"The dark fairy in fairy tales. 』

Alvena 2022-01-17 08:01:10

The Italian film "Story in Stories" consists of three stories, The Queen, The Two Old Women, and The Flea. Adapted from the Neapolitan fairy tale collection "Pentamerone", "Pentamerone" is nearly two centuries earlier than the fairy tale collection of the Brothers Grimm, and is the first literary collection composed of fairy tales in Europe.
I think my taste is heavy enough, and I don't like normal happy ending fairy tales, but I especially like dark goth fairy tales. This film presents a gorgeous retro style, whether it is the actor's costume or the setting, it presents the feeling of a European medieval court.
The three stories reflect different aspects of human nature. Desire is the catalyst. In contrast to the fairy tales that have influenced us, it extends the bright side of human nature to a more evil and dark place with a nearly reverse ending and a retro and elegant way.
【First Day】The Queen.
The sea monster was killed by the king, and the king died, but the queen didn't have a trace of expression. Indifferent, she only cares about whether she can successfully conceive, she can eat the heart of the sea monster without expression. The king loves the queen deeply and is willing to risk his life to fulfill the queen's wishes. Because there are gains and losses, any return needs to be paid to get, and no one can get it without work. Later, the queen and the maid who cooked the heart of the monster gave birth to a boy with albinism at the same time. The two boys are in a good relationship, and the prince even wants to rule the kingdom with the poor. In order to protect the interests of the prince, the queen actually wanted to brutally kill the poor, and in the end she also paid a tragic price.
[Next day] The Two Old Women.
Desire is a monster that can grow fatter and fatter. If you get a treasure, look forward to it again and again. The extravagant king was infatuated with the singing of the old woman, and the old woman tried a way to deceive the king and got into his bed. The moment the dream came into reality, the king realized that she had been fooled. The old woman was mercilessly thrown into the jungle, and then she ran into a witch, which changed her destiny ever since. The young girl naturally couldn't escape the confused emperor, she became the new queen.
The old woman's sister is really a tragic, stupid and poor woman. She stupidly believed what her sister said and went to find someone to strip her off. At that moment, I deliberately didn't look at the screen because I couldn't bear it. . . Desire plus jealousy can lead to catastrophic tragedies. However, magic is also effective, and the fate of my sister is also a flee.
【Day Three】The Flea.
It is enough to raise a flea with one's own blood. The king has a lovely daughter. This princess is also a little nymph. She imagines the appearance of her future husband. She feels shy and affectionate. One day the king’s giant flea died. He peeled off its skin and told the people all over the country, who can guess what animal skin it was, I would marry the princess to him. This kind of playful marriage finally completes a giant monster living in a cave and drinking blood and thorns along the way, and finally being carried and carried by the giant monster to the giant monster's "home". This is the beginning of the princess's nightmare. In the end, the princess was found on the way to escape by the troll again. The princess leaned on the troll's shoulder gently. She thought that the story would end like this, but the moment the princess wiped the troll's neck, the plot was reversed. The princess beheaded the trolls and returned to the kingdom and crowned the queen.
If she admits her fate, there will be no final outcome of becoming a queen. The strong are not born, and sometimes they are driven by the gears of fate to become strong.
[Ending] The story in the story.
There was an intersection in the last scene. When the new queen was crowned, the albinism prince came to congratulate, and the king who married the new queen also came to congratulate. This is also a happy ending.
Reality often throws a slap in the face of fairy tales. Even though our story is a fairy tale, it is an atypical fairy tale. And in real life, we will feel that this anti-fairy tale ending is more real. Desire sprouts in the cruel reality, and eventually we have to pay the price of blood to grow.

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Tale of Tales quotes

  • Imma: I want to be with my sister.

  • Elias: I like being with him.

    Elias: He's like a brother to me.