Cats save the world~

Jayda 2022-10-03 19:50:15

In 1992, the horror and thriller movie " Like the Blood Night Demon | Sleepwalkers "

I rushed to Stephen King and said that it is said that it is the first time to write a movie script. I like to hear that I have played a passerby role again, but I feel very good~

The story of the movie itself is okay, but the special effects in 1992 are no way, that is, it is very fake~ Now it seems to be sluggish, but it is shadowy enough for 1992, and the story is more absurd, but it is said that the novel is better than the movie. 100 times. . By the way, other adaptations except for "The Mist" are worse. .

This movie is simply a cat party welfare. . . Cats save the world, you stupid humans. . .

Tell a joke, watch so many movies, for the first time someone died under a corn cob. . It was still plugged to death. .

---I am the dividing line of cats---

Recommendation index: ★★★ (6/10 points), under the recommendation of the novel, the movie can be a happy one.

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Sleepwalkers quotes

  • [after ripping Mr. Fallows' hand off]

    Charles Brady: You're right, Mr. Fallows. People really should learn to keep their hands to themselves. Here's yours.

  • Cemetery Caretaker: Look, I don't want to take the wrath for this, I got enough going on. I just don't need this kind of action.