Golden Jade Marriage

Nico 2022-01-12 08:01:22

The translation of the film title is very based on Chinese characteristics, such as good relationship between golden and jade, golden boy and jade girl, and golden inlaid jade. Many of the names in "A Dream of Red Mansions" are full of gold and jade. , The matching of gold and jade is a symbol of love between men and women. The 1957 "Golden Jade League" is a leader in romance movies. Many subsequent movies imitated his narrative methods, bridge segments, soundtracks, and the top floor of the Empire State Building, which became a mecca for love, such as "Sleepless in Seattle" and "Sleepless in Seattle". "Beijing Meets Seattle" etc., this is a story about lovers finally getting married. All the things that happen in love are shown, and it has educational significance for today's concept of love. Nowadays, some people regard material and economic conditions as the basis of love. Of course, it makes sense for the right family. People who come out of two families with very different conditions can hardly have the same passion, hobbies, etc. If they are together, they will have a lot of ideas. Some people are accustomed to spending lavishly, others are frugal, and so on, which can cause many conflicts. But when people go to high places, they always hope that the other half they find is better than their own. Therefore, some people say that marriage can change their destiny for the second time. The creed of some people. Therefore, this movie has its practical significance. Emotions should be in front of wealth. The former playboy in the film is about to marry the rich girl. On the boat, she meets the heroine who will also marry the boss. Love at first sight, the two are willing to give up at their fingertips. To live a comfortable life, relying on one's own ability to make money to support the family, good luck to make people, and lead to the twists and turns of the story in the future, this is a test of lovers' ability to withstand the test of time and separation.
In life, most people fantasize about the story of a sparrow turning into a phoenix. There are not many people who can put down their bodies and go through hardships with emotions. This is also the interesting part of this movie.

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An Affair to Remember quotes

  • Terry McKay: We were talking about the place where I was born...

    Nickie Ferrante: I can hardly wait for you to grow up.

  • Terry McKay: I'm getting married and I want you to be the first to congratulate me.

    NYC Cab Driver: Marriage is something to rush to?