21 points about "The Godfather"

Sandrine 2021-10-13 13:05:56

I heard that when Stanley Kubrick watched "The Godfather" for the tenth time, he admitted that this may be the greatest movie in history. Such a genius read it ten times and came to such a conclusion, while a mediocrity like me was completely shocked after only seeing it once. But I watched it nearly fifty times, including the next two sequels, and if you count it, I spent 500 hours watching the same movie. I didn't feel crazy or extravagant. Even though I watched it many times, every time I was the same, I always told myself: I only watched this paragraph for half an hour, but I saw the end unconsciously. I often see comments that the third episode of "The Godfather" does not match the first two episodes, and the level is lacking. I don't like to read the comments of those film critics. They just treat the film as a profession. I can't believe that a person who watches a film in order to catch up with the draft can really understand a film. So for me, "The Godfather" is my favorite, and I score all three episodes. Now, I will share with you my favorite godfather.
1. The opening scene in the study room is called one of the ten greatest opening scenes in film history, but I think this set of shots is only generally at a slightly better level in the nearly ten-hour movie. But from here I started to like Tom Hagen, he is one of the characters I admire most in this epic, because I think he has two of the most valuable qualities of an ordinary man: calmness and loyalty. This has nothing to do with talent or status. Any man should have such qualities. He is better than anyone. Speaking of the scene in the study, I was most impressed when Marlon Brando (Marlon Brando) got up, he put down the world-famous cat, stood up in a very cool posture, and planned to tell the owner of the funeral home. It's friendship, which means that three of the four people in the house have stood up. At this time, I tend to pay attention to Tom. He put down his wine glass very gracefully, standing, walking slowly, with charming steps. It seems that on similar occasions, I am not so witty and would sit there stupidly.

2. Next is the wedding. I have a question. At the beginning of the three episodes of "The Godfather" there are scenes of Italian carnivals. The first is Connie's wedding, the second is Mike donating to the education fund, and the third is Mike accepting the church's reward. Does Coppola want to put a label on his classic work? What's the beginning of the fourth episode? Vincent's wedding?

3. Sonny interjected half a sentence in the negotiation with Throndo, of course because the godfather interrupted him, but unfortunately Throndo already understood what he meant. I always thought it was his words, and his half of the words caused the godfather to kill him. If no one in the Corleone family supports drug trafficking, I am afraid it would be useless to kill the godfather, not to mention that he said that everyone does not offend the river. But based on Sonny's half sentence, Thorondo heard Sonny's tendency to cooperate, so he decided to kill the godfather, so that the eldest son Sonny would take over the family business, and they might cooperate. Later the godfather taught his son: Never tell anybody outside the family what you are thinking again. The similar is that in the third episode, Mike taught Vincent with similar words: Never let anyone know what you are thinking.

4. When Al Pacino accepted the Golden Globe Lifetime Achievement Award, there was a scene that made me very excited. The guest of the award Kevin Spacey led the entire audience to shout Al’s name. Then in the cheers of everyone "AlPacino!", Kevin and everyone relived Al’s many wonderful performances, but the two classic scenes that received the highest evaluation were the first one in "Scent of a Woman". Tango, the second is Mike's 30-second performance before the assassination of Sorondo and the Chief of Police. It is said that he conquered Paramount’s boss by this during the audition. And those thirty seconds also fascinated me, and I couldn't learn it after reading it many times.

5. After Sonny's death, the godfather took his body to the funeral home and asked the boss to sort out his remains. It seems that the status of the godfather does not allow him to show a trace of weakness in front of others. Before this scene, it is not easy to see the true reaction of the godfather to the loss of his son. He cried in the funeral home. Marlon Brando's performance here reflects the value of his acting god. I can feel a father's most sincere and deepest love for his son, and that love touched me. I think at that moment for a father, even a big shot from the top was too painful and too difficult to bear.

6. In order for Mike to return safely, the godfather organized a meeting of the five major families with the theme of peace talks. Someone once commented on Brando's performances like this: If you want to know the highest state of the'old treacherous slippery', then look at this paragraph. At this time, he already had plans to pack the five chiefs of the family, but he still needed a director, Mike, and he also needed temporary stability, so with this meeting, he did it. His presence gave Mike enough time to arrange all this.

7. Among all the works of Francis Ford Coppola, I like three of my favorites: "The Godfather", "The Four Hundred Years of Vampires and Apocalypse". And his most signature cuts also appear in these movies. I still prefer Mike to deal with this part of the five family chiefs, interspersed with assassinations and baptisms. "Michael, do you believe in God?", "I do." Do you think he is a God in another sense? I think that at least his men would think so that day. Schindler told the German military officer: When you can kill, but let him make a living, this can prove your power. But here Mike proves his absolute power is to kill people who others think you can’t kill.

