Video recording experience

Desmond 2022-01-16 08:01:30

The holy grail in the tarot card represents the water sign, symbolizing emotion, relationship, love and inspiration. The key words of the Knights of the Holy Grail: between emotion and action.

This card itself is faced with a contradiction between responsibility and adventure. On the one hand, it shoulders the mission of protecting the Holy Grail, and on the other hand, it has a free spirit; it can also be a perfect combination, holding the Holy Grail to protect the purity of the knight, and the spirit of chivalry is injected Smart in the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail is always pure, and the knight’s promise to guard the Holy Grail is not sincere. Although the knight will always stay true to his promise, and the knight is afraid that his freedom will make the Holy Grail break his vow and go on an adventure with him, but the Holy Grail’s vow must be out of pure love. So it is not the filthy temptation of the world that can force the Holy Grail to break the vow.

"The Knights of the Holy Grail" does not fully tell a linear story, but an audio-visual display of the doubts in thinking and the confusion of emotions in dream-like fragmented splicing. I have only watched Director Terrence Malick’s "Thin Red Line" (this so-called war film is more hypnotic). The elements similar to "The Knights of the Holy Grail" include a lot of essay-style self-talking and shaking ocean currents and Tidal sound. Here is the quotation from the beginning of the film: "Through the form of dreams to convey and begin...understand the way he conveys enlightenment...Finally arrive safely in the kingdom of desire." After

finishing the preview, let's try and analyze the "Holy Grail" together. "Knight" and something "outside of it".

In fact, there is nothing "outside of it". Although many of the things discussed next seem to have nothing to do with the movie story, the emotion and philosophy contained in the movie, including any carrier form, are the same. Especially the works of directors like Terrence Malick are usually thoughts, not words.

The journey of "Knight of the Holy Grail" is not that the director is showing us his worldview, but that he takes the audience into a hypnotic experience to explore those fragmented impressions, and explore what he can find from it, and he is in the dream created by the director. Wake up something. We all think about it, do we often have this kind of moment, whether it is from ourselves or from others, as if we have experienced some similar things secretly, and have had the same emotional experience. Our souls remember these special fragments, because they are fragmented, they are not often awakened, but when encountering similar scenes or similar people, these memories and emotions are immediately mobilized, and what we feel for them is deja vu , These are the connected things, this is empathy, this is resonance, and this is part of communication.

This is not to pretend to be cold, to raise the level of this movie that most audiences can't stand. For a "zero storyline and no script movie", only those who are willing to appreciate it can find something that can bring it to him. The touched fragments are like those who are willing to be hypnotized to recognize themselves in trivial and incoherent dreams. Because people need basic protection for eating and sleeping, and any other survival activities can be sublimated infinitely, especially communication. The invention of language and writing has helped people greatly develop their communication skills, but no amount of words can describe unlimited thoughts, and no amount of beautiful words can express the emotion of "love".

So far, I haven't said what is special about the story of the film, nor have I commented on the filming techniques and methods of the film. The real coldness of "Knights of the Holy Grail" is that it is not about telling stories, nor about commenting, but about releasing feelings. I like this feeling because it is an absolute subconscious flow. We don't understand the story through the plot, but through the feeling to experience the communication outside of consciousness. At this level, the story is the shell, the technology is the decoration, and the feeling is the soul floating in it. Storytelling is a decadent and lonely extramarital affairs and nightlife situation where a man wanders between different women but still cannot find his soul mate. How vulgar and corrupt it sounds, so he is much lazy to tell such stories. Talking about comments, there are a lot of meaningful and beautiful sentences with emotions in the film full of petty bourgeoisie groaning; the shaky feeling of hand-held photography, frequent and complex editing, and the combination of "water" elements and slow music always make You are in a coma and drunk state. As a result, we are more lazy to express our views on the glitzy world, because many of us have had similar experiences. Although the events are different and the environment is even less similar, the feelings are the same. Then, we rely on feelings to directly draw each other closer.

