Can I ask you, like, why I'm chained to a Ford?
Vince Rizzo:
I'm gonna unchain you, Tony, but first I gotta tell you something. You see this house here? That's my home. My grandfather built this home and I share it with my family.
Oh, you got them chained up in the house too?
Vince Rizzo:
You're gonna get real nice food and a real nice place to live for the first time in 3 years, so you better behave yourself.
And all this because you knew my bitch mother?
Vince Rizzo:
Well, I gotta admit, you know, Nan could be difficult sometimes. But... she was also...
A drunk and a whore.
Vince Rizzo:
Why do you call her that?
She used to punish me for not boosting cases of vodka from the liquor store I worked at, by screwing my friends. Which base does 'drunk' and 'whore' not cover?
Vince Rizzo:
Don't you have any fond memories of her?
Well, at least she was around. My father left before I was born.
Vince Rizzo:
What do you know about him?
He's dead.
Vince Rizzo:
That's too bad.
Eh, the only thing that's too bad, is I didn't get a chance to visit his deathbed and dance in his ugly face for leaving me with that bitch.
Vince Rizzo:
Okay, let's go.