corps, and Tom gave a military salute.

Tom: "Report to you as ordered, Colonel."

Garth said to Corporal Navy, "Thank you, Corporal."

After the corporal saluted, he turned and left.

Garth: "I apologize to you, I sent a Marine Corps soldier to find you, because I was looking for someone to take a message, but you didn't come."

Tom: "I don't think we have anything to talk about, sir."

Garth: "Don't use that old school of officers! You are talking to your old man."

Tom: "I try to remember this."

Garth paused and said, "Tom, no matter what you think of me, I want to be straightforward. Before we left Pearl Harbor, I once expressed my opinion that Haruko and her parents are innocent. I used to A request was made for them to stay in Honolulu, as free people!"

Tom was puzzled.

Garth: "I don't know how effective my request is, but I did make it."

Tom thought for a while, and replied simply: "Thank you."

Garth: "Also, Tom. I never asked your commander to transfer you."

Tom: "You talked to him, didn't you?"

Garth: "Yes, he asked my opinion..."

Tom bitterly: "God, I only have those precious few days to figure out a way to help her. If you can't do it, you can at least just leave my business alone!"

Garth: "Tom, I expressed my sincerity to you from the beginning of this matter. Gissop thinks he has helped both of us. As for me, I have done my best and even exceeded my expectations. The scope of doing it. You should fly a fighter jet with your military payment instead of just sitting in the cabin looking at your girlfriend's picture. Cheer up, kid, otherwise you will be beaten by a Japanese plane when you fly!"

Garth was so emotional that he couldn't speak anymore, and turned to leave.

Tom stared at him, seemingly moved.

Temporary Housing for Midway Communication Center

Superimposed subtitles: 6:30 on June 3rd.

A receiver typed out a telegram on his typewriter, and after typing, he took out the telegram.

Receiver: "Hi, guys! The Japanese bombed Holland Harbor!"

York City Flight Deck

On the deck, F4F aircraft and torpedo boat fighters are preparing to take off. Fletcher and an adjutant are inspecting.

A signalman ran up and handed Fletcher a telegram.

Fletcher took a look and said, "It's finally started." Then he turned to the adjutant, "Send a signal to Sperrons that Attu Island and Kiska Island are under attack."

Pacific Fleet Headquarters Operations Room

Nimitz is discussing the situation with the staff.

Nimitz: "Washington's point of view may be correct. It may be a feint to attack the West Coast or attack the base in Hawaii."

Adjutant: "It may also be an attack on a target we have prepared."

Nimitz: "You can see and know today! Our PBY will definitely discover the truth today."

Nimitz looks at the aerial search plan west of Midway Island.

PBY-9 in flight

Lieutenant Reed hated his co-pilot for chewing chocolate.

Reid: "Can't you pick some pure chocolate without hard nuts?"

Hartman excitedly: "Hey! Look,... at one o'clock, look!"

Reid quickly picked up the telescope.

Hartman: "Did you see it?"

Reid: "I saw it!"

A blue-green ocean was exposed in the cracks of the thick clouds, and two warships could be seen coming oncoming. Then, as the clouds passed, it seemed as if the entire fleet was advancing.

Reid turned to the walkie-talkie microphone: "I am the spark! Notify Midway Island! Send a report: Main body."

The operator's voice came from the headset: "Is it over? Is it just the'main body'?"

Reid: "Photo!" After finishing speaking, he turned to Hartman: "Let's lower the height and see clearly!"

On the sea, two battleships, four cruisers, one small cruiser, eight destroyers and twelve transport ships lined up to sail forward in a battle column.

Bridge of the heavy cruiser Atago

Kondo and the staff held telescopes to observe the distant aircraft.

Staff officer: "It is a PBY type water reconnaissance aircraft of the US military."

Another staff officer: "The radio receiver intercepted the telecommunication, sir. They are warning Midway."

