Uzak, review

Jasen 2022-12-22 14:46:30

Movie is about a guy (Yusuf) who comes to city ,to his distant relative Mahmut from a village and wants to find a job so he can start a new life. So there is a two guy with opposite character; Mahmut is already fit in the city life and adapted and Yusuf who has strong bonds to village and couldn't get away with it.

Once movie starts, you see how lonely Mahmut is and living in his mind even though all the crowdness of the city. You see his failures , failed hopes which he doesn't allow to grow again so he lives his bohemian but so-called regular life. This life torns into pieces once lighthearted guy Yusuf comes and settle in his house for temporarily. This tense between two guys goes on until the "catching mouse and throwing"

Since Yusuf stays in his house for long time and they discuss for little things which become deeper and deeper everyday, Mahmut wakes up suddenly with the screaming of that mouse who successed to hide from the beginning of the movie. So things get interesting after that. At least for me. Mahmut see that Yusuf got the mouse with that sticky tapes. Mahmut tells him to wait until the morning for the doorman so he can come and can handle it. But Yusuf alleges that mouse is already in pain and screaming so with the method of Mahmut thought about he throws it into the garbage outside. But he knows the mouse is still alive and cats are sneakily walking around so he comes back and smash the pochette mouse-in, onto the wall, kills him and then leave. Mahmut watches him through the window.

The screams of the mouse is actually soul screams of Mahmut and Yusuf. They couldnt catch the life, they struggled, these all represent the mouse that tries to escape from the sticky tape. While mouse tries to escape, they are still on the stood, watch ther close future actually.

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