Looking at China's current situation from the chaos of the end of Qing Dynasty in Huang Feihong's series

Zelda 2022-11-14 12:30:50

The series of films are as follows:

"Once Upon a Time in the Sky" 1991

"Once Upon a Time in the Sky" , "Once Upon a Time in the Sky" 1992

"Once Upon a Time in the Lion King Contest" 1993

"Once Upon a Time in the Wind of the King" 1993

"Once Upon a Time" "Dragon City Fighter" 1994,

"Once Upon a Time: The Lion of the Western Regions" In 1997, with the

recent "Once Upon a Time Heroes Dreams" set off a new round of Huang Feihong craze, I will complete this classic series of Once Upon a Time in the 90s After watching it again, this classic movie is probably the most familiar Huang Feihong movie by many fans born in the 1980s. Twenty years have passed. It seems that it is still classic. The key is not how powerful the martial arts action is, but the depth of the story. ——The film extensively and brilliantly reflects the chaos of the late Qing Dynasty, and Huang Feihong, as a martial artist, carries not only a few sets of boxing and tricks, but also national righteousness and patriotism. Facing the chaos of the late Qing Dynasty, Huang Feihong Feihong's adherence to principles and rational cognition is the highest state of chivalry displayed by a warrior in times of national crisis.

The history of the late Qing Dynasty was a mess, all kinds of thoughts impacted, and all kinds of influences were everywhere. It was no match for foreigners. The world looked at China in the late Qing period as we now look at the Middle East. It feels that there is no civilization at all, and there will never be any. The day in the early days. Today, over the past 100 years in the Qing Dynasty, everything seems to be gone, but this is not the case. The chaos that created turmoil in the late Qing Dynasty still exists in China today, but everything is buried under the cloak of peace, and there is no fierce outbreak. , Here I will analyze one by one.

Religious superstition: the

more backward a country is, the easier it is to fall into the quagmire of religious superstition. China in the late Qing Dynasty is no exception. The white lotus religion in the second part and the red lantern in the fourth part are typical representatives of the time. .

We have to ask, why the more backward countries are, the easier it is to fall into the quagmire of religious superstition? Because the more backward countries have to face more difficulties, such as the internal and external troubles of the late Qing Dynasty, they faced many difficulties, and the more backward countries lacked advanced means to deal with the difficulties. , China’s powerlessness, when unable to do anything, will turn to religion for help. From a modern perspective, the positive meaning of religion lies in the establishment of moral beliefs. It is a kind of behavioral restraint for individuals and a stable prescription outside the law for society. In short, religion is unable to solve the plight of real life. The so-called religious superstition Interpretation blindly and casually without understanding religion at all, often hoping to use strange power to get rid of the real dilemma instead of trying to change the status quo through practical actions. In the film, the White Lotus Sect preaches that religion is invulnerable, and the red light shows a Huanglian Madonna who performs acrobatics on the wire. Finally, the young believer of the White Lotus Sect stands up to meet the bullets and falls in a pool of blood. The Yellow Lotus is shot by foreigners. Death, with a strange place in the body, everything from a vigorous walk to a rapid death. Facts show that religion is unable to change the huge gap between China and the West. It cannot stop bullets or stop the pace of China's decline. Many years later, A great man told us that we should be beaten if we fall behind. Another great man told us that development is the last word. There is nothing religious here. In my opinion, apart from strengthening personal moral beliefs, it is at most frustrating. Time provides a kind of psychological comfort.

Faced with the religious ignorance of the people, patriot Lu Haodong shouted in grief: "Look at this group of people. For the sake of a clay doll, they will not even have their lives. If every Chinese is like them, he will not be saved! China! I'm not saved!" Huang Feihong did not hesitate to fight against the white lotus religion and the red lantern many times. Modern China's fierce criticism of religious superstition made China the world's largest atheist country. I also thought that China no longer has religion. Superstition, but this is not the case.

On May 28, 2014, a shocking murder occurred in Zhaoyuan, Shandong. A group of religious superstitions was obstructed by preaching and killed innocent citizens who did not want to join the church. With the in-depth investigation of the case, we learned that such an ignorant religion has blossomed all over the countryside. In addition to this bloody case, all kinds of unbelievable news emerged endlessly in the land of China. "The misunderstandings said "Ke Family" that the husband swept his wife and daughter out of the house", "The female factory manager was a misguided worker, demanding bribes of millions for transfer", and "The misguided slander" 'Ominous', the village women were beaten and scolded by the whole family."...What's more, stealing the corpse for a secret marriage. If the corpse is not stolen, it even kills six women to sell the corpse. In cities, such as Shanghai, it can be done every three to five. When encountering Christian preaching, it is not to encourage you to be good, but all kinds of intimidation, such as: if you don't believe in God, you will go to hell. There is also a scholar who threatened that only by believing in God can we save China... Religious superstition is not far away from us. Some people have ulterior motives under the guise of revitalizing traditional culture. What we have to adopt is: take the essence and remove the dross, carry forward the essence of traditional culture, rather than restore the dross of traditional culture. The same is true for Western culture. We should take the longest and neglect the shortcomings, instead of learning from other people's advanced technology and civilization, and picking up all the tatters. Have you forgotten that the rise of the West is based on the elimination of religious superstitions?