8. Carlo betrayed his friend and his wife's brother, so Mike would not let him go. In Carlo's house, he used his compelling deterrence to easily get Carlo to confess. Do you remember what he said? "Carlo, don't tell me that you are innocent, because it would be an insult to my intelligence, and I would be very angry." I think if the Oxford Dictionary can't find a suitable explanation for cool, you can consider adding this paragraph superior.

9. In fact, after reading the newspaper, Kay already suspected Mike's actions, but she still hoped to get confirmation from her husband, because she believed he would not lie to her. And Mike didn't want to say, Ke Yi pressed too hard, so he decided to panic. Frankly speaking, when I saw this place for the first time, I also prayed in my heart, hoping that Mike lied to his beloved woman once, and this would not affect his status in my mind. Then Kay believed him and planned to pour him a cup of tea. At this time Mike began to accept his tribute, and Al closed the door meaningfully. Please note that Diane Keaton's face, you say what she was thinking?

10. When watching "The Godfather Sequel", I have always been amazed by Robert De Niro's imitation of Marlon Brando. Many of the poses are quite vivid. And this episode of Rial Pacino is even more exciting. His cold eyes make it difficult to take your attention away from him. What I am very upset for him is that he played three episodes of "The Godfather" but failed to win an Oscar, even if it was a supporting role in the first episode. It is estimated that I watched too much, and the judges regarded Al as a true performance.

11. After Mike experienced the attack, he decided to hand over the management of the family to Tom, and went to investigate who was the insider on his own. He told Tom: Our brothers are actually businessmen, and their loyalty is based on money. In other words, they cannot easily trust anyone, which is why they attach so much importance to the concept of family, because this is the group of people they can feel most secure. But Mike never dreamed that his own brother brought the enemy into his house.

12. Remember what Fredo said about letting go? He would forget about it as soon as he arrived in a social situation, and soon let Mike know about his relationship with Hymen Ross. At that time, Mike was standing behind him, looking at him blankly, waiting for his words to confirm his suspicion. After that, he found his brother at the ball and kissed him fiercely (have you seen such a cool kiss?), how can he express his helpless and disappointed feelings, "I know It's you, I know it's you, you broke my heart!"

13. When discussing how to deal with Hymen Ross, Tom opposed taking risks, but Mike decided to solve the enemy immediately and not give him a chance to breathe. "If anything in this life is certain, if history has taug ht us anything, it's that you can kill anyone." This sentence is indeed something that a gang boss has the power to say. It is arrogant and bold enough. And his decision successfully eliminated a strong enemy, but also sacrificed one of the three confidants, Roco.

14. Frankie was originally Mike's person. He publicly opposed Mike because of Hemen Rose's provocation, so when he understood the truth, he gave up the accusation against Mike. It’s a pity that there are rules, and things won’t end like this. Tom and Frankie had a conversation to solve the problem. It was a tacit dialogue: Tom: If the elders opposed to the King of Rome fail, he still has a chance to survive. … Frankie: That’s a rich person. Small people are not good. Small people will be cleaned up. Unless he decides on his own, the wealth of the family can be preserved and the family can be properly arranged. Tom: That's really a good opportunity, a good deal. Frankie: Then he went home, sat in the hot water, cut his wrists, and bleed to death. Tom: You will be fine, Frankie, everything will be fine. Frankie: Thank you, Tom, thank you. Afterwards, Frankie, as he said, expressed his loyalty in the most tragic way and kept his family.

15. The end of the second episode is one of my favorite family scenes. Four sons and a daughter wait for their father to come back and cut the cake to celebrate their birthdays. The warm family atmosphere made me envious: Sonny's kiss on Mike's head, Fredo's simple congratulations to his younger brother, and Sonny and Tom's play, but he didn't see his father appear. It is said that Coppola intends to let Brando come for a cameo, but the damn producer rejected the request because of a conflict with Brando. They didn't know that they might have missed one of the greatest endings. Because of Brando's absence, there seemed to be something missing from this ending.

16. Coppola's use of his daughter Sophia Coppola in the role of Mike's daughter is considered his biggest failure. But I don't think it's too bad. After all, the people who acted in the opposite scene with her are all big names at the level of actor and queen, and it is already very good to have such a performance. She and Andi Garcia (Andi Garcia) can still make sparks, even though Garcia's performance has surpassed him a lot.

17. Mike accepted the church's commendation and cut the cake after taking the complete family portrait. It was a very beautiful and magnificent big cake. Do you remember who sent it? Enzo. It was the Italian boy who was sent back to Italy by the US government in the first episode, but fell in love with the boss's daughter. In order to keep him in the United States and marry his daughter, his father-in-law had to ask the godfather for help. After the first episode, there was no explanation. Only when we got here did we hear about him again.

