A movie that was watched wrong

Adela 2022-01-14 08:01:35

This is a political movie, which tells the legendary story of a politician.
The reason I watched this movie's low rating is because many people didn't understand the last big leak. Except from a political point of view, it seems superficial and not convincing to explain the film from emotional, psychological or any other aspects. Politicians are legendary because of their conspiracy and foresight, just like Mao Zedong’s prediction of where the U.S. troops will land in North Korea.
The king (please allow me to call him that way) was wise at the beginning to be in a disadvantaged position, planning to be deceived in order to change his position and use a powerful excuse for his identity as a people’s fighter. The purpose of his godson. It can be said that he carefully planned a political conspiracy before the film started. The film is the whole process of his implementation of this conspiracy. A series of homely plots such as his being deceived, sleeping dancer, jealous and dissatisfied with his wife, etc. are all elaborate. Scams are planned for the ultimate political purpose. The king's real team is his wife and the fat man. The others are pawns on his chessboard. He was deceived, corrupted, and lustful, all in his original blueprint. The part about the death of the judge was particularly wonderful. The process was not revealed, giving people a kind of mystery and conjecture. As a result, the king let the judge's godson willingly replace the responsibility without doubting the king. The final burst of enlightenment can't help people admire the king, and the director's goal is just this. Politics is great because of its secrecy, and once it is seen through, it will lose its power. Unfortunately, excessive secrecy made this movie's tragic end.
The big disadvantage of the movie is that the king will eventually be executed. If the bad guys get aspired by the House of Cards, the movie ratings will definitely jump up a lot.
I don’t know if it is to restore history or what, Pan’s performance is not good, especially in the part of the speech, there is no show of the charm of the king and his conspiracy city, and there is no aura to subdue everyone (please refer to "Hitler: Rise of the Devil").

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All the King's Men quotes

  • Willie Stark: Time brings all things to light, I trust it so.

  • Jack Burden: The friend of your youth is the only friend you'll ever have. For he doesn't really see you. He sees in his mind a face which doesn't exist anymore, speaks a name... Spike, Bud, Red, Rusty... Jack... that belongs to that now nonexistent face. He's still the young idealist you used to be, still sees good and bad in black and white and men as sinners or saints but never both and feels superior in the knowledge that you no longer can distinguish the two. That's what drives you to it. To try to stick the knife in. There is a kind of snobbery in failure like the twist to the mouth of a drunk.