Charles Kernaghan:
Originally Wal Mart and Kathy Lee Gifford had said, "Why should we believe you that children work in this factory?" What we didn't tell them was that Wendy Dias, in the centre of the picture, was on a plane to the United States. This is Wendy Dias. She comes to the United States. She's unstoppable.
News announcer:
Congress heard testimony today from children who testified they were exploited by sweatshops overseas.
Charles Kernaghan:
Kathy Lee Gifford apologised to Wendy. It was the most amazing thing I'd seen. This powerful celebrity leans over and says, "Wendy, please believe me, I didn't know these conditions existed. And now that I do, I'm going to work with you. I'm going to work with these other people and it'll never happen again." And that night we signed an agreement with Kathy Lee Gifford.
Kathie Lee Gifford:
I thought it would be a relatively easy process, and it isn't. As for every question I have there seem to be five questions that come back at me.
Charles Kernaghan:
As far as Wal Mart goes and Kathy Lee, pretty much everything returned to sweatshop conditions but because this was fought out on television for weeks, this incident with Kathy Lee Gifford actually took the sweatshop issue to every single part of the country. And so, frankly, after that, there's hardly a single person in this country who doesn't know about child labour or sweatshops or starvation wages.
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Several years after the Wal Mart controversy, Kathy Lee handbags were still being made in China by workers paid three cents per hour.
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Under pressure from the National Labor Committee, Gap Inc. allowed independent monitoring of its El Salvador factories, becoming the first transnational corporation to do so anywhere.