Irrational patriotism:

Although the white lotus religion and the red light shine are very ignorant, it is undeniable that their patriotism is pious, especially the red light shines on the generosity of the mother of Huanglian, how can it not be moved? Although she was shot by foreigners indiscriminately, she was not timid, and shouted: "You red-haired ghosts, come to our country and commit adultery and looting. God will never let you go." Her actions were brave. It’s just choosing the wrong patriotic way. This is not only reflected in religious superstitions, but also in radical behavior. The white lotus cult will fight when they see the Chinese wearing western clothes, and the red light will continue to kill innocent foreigners. A kind of extreme nationalism.

Huang Feihong is a model of rational patriotism in the film. From repelling Western culture to understanding the advanced Western culture, he actively studied Western culture. In the second part, he participated in the exchange meeting of Chinese and Western medicine. Not only did he see the advanced Western medicine, but also showed the foreigners the Chinese medicine. Exquisite, and in the third book, he even mentioned to his disciple Liang Kuan the importance of learning foreign language. At the same time, he is proficient in traditional martial arts and medical skills, which shows that he loves traditional culture and learns advanced western culture, which is completely incompatible. . Huang Feihong’s rationality is also reflected in his attitude towards foreigners. He will teach foreigners who bully Chinese people. For example, in the first part, in order to rescue the abducted women, Huang Feihong directly rushed into the American concession in China. Fighting and fighting, at the same time, he will also protect innocent foreigners. For example, in the fourth book, when the red light slays foreign priests and believers, Huang Feihong will not hesitate to rescue him.

Apart from martial arts scenes, how to treat Western culture and people rationally is the most inscribed part of this series of films. Tell the audience over and over again that you don’t need to reject all Western culture, especially advanced culture, because of patriotism, as mentioned in the film. The cameras, cameras, trains, steam engines, etc. were all technological civilizations that needed to be learned at the time. You don’t have to target all Westerners because of patriotism, like Huang Feihong’s testimony in the first part, and finally to save the thirteenth aunt. The priest who was shot is a completely respectable person, and there is no need to make a fuss about his identity and background.

Although China is not a superpower today, at least it is no longer a shame, but many citizens are still in a state of extreme anger, very irrational. The most typical one was to smash a Japanese car and cause great chaos. In the end, the victims were all Chinese. The milder symptom was that people who bought Japanese goods were verbally abused on the Internet, even if they only loved Japanese culture. It is extremely excessive to put a miscellaneous hat on it. China and Japan are currently not at war. Many Japanese goods were purchased before the Diaoyu Islands dispute intensified. Is it not normal for trade to exist when the relationship between the two countries is normal? What is to blame? You can calmly call on the Chinese to boycott Japanese products. In addition to being an enemy of China in history, Japan is also a developed country that has been ahead of China for a long time in modern times. It is understandable to learn Japanese culture, not to mention knowing oneself and the enemy in order to survive all wars. The more you feel that Japan is dangerous, the more it is necessary to understand its culture. You can really take a break and learn to be rational and patriotic.

Disunity: In the

face of powerful foreign enemies, the people of the country should be united. However, in the film, what we see is that various forces are fighting for fame and gain and fighting each other in infighting. For profit, the Shahe Gang (in the first part) and the pirates headed by Zhang Baozi (the fifth) took advantage of the national turmoil and weak government supervision to rob the people by fire. Among them, the Shahe Gang even colluded with foreigners to abduct Chinese women for personal gain. For the sake of fame, Wu Fu Yan Zhendong (the first part) provokes Huang Feihong indiscriminately, just for his own fame, while Zhao Tianba (third part), in order to win the gold medal of the Lion King, threw up his team and moved the crowd to the Guangdong Pavilion. To prevent Huang Feihong’s father from participating in the competition, he resorted to all kinds of abuse and brotherhood. Although Bailianjiao and Red Lantern were ignorant, they knew that they were standing on the same line as Manchu against foreigners, Duan Tianlei and King Dali ( The fourth part) but at this moment turned up the old accounts of the Han and Manchus, willing to be used by foreigners, but also to have infighting, really a pig teammate. Faced with this kind of disunity, Huang Feihong tried his best to turn the tide, but he also offended everyone because of this. He still insisted on his principles when he suffered from the enemy, and so was a true hero. He made all the martial arts schools dissatisfied with him in order to prevent the private fight in the martial arts hall and take actions to contain them. Zhao Tianba even wanted to kill Huang Feihong for this reason. Taken away; in order to eliminate the pirates, go deep into the bandits, and commit danger alone; in order to strengthen unity, he wrote a letter alone, requesting the suspension of the Lion King Tournament, so that the government was also dissatisfied with him. As a martial artist, Huang Feihong fully embodies his chivalrous state in the face of national crisis.

