Finally returned to the one who loved him

Federico 2022-11-05 10:13:54

Such movies are my weakness. The boy looks very troublesome, loves to run will cause trouble, not afraid of danger. Perseveringly looking for dad, using the clues that the bicycle was sold. The protagonist of the "active" is conducive to the promotion of the plot. The image of the boy has been erected in the first twenty minutes. 36 points "Father told him not to find himself" is cruel. The boy's painful crashing into the car window and the female elder who was taken in by him after he met a drug dealer was in keeping with his always provoking personality. Bicycle used to represent his father's love, so he tried to protect it. Children who lack caring and love are so easy to go into evil ways, stun others with sticks and then steal money without hesitation. The moment he was thrown by the drug dealer on the side of the road felt pitiful. After getting paid, he even rode the bike overnight and changed buses to find his father, wanting to give his father the money to subsidize the family. The child who went over the wall and gave the money to his father was so pitiful. Dad only knows to drive him away for fear of getting into trouble. He had to ride his bike overnight to reclaim his place. This section of the road is extremely long (the bike shot is very long), and he returns to Samantha's barbershop. He told her that she wanted to live here forever, and asked her to kiss him. She really kissed him like her own son and hugged him to settle his compensation after the robbery. He and her riding by the river and resting on the grass are probably the only bright colors in the film. He went to the supermarket to buy things and was chased by the retaliating boy. The tough guy climbed and avoided but unfortunately fell off the tree. When the father and son were about to make an ambulance call, the child got up and said no, and then rode away. Although the film ends here, the fate of the boy is really worrying...

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The Kid with a Bike quotes

  • Guy Catoul: It's too much. I can't look after him.

  • Wes: May I call you Pitbull?