Rectify Cage's name, hope Cage will rise again!

Leann 2022-12-07 09:03:32

This time I want to rectify the name of Uncle Cage. From the previous Snowden, I feel that the former Cage is back. Although the uncle has played bad movies in the past two years, I have always believed that he has acting skills, so I have always supported him, hoping to pay off the debt as soon as possible, and shoot more good movies! Back on track, this is really a movie about the pig teammates making a big death. I really didn’t understand the brain circuit of the pig teammates. I took diamonds to run with my good friends. Isn’t it great? Why do you want to reverse it? There are some things that can’t be stopped once you start doing them, so instead of pretending to let everything return to the original place, you can get along well, and don’t trust women too much, especially in such major events. , So it’s unfair for Uncle Cage to die, hey, the male second has always loved to play this kind of nasty role. I have seen his Almighty Detective Agency before. The acting skills are pretty good, and Cage’s The collocation does not violate the harmony. Finally, I have always liked this black humorous drama, and I also like this unique plot. I hope that Cage will rise again, the best hope!

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The Trust quotes

  • David Waters: [sees Jim smother a lemon wedge with tabasco sauce] What's that for?

    Jim Stone: Have you ever tried it?

    David Waters: I can't say that I have.

    Jim Stone: Well, you take this one, and I'll take the other.

    [grabs other lemon wedge smothers with tabasco]

    David Waters: What are we, in the sixth grade? I'm not going to eat this.

    [Jim downs lemon wedge]

  • [repeated line]

    Russian Roulette Detective: Tell you what, I'll flip you for it.

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