When we applaud Huang Feihong's charitable deeds in the film, we should think about what other people are doing. In China with hundreds of millions of people, only Huang Feihong and others are humans, and the rest are beasts who only seek self-interest? Someone once told me that only China can defeat China. The gap between China and the West in the late Qing Dynasty was not as huge as imagined. As long as we catch up, we can become a powerful country like Japan, and we spend too much energy on internal consumption. Just like in the fifth part, Huang Feihong worked hard to eradicate the pirates, but the two troops sent by the government fought for the takeover of the Yamen. What else can we do besides sighing and shaking our heads?

The same is true in China today. When you turn on the Internet, you can see all kinds of speeches that undermine unity. The most common of these are regional attacks, ranging from the battle between the South and the North, and from the battle between provincial capitals and small towns in the same province. Under the circumstances, I don't have Huang Feihong's ability to resolve and eliminate disputes. I can only control my own mouth. In addition to all kinds of extreme nationalism, the most boring is the Han people yelling at the Manchus at the Manchurian dog. What is the difference between Duan Tianlei and Dali Wang? During the Qing Dynasty, the Manchu and Han family may still be imaginary, but they are now in a solid relationship. , Why bother to turn over the old accounts, not reluctant and not forgiving? Learning history is to learn experience, not to find hatred for yourself.

Selfishness and indifference:

The other side of disunity is selfishness and indifference. Huang Feihong was involved in a dispute to prevent the Shahe Gang from collecting protection fees from the hotel owner. Finally, when Huang Feihong needed a witness, the hotel owner actually retreated, thinking it was none of his business! ? In the end, Father Yang testified for him! (Part 1) The white lotus religion keeps making troubles, and everyone hates them, but they don't help each other. They just save themselves. In order to be afraid of being involved, they cruelly drive away tired and hungry church students. In the end, the U.S. Embassy took in these children. (Part 2) The owner of the rice shop who was blackmailed by the pirates, after the pirates were cleared, did not thank everyone for their help, but immediately bid up the price of rice. It was shameless! (Part 5) When Huang Feihong erected a moral monument, he was surrounded by moral ruins, which was heinous.

Three years ago, in Huang Feihong’s hometown, Foshan, Guangdong, a 2-year-old girl was knocked down by a car. 18 people passed by without assistance. As a result, she was run over by another car until an aunt who was sweeping rubbish passed by. The little girl was saved, but it was too late! The entire Chinese society was shocked by this cruel news. Someone asked, where is the morality of the Chinese people? In fact, is this phenomenon only starting now? The custom of only sweeping the snow in front of the door has been in China for a long time! And the old lady who makes people "fearful" about Porcelain, is there only now? Like the hotel owners and rice shop owners in the film, they are using shamelessness and selfishness to "repay" the kindness of others, overdrawing the only remaining conscience in this society.

As I analyze, all the chaos in the late Qing Dynasty still exist in the world. The film not only describes the past, but also reflects the present. I think this is the real reason why this series of Huang Feihong films are called classics, and it is not difficult at the same time. Understand why the sixth film will be a complete failure. After the essence of the historical portrayal is removed, the sixth film is reduced to a pure martial arts film, and the quality is very poor.

In recent years, I have developed a lot of enthusiasm for politics and history. When I look back at this movie, my perception is completely different. The historical portrayal contained in the movie is so rich and clear, but I only regarded it as martial arts. Film, ashamed! This is a set of real martial arts movies. The great justice of chivalry is not a simple confrontation between righteousness and evil, but a principle of persistence based on social reality. Even today, it can still become a norm for aspiring people. Chivalrous heart will not be outdated in any age. , This is also the spiritual belief that China needs and lacks.

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Once Upon a Time in China quotes

  • Yim: No matter how good our kung-fu is, it will never defeat guns.

  • Wong Fei Hung: Why so many swords and daggers on the table?