I was invited to watch a movie at their home by an old Christian couple in the UK. Without Chinese subtitles, it looks a little laborious.
The film uses a large number of detailed shots to depict the humanities in the Roman period. It tells the story of an army commander who simply obeyed the orders of his superiors to fight and kill Jesus, to the miracle of the resurrection of Jesus and the inspiration of the saints, and finally found The process of faith. People who are not interested in Christianity may not like it, because some parts of the story narrative will feel abrupt and jumpy. It seems difficult to have no background knowledge of Christianity at all.
Personally, I feel that putting aside the flaws in the details of the movie's story, the movie basically follows the biblical narration and restores the most important story in the Bible, but also implies the journey of everyone's faith. From the beginning, I didn’t believe it at all. Later I witnessed miracles, got along with other Christians, helped each other, felt the love of Christ, and finally gained faith.
I rarely watch purely religious movies, and I feel like they are above average and worth watching.
ps feel that the saints in the movie are sometimes funny
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