Kondo thought about this sudden change, and picked up the phone: "I am Lieutenant General Kondo. Break the radio silence! Immediately report to Admiral Yamamoto that my offensive fleet has been discovered."

Before the battle plot drawing of the Pacific Fleet Headquarters

Nimitz said doubtfully: "Six giant warships, in a column formation, bearing 262 degrees, 700 miles away..."

Lieutenant Colonel Mallory entered.

Nimitz: "I want to tell you personally, Ben. You are correct-it's Midway Island."

Mallory: "Wow!" paused, "You understand me, General."

Nimitz: "Thank God, Fletcher caught up with Splons on time."

A staff officer hurried in with a report in his hand.

Staff Officer: "PBY-9 has sent another report, General."

Nimitz looked at it and felt even more puzzled: "Eleven warships, heading 090, speed 19 knots. But no ship type was reported. The first report only said that it was the main body, and it didn't say that there was an aircraft carrier."

Adjutant: "When PBY-9 issued the'main' signal, it was in the last segment of the 700-mile voyage. Xiangyun's aircraft carrier may be following the'large ship' it mentioned."

Staff Officer: "It may happen to be out of his sight, General."

Nimitz: "If this is the case, Fletcher's position is wrong. He is too far north." After thinking for a while, "He must sail at escort speed and must enter the attack range before sunset. However, if Xiangyun The aircraft carrier is indeed in the position we suspected..."

Mallory: "Then Fletcher will be attacked!"

Nimitz considered for a while, and then issued an order to a staff officer in a very firm tone: "Send an urgent call to Lieutenant General Fletcher: This is not the subject-to repeat'no'-should wait for the enemy military mother Ship, and then attack..."

Akagi bridge

Xiangyun walked into the bridge, and Saga greeted him with a smile.

Saga: "The weather has turned fine, sir! Our timing can never be better! In this abnormal climate, we even received a telegram from Tokyo to Admiral Yamamoto."

Xiangyun: "So, the intelligence agency still doesn't know anything about the US ship identification?"

Saga: "This...no matter what kind of suspicion we have had in the past..."

Xiangyun interrupted: "I still have some doubts, Saga! We still don't have accurate information, only opinions and estimates. Commander Yamamoto's radio continues to be silent..."

Xiangyun saw Yuan Tian coming in and greeted him with a smile on his face.

Xiangyun: "Gentian, how are you? The face is still red, there must be cold and heat."

Gentian: "It doesn't matter, I can already command air combat."

Xiangyun: "Okay! I order you to arrange a reconnaissance immediately."

Genda and Saga were surprised by this lightning-like order.

Gentian: "Yes! What area?"

Xiangyun: "To the sea area where I might deploy my aircraft carrier, if I were the commander of the US military!" He walked to the chart and asked, "There! Northeast of Midway Island."

Xiangyun said after completing the mission: "Until this comprehensive search is completed, the most experienced veteran pilots must not be used, and more than half of the aircraft must be retained."

Both Saga and Genta were stunned. Xiangyun left.

Saga: "The heroes who led us to major victories in Pearl Harbor, Malaysia, and Ceylon have become shy!"

Pacific Fleet Headquarters, before dawn

Nimitz looked at the huge map of the Pacific battle map.

Nimitz: "This kind of moment really misses the land!"

Mallory looked at the commander-in-chief of the Pacific Force with surprise.

Nimitz: "There is such a vast ocean in front of me, but I turned out to be an unknown person in a prairie town in Texas." He recalled the past, "The nearest lake is 120 minutes away from my town. Miles. In the rainy season, you can walk through the water, and you can also take out the sticky sticks from the bottom of the lake to make pots and pans."

Mallory: "A lot of people are homesick, General. Especially at this moment."

Nimitz: "No matter what happens in the future, Ben, I can be sure that I can earn military salary this month."

The Yorktown operational intelligence room, before dawn

Colonel Fletcher, Garth, and Arnault are examining the plot.

