A sequel with a change of topic and a sense of life

Bettie 2022-08-11 18:11:53

I watched the movie Planes: Fire & Rescue today, and I was deeply impressed.
First of all, I express my deep regret for the protagonist. A dream chaser who is persistent for his dreams was beaten all over by the ruthless fate, but he still persisted bravely.
In the first part, the protagonist Dusty (Dusty Crophopper) is an agricultural machine, fighting for the dream of the game, and finally succeeded, finally ascending the throne of champion. But his destiny still cannot be changed. Ripslinger was right about it: no matter how you modify it, you can't change the reality of farm machinery. It's not the material of the game, and it can't be done like a professional racer. Sure enough, there was a problem in the second part.
At the beginning of the movie, Dusty won many games, won the championship, and appeared in the newspaper (the newspaper has a cameo, the upper left corner of the newspaper is Lightning McQueen). While he was flying with his mentor Skipper Riley, Dusty's engine was overwhelmed and suddenly broke down. (It may be durable. It has worn out during the game. This flight was "the last straw to crush a camel.") Dusty fell from the air and Skipper took him to Dottie. Repair shop.
When Dottie checked, he found that the engine was permanently damaged. When the pointer reached the red line, he would call the police until it broke down, and he could no longer participate in the competition. When he knew that he could not participate in the competition he loved all his life, he felt that the sky had fallen. For the dream of the game, seeing that it has been realized, but can not enjoy the fruits of this dream, the mood has fallen to the bottom. In anger, he quarreled with Dotty.
At night, he stubbornly believed that he could still hold on to the game, so he took off for rapid flight training. As a result, the engine was still overwhelmed and he stopped in an emergency, but rushed into the pillar of the gas station, causing a fire and causing a catastrophe.
He yelled that it was on fire, and when he received the fire alarm, Mayday hurried to fight the fire, but the water pipe broke and the water did not work. They thought of collectively pulling down the nearby water tower, and together they tried their best to pull down the water tower, and the fire was calmed down.
In the morning, the gas station was devastated, like ruins. Investigator Ryker interrogated Mayday. Mayday failed to put out the fire in time, and returned to the room sad. Dusty felt that something was wrong, and when he arrived in his room, he learned that Mayday had an airplane partner in the firefighting process before. Later, for unknown reasons, he was the only one left. Fire fighting is a very dangerous job, but Dusty insisted on doing fire fighting work resolutely.
When he arrived at the firefighter training camp, he made many friends. One of them was the female firefighter Dipper, a big fan of Dusty. After hearing his name on the newspaper, he rushed forward to arrive in front of Dusty with excitement.
Not long after he came, there was a fire alarm, and he was tasked to put out the forest fire. He wanted to actively help, but he didn't help. After the Red Helicopter Blade Ranger knew about him, he decided to start training the firefighting novice.
After hard training over and over again, Dusty was finally able to do this task.
When extinguishing the fire, Dusty didn't take control of sliding on the water to add water, and suddenly floated into the river. Blade tried to save him but never succeeded. The river slumped down and drifted to the nearby forest. Unfortunately, they were surrounded by fire and could no longer fly out. Blade told Dusty to hide in a nearby room, blocking the fire with his body. In the end, the fire slowly retreated, and Blade was seriously injured. When Dusty flew up, he found that the Blade behind him could no longer fly. He notified the fire fighting camp and rescued Blade.
At a large party, a big fire happened by accident, and the fire quickly spread to the vicinity of the big house. Hundreds of cars were trapped, and the train was unable to travel because the track was blocked by fallen trees. The fire extinguishing team arrived quickly and carried out rescue operations.
But on the bridge, the fire had spread to the bridge, and two couples were trapped on the bridge. Dusty resolutely flew alone to put out the fire, and Blade took care of them. Dusty pulled up sharply and extinguished the fire that stood in the way, and the two couples were saved. But the twisting pointer had already passed the red line, the engine broke down all of a sudden, and he fell helplessly. The whole body is in tatters.
Finally, he was taken back to the repair shop and was repaired by the forklift Maru of the fire camp. The fire had been extinguished and a celebration ceremony was held and Dusty put on a new fire-fighting outfit.
(Sorry for spoilers) If you

