There is one kind of film that makes people most troublesome in the world

Chance 2022-05-04 06:01:02


most troublesome movie in the world is that when you want to classify it into a certain type, you find that it does not have the characteristics of that type.
The Terror of the Blind Girl is a classic example. Saying it is a logical mystery film, it doesn’t even have the most basic thing about mystery film-puzzles; saying it’s a drama film, the plot has a lot of flaws, except for the unscientific "mentally retarded plot", which has some details on some details. The explanation is too rough to be satisfactory; to say it is a thriller, okay... before the last 25 minutes, did you feel the horror?
This kind of film also gives us critics a headache. You said that the eldest sister Hepburn is a lot of age, and the image of the goddess is ruined, but she also followed the punk gangsters to start the audience's emotions, how not easy it is to be great! It's not okay if you don't give high scores! But this plot is not only about the pit sister, but also the mother who pits the director and screenwriter. Isn't it a tragedy that a flower is inserted in the cow-dung-like script! Then the problem of scoring comes out. If you don’t give the legends that have ruined the legendary name, you will offend a large number of brain fans; if you give more, I'm sorry for the suspense film that is more excellent in plot and logic, and morally uncomfortable.
The film is not a bad one, and Hepburn's acting skills are also brilliant. However, by the standards of Audrey Hepburn's films, this film does not reach the height of God's work.
The atmosphere has two stars, and the acting skills will add another star. If the logic is a little bit stronger, another star will be added. Unfortunately, the layout is not satisfactory, so there can be no more.

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Wait Until Dark quotes

  • Lisa: They should make heroin look like something else. Candy bars maybe.

  • Susy Hendrix: [trembling] All right, all right you can have it... you can have the doll! I'll give it to you... if you'll... if you'll just go and... and...

    Roat: Yes, Susy?

    Susy Hendrix: Not hurt me.

    Roat: Say please.

    Susy Hendrix: Please.

    Roat: No, that's not quite it... say: "please may I give you the doll?"

    Susy Hendrix: Please may I give you the doll?

    Roat: You may.