In addition to the most important water, the image here also includes roads, suites, bars, teams, mountains, homes, office buildings...that is, the natural and artificial environments we live in. We must face each other every day. Style scene. The women around the "Knight"-first love, affair, work partner, ex-wife, mistress, girlfriend...We can't even distinguish the identity of some of these women, but the identity is not important, the important thing is that these women brought him An experience worthy of nostalgia. There is also the family that has the greatest influence on the "Knight"—the father and two younger brothers. The closest ones have also caused the most troubles, but we still can’t give up our affection.

These are the deja vu of each of us. Whether a friend or a stranger, they can tell me a complete story, but most of the time they can't piece together the details, or just tell me how I feel. I am very grateful that I have this kind of listening ability. Even if you don't say anything, I can feel it or just be with me.

The purpose of interpreting dreams cannot be achieved by just showing these sporadic dreams. The purpose of dream interpretation is not to figure out things like solving a case. Problems that cannot be solved in reality can be solved by thinking alone. Psychological treatment and growth are to straighten out the mood.

Leaving God, the unborn child who has come to the world has hunger and thirst. Hunger and thirst are a state of lack. They always desire something. I can't find a word to explain this "what", so I borrowed the "love" mentioned above. , Fall in love with this world, fall in love with love. In this process, the knight must learn to comprehend the vow of loyalty, so even those who have left you, at least during the journey they have experienced together, they teach you: You are vulnerable, and what you need is not love. The meaning is the experience of love. Do you want to climb your own stairs or someone else’s... And for emotions, the most feared is "I don't blame you, but you are worse to me". Is the cruelest. Even if it is still the love of my life, should I tell you? I don’t know if I love you or love, do you equal love? So I, who don't understand "love", dare not bring you here, for fear of hurting you more deeply.

The more the film reaches the end, the slower the camera switching rhythm, because it is the knight holding the Holy Grail, the Holy Grail is a sacred emotion, exile and glitz have not obliterated the freedom knight's thinking about life. The experience of the world is to give the son of God enlightenment, "For 30 years, I have not been living, but destroyed it, destroyed myself and destroyed others." Because you want peace, you will eventually return to the peace of the unborn child. If you want to straighten out, you will always understand. Shun, and finally learn to face the complex world more plainly and purely.

The video played to 1:43:40, the warm beach saw the joy of family for the first time, and entered the last chapter-freedom, as a child, living in the present moment. Don't think that if you lose a part, you will abandon the whole, and ask for forgiveness from your heart. Use your endless love and your great compassion to forgive the detours you have taken. Torture in life can restrict you to become something higher than yourself and higher than yourself, and take you out of this world to find things outside. It is a gift that is more sacred than the happiness we hope for. You are both a child and a father. This is the inheritance of mankind, allowing thought and kindness to continue.

Wake up, come out of the dream, you are still living.

It really takes time to connect such small things together. In the end, I wrote so much piecemeal, ignoring my logic and collecting fragments that I can collect. I still hope that I can make a simple evaluation of this film-a soul-catching film that has nothing to do with photography, videography, or photography.

Shaking lens, chaotic water, Bletchett's looking back...the sad beauty.
An artistic venue, a meditation manor, Natalie Portman’s stop...the peaceful beauty.
Turning from the seaside to the road, so sad, yet so peaceful, the light of the east has always been in front of you...

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Extended Reading

Knight of Cups quotes

  • Nancy: You're still the love of my life. Should I tell you that?

  • Karen: [dancing in a night club in a sexy outfit] You live in a little fantasy world, don't you ?

    Rick: [watching her] Are you ?

    Karen: Yes...


    Karen: Because it's so much more fun...

    Rick: Enjoy yours ?

    Karen: [she nods smiling] Changes every day... I can be whatever I wanna be... Don't forget that... You can be whoever you want to be...

    [laughs, kisses him, smiles]

    Karen: You can be an asshole. You can be a saint...