A "Apocalypse of the Elderly", shit, how am I going to meet someone I like at my age?

Jeff 2022-09-14 03:27:07

At the time when the prosperity was flourishing, and the days of fooling around with a group of good friends, several people ridiculed the sadness and boringness of contemporary marriage. The unmarried man who ridicules the grave of love, also known as the single dog, is a Doris full of ideal loveism. Someone once asked you to marry him, and you refused, with good reason that you were the lawyer who won the case against Simpson. You announce to the world that you like life, and you live a wonderful life alone. You have seen couples who treat each other as guests, and you have heard complaints from loving young couples after setting up a family, but you never thought about your significant other. What it is like, when and where it appears, the yearning for love has never stopped, but it has never been posted. There is nothing wrong with just living like this. I still have to dress up carefully every day, apply fat and powder, just walk confidently on the street every day; with the original intention of a girl, I choose what I like, eat the supper and chocolate I want to eat, and join my good friends. Dinner; even if there is no FB, no WeChat, no live broadcast, I still wonderfully waiting, thinking, and alive. There is nothing wrong with this. I am going through the three points and one line as always, nothing has changed, and I enjoy this as always. Suddenly, I was in the elevator and met Daniel Wu, who was in love with me when I was young. The deer in my heart was running wildly, and suddenly there was a blush on my face. This is the you I yearn for day and night! ! At this moment, I began to examine myself, how is my hair style today, what color lipstick I am wearing, is the clothes thinner? I have long known to wear high heels.....The heart is so surging that the sky is pink. Damn, I met someone I like, how do you fix it? I got his social network account in various ways and added him as a friend. Every news is analyzed: Does he have a girlfriend, then what kind of girl does he like? If he is with a girlfriend, what kind of girl does he like? What should I do if I don’t like me, but once I like me, how can I deal with it? Daniel Wu is still Daniel Wu, but I am already an old Lisa. When I was silly, he was studying architecture at university, and he has not yet come to Hong Kong. He has not been discovered by scouts. I still don't know him. But, I'm not bad, I have to try it, once it's done, you can tell. It’s finished, just see what he likes, hip-pop, big tits, superme, am I old, but I’m also a delicate white-collar worker. I go to the barber to get my hair curled. The pink color attracts your eyeballs, and the red lips are fatal to you. lure.

Suddenly met in a cafe, the young man leaned close to me, with a low neckline, and whispered in my ear, oh my heart is surging, and I began to obsess you and took my hand to the balcony of the office. , Let me take a cigarette, and then I took a sip, I smiled lasciviously, Gaha stuff, don't love me to no avail. . . . In fact, what I thought in my heart didn’t turn out to be that people fell in love with you, but that I fell in love with you but was at a loss. At this time, you told me, do you have time to visit the art gallery in the afternoon? I thought to myself, oh, brother, you know me best, why are you so good, so different from others, you like art, it's appropriate to praise them. As a result, I waited for your news the next day. If you pretend to be dead, I won’t reply to you. In the end, you really didn’t reply to me. You are so cool. Open the ins and follow your whereabouts. As expected, the little boy has an object, I If you are not convinced, I still have to try, I am not afraid of falling in love with you, I am afraid that you will fall in love with me, so I share something every day, so that you are used to my existence. . . .

What are you used to? In the end, aren’t you accustomed to chatting with you, waiting for your news, counting the time you are doing, occupying your time, and invading the possibility of your life? It’s over, people didn’t take me seriously. I took it seriously first, so I’ll hide it. Anyway, we’re good friends. Once you’re single, I still have a chance, but the guy doesn’t even have much news. This word, it must be a central air conditioner, a dead cock, I am hopelessly in love with you, I don’t want to be alone, I want to be loved, I want you to fall in love with me, and someone fought for me once, for me The old face goes through fire and water once, which proves that I am not bad in this world, and it is not different from the big tits you like.

Actually, I’ve been at three o’clock all the time. I want to enter your world. You only gave me a key to see. I didn’t give me slippers. I brought them myself. I didn’t give me the pot and I cooked by myself. But all this is for what? I don’t know. Even if I am willing to sacrifice myself so vigorously, I don’t want to see myself staying with my dog ​​at home on Saturday. It’s only because of you that I know the world is so cool. I’m not cool at all. I have the opportunity to be slutty but I am unruly, a grassy horse, I like you but I like the way I am now

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Hello, My Name Is Doris quotes

  • Party Goer: I'm a teacher at a gay preschool.

  • John: I met a woman in the elevator this morning. We hardly exchanged more than a few words, but she made a big impression on me. She's standing right there... Look lady, I don't even know your name, but you set off a fire inside of me that I've not been able to put out since the moment I laid eyes on you. Can we explore this?