The two blind in the light and the blind in the dark are not blind

Brett 2022-12-14 07:51:41

The reason why I have a soft spot for this movie is not because I didn't find the problems, but because this movie is so wonderful and every picture is beautiful. Of course, you will find many loopholes in this movie while watching it, especially why the little girl didn't go to the police. But because the most exciting part of the play, the rivalry in the dark, can be said to challenge the limits of the audience and challenge the movie itself. Can the movie be allowed to unfold in the darkness? The tension and excitement brought by this scene are unprecedented since I watched the movie for a period of time (I remember the other film that was unfolded in a completely invisible condition is Antonioni’s "A Woman’s Identity Proof", which is completely in Unfolding the plot in the dense fog, allowing the audience to think freely, the "blank" in such a movie has a special charm). So, I want to think of a way to extend the dark time in this film. I also want to add a paragraph, a duel between two blind men in the light.
First of all, a question about the dark scenes of this movie is why Hepburn left the last light. This is actually a good explanation, because she needs to maintain the illusion of normality in the house, so she needs to leave a light to lure. The enemy goes deep.
Susie at this moment has two advantages: first, her developer, I don't know its role, but it can be treated as a poison that can cause blindness. The second bargaining chip, she has an advantage in the dark because she is blind. One thing can be added here, even Susie can kill herself, and she can hide a knife on her body.
There was a mistake in the original plot design here, that is, Susie only wanted to escape. In fact, this is impossible, because if she didn't kill, she would be easily arrested if she escaped, which is meaningless. Therefore, Susie must kill the opponent.
In this film, the first person to fall into Hepburn’s dark trap is Mike. The original design in the film was that Mike let Susie be released. In fact, this is unnecessary. Susie can fight the two separately later instead of letting Xiaohei. Mirror killed Mike. The script can be designed so that Susie originally foresees that there are two enemies to deal with, so he has two hands to prepare.
When Susie can deal with Mike first, he uses the developer to make Mike blind. In this way, Susie can use Mike's painful groan and insert a knife into his groaning mouth.
Then he used the same technique when the little black mirror came in, but because the little black mirror was wearing glasses, he successfully avoided Susie's plan to blind him. At this time, Susie smashed the last light and became the dominant player again. But here is different from when Mike was killed for the first time, because Susie could not determine Mike's location at this time, so at this time, Susie could not kill with a knife. Here Susie could use a questioned plot, gasoline. In the original design of the film, a questionable part is why the little black mirror used gasoline to intimidate Susie. This could be changed to, in the dark, she could be pouring gasoline all over the place by herself, including pouring it on the little black mirror, and then using the match that most affects people's hearts, she would burn the little black mirror to death before escaping.
The plot here can evolve into that Susie lit a match several times to scare Little Black Mirror and walked to the door. At the same time, Little Black Mirror opened the door of the refrigerator with the light of the match, and then, with the help of the light, caught Susie in turn. .
Finally, after the final murder scene, in the dark, the bad guys are just fine.

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Wait Until Dark quotes

  • Lisa: They should make heroin look like something else. Candy bars maybe.

  • Susy Hendrix: [trembling] All right, all right you can have it... you can have the doll! I'll give it to you... if you'll... if you'll just go and... and...

    Roat: Yes, Susy?

    Susy Hendrix: Not hurt me.

    Roat: Say please.

    Susy Hendrix: Please.

    Roat: No, that's not quite it... say: "please may I give you the doll?"

    Susy Hendrix: Please may I give you the doll?

    Roat: You may.