To grow is to say goodbye to procrastination...

Deron 2022-09-06 12:46:52

Youth is like those three gorgeous pursuits, with the brightness of Italian opera, but also the discouragement of a flat tire, the stop of a police car, the collapse of an idol... And growth, like Little 500, hesitates, falls, and doubts. , Rising up to catch up, no longer avoiding, surpassing...

"Challenge yourself" belongs to the brave, because you have to face yourself after all you have to do-whether the real me is good enough...

Dave has a skeptical dad Fortunately, there is a mother who waits for him patiently and supports him gently. His father's voice symbolizes youth anxiety, mania, and self-doubt, and his mother is the birthplace of inner hope and growth power.

It takes time to grow, so it is "long". At first, I didn't understand why it would be an Oscar. I didn't understand how to break away from what? After two times, I added a little bit of reflection and fermentation.

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Breaking Away quotes

  • Mike: You want to tell me who did it?

    Cyril: It was dark... All I can tell your for sure is that they all wore Brut after-shave and reeked of Lavoris.

  • Dave: Moocher, you're Catholic, right?

    Moocher: Yeah.

    Dave: Did you ever go to confession?

    Moocher: Twice.

    Dave: Did it make you feel better?

    Moocher: Once.