18. The Fonda family can be regarded as Hollywood's acting family, Bridget Fonda (Bridget Fonda) also surprised a little in the third episode, was tricked into bed by Vincent. Due to her family background, her temperament is indeed unique, coupled with her proud figure, it has become a small highlight in the third episode. In my opinion, even playing a small role in this epic poem is a hundred times better than playing a protagonist in a bad film like "Dragon Kiss."

19. Joey Sasha’s massacre of the committee members is a scene I love very much. I personally compare this helicopter attack with the bank battle in Mike Man’s "The Wire" and the church in Wu Yusen’s "Blood Two Heroes". The decisive battle is tied for the three greatest gun battles (maybe I see too little, but these three styles are indeed very popular).

20. Mike's self-blame and guilt for ordering the execution of his brother Fredo became more intense in his old age. It was a difficult determination. The last time he embraced his brother, the opponent's envoy had a deep look. Is printed in my mind. Seeing him yelling "Fredo" when he had a stroke, I almost cried. It was a heart-piercing scream with a desperate confession. In the second half of the movie, he really had the opportunity to confess before God. He reflected on himself under the priest's good guidance. When he cried and said that he had killed his mother's son, even the priest paused. Indeed, this is too serious, this kind of guilt has weighed on Mike for almost his entire life.

twenty one. Al Neri is Mike's bodyguard. He has appeared in all three episodes of "The Godfather", which is a rare honor. Because of my fascination with loyalty, my goodwill for Al has been around for a long time. In the first episode, he showed up very late, but he completed the most important blow of Mike's purge plan, and he ended up with Bacchini. The young man is agile and his marksmanship is like a god. By the second episode, he was already Mike's indispensable right-hand man, but unfortunately he had gained a lot in only two years, and his belly was obviously bigger. It was not the director's arrangement. In the last episode, he sent someone to help Vincent get rid of Joey Sasha, and at the end he shot himself in the Roman church. What makes me happy is that he was very successful in losing weight, and he was even slimmer than in the first episode. There are too many stories in "The Godfather", and I still have a lot to say but I can't finish it. In fact, everyone will have a favorite movie, a movie that is closest to your heart, but because of everyone's experience and background, there will be a big or small gap. If you have an unforgettable first love, then you may be touched by the little library card in "Reminiscence of the Years"; if you are at the bottom of despair, then you must really want to be with Duffery Outside Shawshank’s wall shouts for hope and freedom; if you are arguing with your lover, then you may easily understand the equality dispute between Carlo and Dominique, and will be moved by Dominique’s affectionate gestures. Because of these we will be grateful for the existence of movies, we love movies. Because I love "The Godfather" too much, I gave up the opportunity to read the original novel. I don't care how she came here, I only love her as she is now.

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Extended Reading

The Godfather quotes

  • Capt. McCluskey: I thought I got all you Guinea hoods locked up! What the hell are you doing here?

    Michael: What happened to the men who were guarding my father, Captain?

    Capt. McCluskey: I pulled them guys off of here, eh, now get away from this hospital!

    Michael: I'm not leaving until you put some guards around my father's room.

    Capt. McCluskey: Phil, take him in!

    Cop with Capt. McCluskey outside hospital: The kid's clean Captain, he's a war hero! He's never been mixed up with the rackets...

    Capt. McCluskey: Goddamn it Phil, I said take him in!

    Michael: What's the Turk paying you to set up my father, Captain?

    Capt. McCluskey: [to Patrolmen] Take a hold of him. Stand him up. Stand him up straight.

    [punches Michael and breaks his jaw]

  • Sollozzo: [to Michael, in Sicilian] I am sorry. What happened to your father was business. I have much respect for your father. But your father, his thinking is old-fashioned. You must understand why I had to do that. Now let's work through where we go from here.

    [Michael tries speaking in Sicilian, but can't express himself properly, so with a quick look at McCluskey they both switch to English]

    Michael: What I want... what's most important to me is that I have a guarantee: no more attempts on my father's life.

    Sollozzo: What guarantees could I give you, Mike? I'm the hunted one. I've missed my chance. You think too much of me, kid. I am not that clever. All I want is a truce.

    Michael: I have to go to the bathroom. Is that all right?

    Capt. McCluskey: You gotta go, you gotta go.

    [Michael gets up, but a suspicious Sollozzo probes Michael's crotch, to Michael's offense]

    Capt. McCluskey: I frisked him. He's clean.

    Sollozzo: Don't take too long...

    [Michael heads to the bathroom]

    Capt. McCluskey: [to Sollozzo] I frisked a thousand young punks.