score a full score of 100, I will give Planes a score of 94 and Planes 2 with a score of 76. The story of the protagonist engine breaking down really disappointed me.
This movie is a movie with the theme of fighting fire at the beginning of the game. But the bad thing is that the beginning of the tragedy that the engine is broken and can't be in the game is a bit unbearable, and the process of blasting the cylinder is cruel. I really want to jump over, extremely bad reviews. I think the topic needs to be changed. Let’s move the game to fire fighting. It can’t be converted by the cruel incident of cylinder explosion. It can be converted in a voluntary way. In the movie, he had to give up the game because he had no choice but to end his love. It's a bit invisible to people, and the beginning is always with a sad atmosphere as the main theme. A person who is obsessed with his dreams, seeing the dream come true, but he is forced to give up his dream by an accident. This is really bad to the extreme, the worst thing. When he knew that he couldn't compete or continue his dream, the sky really fell! This makes people feel very bad. Topic switching Planes 2 still failed, but compared to Cars 2, even changing the protagonist is much better. However, it is still difficult to change the topic. If the engine is broken to explain why he chose to extinguish the fire, he can say that he will die like Cars 2. Anyone who has seen Cars 2 knows that when American agent Rod was kidnapped by bad guys, the doctor wanted to kill him, but he didn’t directly show how he died. Instead, he ignored the plot of death and was bombed on fire with a sign. Prove that he is dead, so as to achieve the purpose of skipping the cruel plot. However, Planes 2 portrays this plot very carefully, and spends a little time to see how he broke, which is counterproductive.
The box office of Planes 2 is not good, even worse than the first one. Maybe anyone who loves the protagonist Dusty can't accept the fact that the protagonist is maimed (including me). Choosing to extinguish the fire to enter the subject is a very helpless decision. Dusty cannot change his destiny, and suffering inhumane pain is very worrying and uncomfortable.
To be honest, I like the first one more, and the second one is too distressing and painful. A tragic blow at the beginning will make the audience feel unbearable, especially the fans are deeply distressed.
Speaking of the plot, the setting is relatively general, not very thrilling. If you haven't finished watching a movie, you really want to know the result, and really look forward to watching it, this is a very good movie. But this movie is a bit inferior, but it's nothing. Different from the fake plot design of the first part, the agricultural machine simply cannot participate in the competition.
Speaking of the soundtrack, the opening soundtrack is a slight adaptation of the first main melody, which is not very good, and it repeats the first melody. Personally, the good soundtrack is the Training Dusty of intermediate training. The song Still I Fly is an inspirational growth song and the theme song of the movie. It is stable and has the power to inspire hard work and tenaciousness. The song All in is a rhythmic song, played at the end of the credits.
But good things cannot be ignored. This movie promotes the brave spirit, learns to grow strong, and should bravely survive the difficulties, not afraid of difficulties and obstacles, and overlook everything. This is commendable. Although the protagonist Dusty can't change the fact that he is a farm machine, his natural engine is not as good as others, but he has used his actions to speak, and a man of ordinary and humble background can still do extraordinary deeds. Just like the disabled or disabled people in our world, those people are not as good as ours by nature, but they can do better things and create greater performance than us.
There is a saying: inequality between people is just the difference in how much God takes away from you. The more defects, the more you take away, indicating that God loves you more.
It seems that God closed a door for you, but opened a window for you.
In the movie, Dusty is physically flawed, but he finds the door to the highest realm of life and gets the sublimation of life.
The musicians Paganini and Beethoven are both very influential and great figures, but is destiny fair to them? But they created a miracle of music.
So society is indeed unequal. Like Dusty, he has a low status, an engine that is inferior to others, he does not fly fast, and his equipment is inferior to others. Just like our world, some people are flawed, they are humble, they are born poor, or they have poor physique. But as long as they work hard, everything is possible.
But do seemingly bad defects only cause pain? Obviously not. To sum up: Dusty is flawed, but he is beautiful in flaws.
People are more beautiful because of their defects.
Let's just talk about others. We may be full of a guardian attitude towards strangers, but in some places this is very inappropriate. Blade taught you something. He didn't know Dusty at first, and Dusty did a bad job when he was working, but he didn't care about it, but took the initiative to train him as a coach. When Dusty fell into the river and was surrounded by fire, Blade blocked the fire with his body. It's really hard for a stranger who doesn't know each other to give himself up like this, with a heart as beautiful as gold. If it were you, could you do it?
In an accident, Blade lost his best friend. Others said he had nothing to survive, but he didn't give up on himself because of it.
It is these positive energies that guide life in the right direction.
So this movie is still very educational. Although it is not as good as "How Steel is Made", it is also a very valuable textbook. This movie is very suitable for teenagers to watch and find their way in life. The same is also suitable for people of all ages. Some people just say it is suitable for children, so do adults really understand it? Have you noticed this?
It is often said that there is a house of gold in the book. Then, this movie also has gold, waiting for you to dig. Therefore, it is still worth watching.

To sum up, the plot of the story may not be scientific, but it is very emotional. There are blemishes, but overall it is good. The Planes series is still very good, I hope there will be a sequel.

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Extended Reading

Planes: Fire & Rescue quotes

  • Lil' Dipper: [after Dusty is introduced to the team] Dusty Crophopper? The air racer? I'm Dipper, your biggest fan!


    Lil' Dipper: You're smaller than I thought.

    Dusty Crophopper: Umm...

    Lil' Dipper: But that's okay!

    Dusty Crophopper: So it's... Dipper? Miss?

    Lil' Dipper: Yep. Miss.

    Dusty Crophopper: Dipper.

    Lil' Dipper: Dipper. Yeah. RAWR!

  • Blade Ranger: Life doesn't always go the way you expect it, but you came here to become a firefighter. If you give up today, think of all the lives you won't save tomorrow. So what are you going to do?