Age stuff

Elenora 2022-09-29 19:32:47

Movies about the proposition of Recalling Youth have been and have been a hot topic in China. I watched "To Youth", "My Girlhood", "Girls We Chased Those Years", "Left Ear" and so on. There is indeed a gentle nostalgic feeling inside. I couldn't help thinking about what virtue I was when I was seventeen or eighteen.
My memories of junior high and high school days are wearing awkward school uniforms and pants, short hair, and always ready to receive love letters from boys at any time, but I have never actually received them. Even when I entered the university campus, I used to burn instant noodles to blindly make me look better. I liked the boys who looked like a dog now, and wore tight shorts and high heels that looked like my big legs to seduce someone completely to me. People who are not interested. Now it seems that at that time, it was dumb and ugly, who made me recall my lost youth, apart from being so silly and cute, I really can't come up with anything that makes me happy.
If anyone tells me that girls' feelings are always poetry, I will definitely deny that it is also for a good-looking girl.
Now that it’s getting mature, I suddenly discovered that even for beautiful girls, apart from being confused or not in line with their age, I can hardly find the kind of girl in our memory that should appear on the girl’s face. She is clever, shy and cute. If I say that I found these qualities in my grandmother, you must think I am really pushing the dog.
To be honest, since I came to New York, I only found out what a cool group of grandmothers. They are seen in the cinemas of various literary and artistic movies. If there is a director’s exchange session after the film is over, you will find that the old grandmothers simply make you unable to insert your mouth; when walking on the road asking for directions, the old grandmother will be very intimate You take it to a building and tell the security guard to take good care of the sweetie; the old lady even mischievously quarrels with other drivers because of parking problems. All these old grannies do not meet our traditional definition of old grannies, but like Doris, they have lived out a shining young girl's heart!
Psychologists conducted experiments with a group of elderly people and kept them in a closed environment. The environment changed what they had when they were young and allowed them to live in a young way. The result was moving. Almost all the old people began to get younger after the experiment.
Aging is just a concept instilled in us by society, a kind of learned helplessness.
Watching this movie with the male ticket, he will feel so disgusting, how can an old grandma think of a little fresh meat? But I asked him, if you change the face of an old grandmother to the face of a young girl, do you think she is dying cute?
Madonna is fifty years old and her butt is exposed. If you look at the butt alone, you may actually feel very sexy, but once you think that this is a fifty-year-old butt, some people will make complaints and feel sick. This is nothing more than a trick that age is playing.
A 100-year-old sexy ass is also a sexy ass; a 60-year-old girl's heart is also a girl's heart!

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Hello, My Name Is Doris quotes

  • Party Goer: I'm a teacher at a gay preschool.

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