Garth: "If they didn't launch an attack right in front of them, they wouldn't have driven the transport ship so close. The headquarter's view is correct, and Xiangyun will attack Midway Island today."

Fletcher: "The problem is that we don't know where he will attack."

Garth: "We must find him before he finds us."

Fletcher: "But, what if he attacks us from a position we can't see?" He pointed to the north outside of PBY's reconnaissance range.

Garth: "Then let us keep our eyes open in that place, ten SBD aircraft may be enough!"

Fletcher: "Very good. But don't go beyond 100 miles to facilitate the recall."

Yorktown flight deck, before dawn

The SBD aircraft took off and rose into the dark sky.

Akagi flight deck, before dawn

The engine of the plane on the take-off line is accelerating.

Superimposed subtitles: 4:30 a.m. on June 4

Xiangyun, Saga and others watched the actions on the deck from the podium. Gentian came with a report in his hand.

Genta: "The weather forecast is great, sir. The clouds are as thick as two thousand feet, enough to prevent the fleet from being spotted by enemy reconnaissance planes. The visibility of more than two thousand feet is infinitely far away, enough for our air force to fly directly to Midway Island."

Xiangyun was not as optimistic as ordinary people. He calmly ordered: "Take off."

The engine roared, deafening.

On the deck, the gunner and ground crew waved goodbye to the pilot happily.

Saga and Genda watched the planes take off.

This moment has finally arrived, and Xiangyun seems to have strengthened his confidence.

The correspondent stepped forward and handed Gentian a report. Gentian looked at the report with an unpleasant expression. Xiangyun noticed him.

Genta: "The Tone's catapult is malfunctioning, General. The fourth reconnaissance plane will be delayed to take off."

Xiangyun: "How long will it be postponed?"

Gentian: "Half an hour, sir."

Xiangyun was very upset.

Gentian went on to say: "Sir, if the U.S. warship suddenly appears, I suggest that the second batch of planes be ascended to the deck immediately after the first batch has taken off."

Saga sarcastically: "Should we put on torpedoes to fight the enemy's aircraft carrier, Lieutenant Colonel?"

Genda: "Yes, use our Kaga and Kaga planes to mount torpedoes to fight against enemy motherships, while the Soryu and Hiryu planes are equipped with bombs for combat readiness. If necessary, they can be assigned to carry out the attack on Midway Island. Task."

Xiangyun said to Saga: "Give an order." Then he raised his head and turned his attention to the sky.

Inside the bomber cockpit

Lieutenant Zhao Yongzhangyi, who commanded this operation, was doing a twisting flight to observe the formation-the bottom layer was a level-flying bomber, and the upper layer was a dive bomber, and fighters were in charge of cover at the upper layer. There are 36 airplanes of each type.

In the cockpit of PBY-5 reconnaissance aircraft

Ai Di and co-pilot Cohen were both drinking coffee, the plane was flying on autopilot, and there was an empty ocean underneath.

When the plane passes through the clouds, the field of vision becomes wider again, and you can see the sea. They suddenly saw--

Xiangyun's fleet is heading for Midway Island with great vigor, and the escort fleet is crowded with four huge aircraft carriers.

Cohen: "Good guy! The entire fleet of the Jap is here!"

Ai Di pointed to the intercom microphone: "Telegrapher, please call Midway Island, please send: the enemy mother ship group."

Voice from the walkie-talkie: "Bomber, Captain! At three o'clock the clock is flying out of the clouds."

Cohen looked out of the cabin.

Cohen said to the walkie-talkie: "We saw it." Then he asked Ai Di, "There is a Japanese fighter to cover."

Ai Di: "We hid in the clouds and walked around behind them to take a closer look."


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Midway quotes

  • Miss Haruko Sakura: I don't love you anymore,

    Lieutenant Tom Garth: Say it to my face.


    Lieutenant Tom Garth: Say it to my face, Goddamit!

  • Captain Garth: [On the phone to his boss] They've taken the bait, Sir. It's Midway!