Conquer heaven

Romaine 2022-09-15 01:54:55

Like many people, Vangelis's conquest of paradise inspired me to watch this film. After watching it, I found that the quality of the film itself is also very good, quite Ridley Scott's style. Vangelis's soundtrack is also a classic, with the perfect sound charm to highlight the majestic atmosphere of the film.

The film brings us back to the time when Columbus discovered the New World in 1942. The keynote of the whole film is the affirmation of the adventurer represented by Columbus, and even all mankind who are tenacious and unyielding, not afraid of power, and brave enough to explore the unknown. In that dark Middle Ages, the Inquisition controlled the entire Western world. They practiced the rule of terror and foolish people, using the name of God to exclude dissidents and profit from it. They burned infidels, seized the power of the first night, and punished all those who dared to dream. In that era, "human beings" just crawled under the feet of "God", ants without the slightest dignity, but still surrendered and obedient when they were slaughtered. And among such a crowd, the unique and different existence like Columbus is like the stars in the night sky, so fascinating. He shouted "God is just a lie", exhausted all his life in the rift between religious and secular ruling forces, struggling with dignity and self-confidence for all mankind, and thus had the vigorous "big" behind. The "Navigation Age" and "Renaissance" allowed mankind to truly overthrow the so-called "God" and set foot on 10,000 feet, becoming the master of their own destiny.

Because it is a group drama, the film is mainly grand in its momentum, and it is inevitably criticized by some people for lack of detailed description. Especially in this era of tears, many people actually judge the pros and cons of a movie based on the criterion of "Let him/her cry", which seems narrow and insignificant. I recommend this film to all fans who love history and love humanity. You will not be disappointed.

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1492: Conquest of Paradise quotes

  • Columbus: Paradise and hell both can be earthly.

  • Sanchez: [Columbus stops Sanchez after he leaves an audience with the Queen. Sanchez looks at him, disgusted] You're a dreamer.

    Columbus: [shooting a glance out of a window] Tell me, what do you see?

    Sanchez: [pausing to look] I see rooftops, I see palaces, I see towers, I see spires that reach... to the sky! I see civilisation!

    Columbus: All of them built by people like me.

    [Sanchez doesn't respond - shocked]

    Columbus: No matter how long you live, Sanchez, there is something that will never change between us. I did it. You didn't.