We are all angel children

Keith 2022-01-11 08:03:33

From the perspective of a child, "The Ashes of Angela" takes poverty into the bones! Living in modern society, we don’t experience the hunger when we lick the fries from the newspaper; we don’t experience the sadness of being laughed at by our partners without shoes; we don’t experience the fear of drunken father yelling and going home. And helplessness...but from it I found the fear and sadness of my childhood...

In this world, the most unchangeable is the original family and parents. Everyone has more or less comparisons or complaints about their native family! In this "Era of Fighting Dad", there are always people born with a golden spoon in their hands, and they are carefree; there are always people who win at the starting line and have noble status; there are always people who are born happily and have unlimited love from their parents ❤️! And once you were young, you were envious, helpless, or complaining...

However, love and worship are also the same. My mother once told me that in this world, no one is perfect...the worries of the rich and the worries of the rich!

Ever since he was a child, he hated his dad’s drinking. He was crazy about drinking and throwing things when he drank, so terrible! Since I was a child, I hated my mother's strictness. She always asked me to do my best. If I was not good or disobedient, I would "follow the family law"; I was afraid of poverty since I was young, afraid that my family had no money to pay for tuition, and was looked down upon by other friends! These are painful memories from my childhood... Now I have become a high school teacher after finishing graduate school. Thinking back to my childhood, I think it is also very interesting. When I was young, I could follow my brother and a group of people to catch scorpions at the riverside. Of course, I only looked for snails; when I was young, my mother would dress me up beautifully, and "show my splendor" on the Children's Day stage; when I was young, I would hold a stack of them. The prizes and certificates, in the enviable eyes of the children, bounce home (although every tuition fee will be a family financial crisis, but they can be paid on time!)...There are no perfect parents, but their love is identical…

The film shows the tenacity of the mother Angela, the cowardice and vanity of the father, but there is no parent who does not love their children. I have ever seen the answer to "Why go to university?", one of my favorites is: "University allows you to break away from your original family and shape your own values!" To understand and tolerate your own family more, yes. Parents should be more grateful. We do not "fight father", we still live wonderfully!

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Angela's Ashes quotes

  • Older Frank: [confessing to Francis of Assisi as a priest listens] I hit my mother...

  • Narrator: It was the first time my father ever kissed me. I felt so happy I could float.